by Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée

A full Moon lunar eclipse begins this Sunday, May 15th, 2022, at 9:32 pm and ends Monday, May 16 at 2:50 am. The maximum eclipse will be at 12:11 am. Rahu and Ketu are the lunar nodes, which are the points where the moon’s path in the sky crosses the sun’s path, or ecliptic. The lunar eclipse occurs with the opposition of the Sun and Moon close to the Nodes. In this case, the Sun is in Taurus close to the North Node and the Moon in Scorpio is close to the South Node.

In Vedic astrology eclipses are regarded as powerful (often tumultuous or even earth-shattering) portents of both personal and world events. The illuminating light of the Moon is obscured, potentially casting shadows across our awareness.

As the Moon relates to our mind and emotion, at this time, don’t let any unsettled emotions disturb your peace.  Ketu, the Moon’s South node, relating to past karma, forces us to take stock of any emotional issues that took place during the last six months. Rahu, the Moon’s North node, relating to the present, can create undue attachments and obsessions. So, this period can be used as a time of reflection to resolve and reset our emotions and move towards the future with a more spiritual understanding of where we have been and where we would like to go.

During this eclipse, it is best to remain peaceful and objective, and not let any emotions overshadow our good judgment. We would be well-served by taking some quiet time to tune in and pay heed to the “small still voice within”—to follow the wisdom of our heart. Make sure, due to the obstruction of the light of the two powerful luminaries – the Sun and Moon – that we use our discernment wisely; otherwise, we can affect the happiness of those close to us.

The truth, according to Vedic Astrology, is that eclipses are not a good time to begin or end things. This is because auspicious beginnings are blessed with light, ideally the light of a healthy, full Moon and the daytime Sun. We can’t stress it enough, with Rahu and Ketu gobbling up this light, we need to use our discernment wisely.

Click the image to buy this Mantra

Consequently, it was always considered that during an eclipse, it is a great time to stay in, meditate, and be reflective. It is especially effective for introspection and connecting with the Spirit within you.

And, as eclipses temporarily block the light of the luminaries, it is an ideal time to connect with our inner light through self-reflection, contemplation, mantra and meditation. With the Moon in Scorpio, we recommend reciting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, the mantra of Shiva, during this eclipse. This mantra helps release our consciousness from limiting patterns of negative thought and behavior; it opens us to deeper insight, gives us a greater freedom of self-expression and instills within us the strength needed to meet a specific challenge, attain a desired goal or overcome blockages interfering with our well-being.

To know more about the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or to purchase it, click here.

By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée


Is your past limiting your future?
Are you trapped in repeated, destructive patterns of behavior?
Vedic Palmistry can set you free—check out Elizabeth’s story.

Ever since she was in high school, Elizabeth didn’t feel good about herself unless she was in a romantic relationship. Raised in a stable, well-to-do family, she left home as a teenager to live with her boyfriend. The relationship was unhealthy and turbulent, but she stayed because she lacked confidence to live on her own.

After several years, she fled that relationship and jumped into marriage with a co-worker, hoping it would bring her the fulfillment she craved. But that relationship was also turbulent, and after the birth of her children, it soured as well. Her next relationship was a romance with another co-worker, but again . . . it ended painfully and abruptly.

Elizabeth was stuck in a destructive pattern she didn’t know how to break. Despite the fact that she had raised four children by herself and, by that time, had started up and was running her own successful business, her self-esteem plummeted when she was without a man in her life. She had been brought up to believe that her purpose and identity hinged on the romantic relationship in her life, not on her own attributes or accomplishments.

Elizabeth tried to avoid her pain by throwing herself into her work and the demands of being a single mom, but she was haunted by unhappiness and the memories of her failed relationships.

When she came to see me, she was desperate for change, believing palmistry could magically predict that her life would be filled with love, happiness and personal fulfillment.

“Elizabeth, Vedic palmistry isn’t magic—it’s an ancient science that has been helping people learn about themselves and improve their lives for more than 5,000 years,” I told her. “But, if you give it a little time, the results will feel like magic—your life will be transformed.”

Her first set of handprints revealed a highly confusing pattern of crisscrossing lines traversing her entire palm, like wild weeds choking a garden. This told me she was mentally exhausted, worrying about the demands of daily living and her desire to find a partner. The over-abundance of lines reflected Elizabeth’s chronically agitated state of mind.

I explained to her that the hectic network of lines was short-circuiting her ability to perceive herself and the world clearly. I told her that happiness in a relationship would continue to elude her until she regained her self-control and became centered within herself.

“You can’t change the past,” I continued, “but you can change your present and your future and attract positive people into your life by changing your expectations of relationships.”

“But how do I do that?” she asked.

“By changing one line at a time,” I said. “We need to clean up your hand and get rid of some of these excess lines. You need to balance the three major lines of heart, head and life with the minor lines of destiny, Sun and Mercury in order to establish a better equilibrium in your life.”

I explained that the lines of our hands change when we change our attitude and outlook on life, which is why palmistry is such an excellent tool for self-development. It allows us to focus on the areas of our life most in need of work, and as we strive to improve those aspects of our lives, it lets us monitor our progress by tracking the changing lines of our palm.

“It won’t happen overnight,” I told her. “Your habits, self-doubts and negative mindset have developed over many years, and it will take time to undo them. But as the great Himalayan yogi Lahiri Mahasaya said, `Banat, Banat, Ban Jai’—meaning doing, doing, one day done.”

In Elizabeth’s case, what she needed to “do” first was calm her mind and connect with her inner serenity. We began with a series of breathing exercises and a daily meditation routine.

We met once a month to discuss the positive changes in her life and take fresh handprints to check the changes in her lines. She was encouraged when she saw her major lines become more apparent.

As she felt better about herself, she was no longer driven by the need to jump from one relationship to another, looking for love. She felt a great release from the past patterns of behaviour that had held her captive for so long.

In her “after” handprints, we can see the busy network of interference lines subsiding, reflecting her more peaceful, confident, and focused approach to life.

Elizabeth experienced a major life transformation with the help of Vedic palmistry, and she did it by changing one line at a time.

By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée

A well-formed and well-spaced head and heart line will produce a lovely quadrangle in the middle of our hand, which is universally considered to be one of the most mystically charged and auspicious formations in palmistry. That’s why the space between the head and heart line is poetically referred to as “The Landing Strip of The Angels”.

A healthy, balanced quadrangle, that is a quadrangle formed by a long, deep heart line (representing our emotions) and a long, deep head line (representing our mind), is a strong indication that we have heart-mind coherence. A balanced heart and head line tells us that a powerful and positive connection exists between our heart and mind . . . our passion, intuition and reason are operating in sync; we are emitting and open to receiving love and loving energy. The magnetism of a healthy, balanced quadrangle will attract divine blessings into our lives, which often show up in the form of visionary dreams, dear friends, inspired teachers and soul mates. It truly is “The Landing Strip of the Angels”!

When the head line is longer than the heart line, our rational mind is overpowering our heart, which shuts down our heart center and creates disharmony in our life. To remedy the problem, we have to grow our heart line by being more loving and compassionate.

When the head line is shorter in relation to the heart line, our emotions overpower our rational mind, which can cause our emotions to run amok. We need to improve our head line by becoming more objective and trying to see the bigger picture.

Long heart line and short head line

Short heart line and long head line








Change your Lines, Transform your Life

The lines of the hand change over time in direct response to our awareness and effort. The short heart line or short head line can grow depending on whichever is creating the imbalance in the quadrangle. Yoga exercises, including breathing techniques and meditation, help accelerate the transformation process.

Palmistry is a science of transformation through which we can mend broken lines and make them stronger and more vibrant. All it takes is learning the basics and making a few minor adjustments in our attitude, outlook and lifestyle.

Years of experience have shown us that it takes a minimum of 90 days of consistent effort to improve the lines in the hand and make permanent, positive changes in our thought patterns. This is why our four online Challenges are twelve weeks or 90 days long: The Heart Line Challenge, The Head Line Challenge, The Life Line Challenge and The Mounts Challenge. Each Challenge focuses on a specific area of our life: the way we love, the way we think, the way we live and the way we relate to the world.

Don’t worry if you’ve never studied Vedic palmistry before, the Challenges are fun to read and easy to understand. And I will also be there for you in the video segments, supporting you along every step of this life-changing journey!


2022: What to Expect in The Year Ahead

By Ghanshyam Singh Birla, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer


To help you better navigate the year ahead, Ghanshyam has drawn up a chart for the New Year forecasting the trends we can expect in 2022.

For the past couple of years, our attention has been intensely focused on the 4th house representing “home” in all its manifestations—the comfort and security of our home, the happiness and warmth of family, changes to our dwelling place, including renovations, restructuring, buying and selling and the nurturing figure of our mother. On a global scale, the 4th house reflects the stability of our homeland, Mother Earth, the world and our familial connection with all of humanity. The year 2022 will shift our focus to the 5th house of love and creativity.

Like last year’s chart, the ascendant Virgo is at a powerful 15 degrees. However, while last year Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, was sitting in the 4th house debilitated in Sagittarius, this year, Mercury is sitting comfortably in the sign of its friend, Capricorn, in the 5th house. This awakens our creativity to express in any form that inspires us—creating children, books or art out of love and giving a sense of pleasure.

Additionally, the ruler of the sign Capricorn, Saturn, is sitting with Mercury in the 5th house. When the planetary ruler of a house is sitting in its own sign, in this case Saturn in Capricorn, it assures, or almost guarantees, our productivity and provides us with a depth of well-intentioned longing to rise and shine with joy, poise and prosperity of spirit. That positive planetary energy makes 2022 a great year for planning, creating, restructuring and, above all, for seeking higher wisdom. In fact, because of the influence of Saturn in its own sign, 2022 is a perfect time to develop spiritually through prayer, meditation and quiet self-reflection, all of which will promote a sense of wellness and feeling of peace, affection and love.

But will we have the strength and courage needed to turn a new page in 2022 and begin anew? The answer is a resounding yes! In the New Year’s chart, Mars, the warrior planet, is sitting in its own sign of Scorpio which, thanks to Mars’ placement in the 3rd house, will enable us to cultivate bravery, self-assurance and resolve. Additionally, Ketu is conjunct Mars in the 3rd house which, on one the hand, can help usher in long-awaited social reform. On the other hand, it requires the use of discernment and wisdom to determine the best course of action for us to take, both as individuals and as a society. Of course, not everyone agrees on what the best course of action is when it comes to such things as personal freedoms or climate change, so we must be careful to avoid misunderstandings as a result of miscommunication that could bring complications into our life.

Thankfully, Jupiter in Aquarius is sitting in the 6th house, which means God’s continuing grace will help us realize excellence in our physical, mental and emotional being. Jupiter in the 6th protects us from wandering into the wrong environment or associating with people who use negative, disruptive or violent means to get their way, be it invading the Ukraine or throwing a PTA meeting into chaos.

Nevertheless, we must be vigilant in maintaining inner poise at home because the Sun is in the 4th house, which as we know is the house of home. And while the Sun is happy to be in the 10th, house, where it can shine its light on the public events, it can be too hot and intense for the 4th house, relating to our home, roots, homeland or any place we consider a private sanctuary. So, it is extremely important to maintain our inner poise and persist to remain centered in the face of everyday changing circumstances, including our relation to Mother Earth and climatic uncertainty.

Another aspect of the 2022 chart we should be aware of is that it contains a challenging Kal Sarpa yoga, which means all the planets are on one side of the chart. This creates a polarity that can leave us feeling either imbalanced or very focused—the choice is ours. Many famous individuals who have changed the course of history had Kal Sarpa yogas in their birth charts. Consequently, it’s important for us not be thrown off balance. Indeed, the chart of 2022 suggests this is an ideal chance for us to make great strides in our evolutionary journey—to positively transform our lives no matter how much confusion, panic or upheaval is swirling around us.

How to Make the Most of 2022

But how do we remain calm and centered, especially when the world seems to be turning upside down? Well, a sure-fired method is starting each day with a morning meditation. This works even better when combined with a 15-minute recitation of the Lord Ganesh mantra (Om Ganesha Rinam Chhindhi Varenyam Hum Namaha Phat. Ganesh is, of course, the Vedic deity who removes obstacles blocking our path to success and happiness.

While meditating, remember to focus on the third eye, the point between the eyebrows known as the Christ consciousness center. The third eye connects us to our superconscious; it is here that our prayers are answered—where solutions to our problems appear to us. And it is where we cultivate peace and joy. Indeed, one of my favorite Bible passages—one that gives me a deep sense of assurance—is Revelations 3:20, in which Christ promises his followers they can reach him anytime by focusing on their third eye. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Have a safe and blessed 2022!

By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée

Myth: A short life line means a short life.

Fact: Not necessarily…


People often associate the life line with how long they are going to live. The truth is, the life line has more to do with the quality of our life than with the number of years we live. It reflects our motivation to lead a long, healthy and happy life.

The length of the life line is something everybody wants to know about because everybody thinks it will tell them how long they will live. What I can tell by looking at a life line is how a person is living their life—and that can determine how long they’ll live.

The ideal life line encircles the Mount of Venus. A long life line suggests we will live a long life because we love being alive and want to live as long as possible to accomplish all the goals we have set for ourselves. A long, deep and unbroken life line also tells us that we are doing everything we can to be healthy in both body and mind because being physically and mentally fit gives us the longevity we need to enjoy life to the maximum while fulfilling our dreams.

Please keep in mind that a long life line doesn’t mean our life is always going to be a bed of roses. Like everyone, we will likely face our share of challenges, hardships and tragedies. But because we find meaning and purpose in life, we have strong convictions and a belief system that will get us through tough times.

On the other hand, a short life line often suggests we need to try a little bit harder to envision all the wonderful things we can accomplish by living a long life. It could be we are not taking advantage of the opportunities life has to offer us.

The best thing about the life line is that, with a small change in attitude, we can grow it longer! Neuroscience is just starting to catch up with what the Yogis of ancient India knew to be true eons ago, that the brain is capable of growth and change at any age! We have thousands of handprints that verify when you change your thoughts and behavior, your life changes . . . and so does your life line. So don’t worry if you have a short life line – you can always make it longer and stronger, which is exactly what our client Sabrina did!


Sabrina: Building a New Life

Take a look at the differences in Sabrina’s life line in her “before” and “after” handprints. The “before” print was taken right after the breakup of her marriage. She was an emotional wreck and thought she would never be happy again. Her hopelessness and despair are reflected in her short, shallow and broken life line.

Ghanshyam encouraged Sabrina to begin a regular meditation practice to strengthen her focus and concentration in order to develop her destiny line. Why? Because a strong destiny line would provide her with both a long-range vision and a positive outlet to channel the passion of her emotions.

In her “after” handprint taken a couple of years after her initial consultation, we can see that Sabrina’s life line has not only grown, but is much stronger, deeper and more defined. This reveals a renewed passion for life. She has made a conscious decision not to let her sadness defeat her. She embraced her independence and began a new career. She was happy and content within herself and looking forward to one day falling in love again.

The moral of Sabrina’s story is this: When we channel our life force positively and appreciate the privilege of being alive, our life line will grow and our life will improve.



Guylaine Vallée is a teacher and consultant at the Birla Vedic International. In her 36 years as a professional Vedic palmist, she has helped thousands of clients improve their lives and has inspired tens of thousands lecturing across North America and through her many radio and television appearances.


It is not too late to join Guylaine in her weekly webinar:
The 90-Day Mounts Challenge:
Unleashing the Power of the Planets in Your Hands

Click here for more info.

A Restless Body Equals a Restless Mind

By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée

It’s difficult not to notice a fidgeter—those of us who just can’t seem to sit still, who seem compelled to be constantly rapping their fingers on a desktop, tapping their toes under the dinner table, swinging their arms for no apparent reason, shaking their legs, twiddling their thumbs, cracking their knuckles, or a dozen other disruptive habits that are part of the fidgeter’s repertoire.

While fidgeting can be a minor (or major) annoyance to anyone who doesn’t fidget, it is, for those who do fidget, a sign of an imbalance in the body’s three energy systems of body, mind and heart. Fidgeting indicates a chronic mental restlessness, preoccupation, emotional edginess, anxiety, worry, agitation or fear. In short, when we fidget, we are physically expressing our disquietude of mind—we are not at peace and, therefore, we are separated from our inner peace.

According to Ayurveda, the Eastern system of holistic medicine, fidgeting is often created through an excess of energy from the planet Mercury, and Mercury’s related element, ether. The condition itself is referred to as “Vata derangement”, which can drain our life force and give rise to a slew of physical and psychological ailments.

A healthy presence of Mercury in our chart and in our hand endows us with the ability to understand the meaning of all we hear; it allows us to intuit what our heart (and the hearts of others) are whispering to us, and, if we are truly attuned, to be able to listen in on the mystical messages of the Universe floating in the ether.

However, an excess of Mercury energy overloads our system, it is like watching 500 television channels at the same time with the volume cranked to maximum.  Eventually all that noise fills our mind with such relentless static that we can no longer hear our thoughts or listen to our heart—and that is enough to make anyone fidgety.



We can cure fidgeting by developing stillness in both body and mind. Meditation, mantra and mudras; regular and restful nightly sleep; calming exercises such as yoga and Tai Chi; and a healthy, natural diet will go a long way in helping us curb excessive Mercury energy and overcome restless fidgeting.

So, the next time you feel the urge to twiddle your thumbs or tap your toes at the dinner table, try doing the Mercury mantra and mudra instead. How to do it? Join the tip of your thumb with the tip of your little finger and silently recite: Aum Budhaya Namaha. You will see that you instantly calm down.



Guylaine Vallée is a teacher and consultant at the Birla Vedic International. In her 35 years as a professional Vedic palmist, she has helped thousands of clients improve their lives and has inspired tens of thousands lecturing across North America and through her many radio and television appearances.


What’s New: Come as a Guest to Our First Webinar Session

This Fall, Guylaine will be hosting a weekly webinar:
The 90-Day Mounts Challenge: Unleashing the Power of the Planets in Your Hands.

Click here to be our guest for the first webinar session on September 22nd


By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée


When I first arrived at the Birla Center 30 years ago my mind and my hand were a mess; my thoughts and emotions were all over the place. My chitta (mind stuff/feelings) was constantly ringing in my head like a broken fire alarm, and my vrittis (volatile mental waves and emotional whirlpools that disrupt our equilibrium and erode our peace of mind) were whirling around like crazy—I was mentally unfocused, unable to concentrate and subject to frequent mood swings.

Luckily, Ghanshyam is a proficient and profoundly astute Vedic palmist—he analyzed my palm and identified my problems with the skill of a topnotch x-ray technician. “Your mind is fluctuating and you need to calm it—you might want to read Patanjali . . . the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras will help you to concentrate . . . to calm your thoughts and channel your energies.”

Once again, I took Ghanshyam’s advice, and once again that advice was spot-on. Granted, I found the language of the Yoga Sutras to be a bit challenging (modern translations help with this), but I found such deep meaning and multiple layers of life-changing information in those pages that I couldn’t stop reading. And the impact of that information really was life changing. I began concentrating on my thoughts, started monitoring my mind for fluctuations, examining my cognition and perception to test the factuality and validity of everything I had previously assumed true. I applied the same analytic method to my memories. This helped me get rid of a lot of old, false knowledge and ego attachments that had been holding me back. The words and actions of others that once caused me so much pain and agitation suddenly came into true perspective, and when they did, they lost their sting and they no longer bothered me.

As my powers of concentration improved, I was better able to focus my thoughts on understanding myself—and I was able to fully direct my mind to achieve two of my immediate goals—the successful study of Palmistry and learning English. (Some of my Grade School teachers use to smack my wrist with a ruler when I didn’t pronounce an English word correctly. This planted a negative memory (samskara) in my mind and created a mental and emotional block for me when it came to learning or speaking English. Anytime I tried to say something in English my ego revolted and my vrittis went haywire!)

However, with greater concentration, my thoughts became more neutral, and once my actions were no longer dictated by my vrittis, I was able to get my ego under control. I became less reactive and more proactive, which allowed me to get a handle on my imagination. Instead of letting my imagination lead me into worst-case-scenario thinking and panic attacks, I learned to steer it in positive and creative directions. I managed to override the negative memories of my wrist-smacking teachers and master English by carrying a pocket dictionary with me and concentrating on learning one new English word each day. And by concentrating completely on my studies, the secrets of palmistry opened up to me!

Finally, to reinforce and bolster the gains I was making, I made sure I got a deep and restful sleep most nights instead of lying awake staring at the ceiling until dawn worrying the sky was about to fall. What a difference it made! Once my mind and my moods settled down, I enjoyed a much, much greater state of mental and emotional calmness, and Ghanshyam remarked on how pleased he was with my new calm and happy state of mind. “You are making real progress!” he smiled. He was especially happy that, after only a year at the Birla Center, I was proficient enough in both English and the practice of palmistry to do consultations in English-speaking Toronto with great success. My ability to concentrate quickly paid off in huge, positive dividends!

All of this, as to be expected, was reflected in my palm. In my “before handprints”, taken during my very first consultation with Ghanshyam, you can see that my head line is shorter, ditto for my heart line. This was expressed in my mental and emotional turmoil. But in my “after handprints”, taken months later, my head line has grown considerably longer. And not only did my head line grow in length thanks to my calmer and more focused mind, my heart line developed three prongs—a sign that I was accessing Chit, that tranquil state of consciousness in which we meet our true self and are inspired by the power of Sat! I began to feel the sweetness of my soul in all my thoughts and deeds.



Guylaine Vallée is a teacher and consultant at Birla Vedic Center. In her 35 years as a professional Vedic palmist, she has helped thousands of clients improve their lives and has inspired tens of thousands lecturing across North America and through her many radio and television appearances.

Guylaine is the author of The Happy Palmist: My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry, co-authored with Steve Erwin, award-winning journalist and author of The New York Times best-selling memoir Left to Tell.


WHAT’S NEW: This Fall, Guylaine will be hosting a weekly webinar:
The 90-Day Mounts Challenge: Unleashing the Power of the Planets in Your Hand.

Click here for more info.


Saturday, July 24th, is a very special and auspicious day in Vedic culture known as Guru Purnima, which always falls on the day of the full moon (Purnima) in the Hindu month of Ashadha (June–July). This summer that occurs with the full moon in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer.

Traditionally, this day is reserved for prayers, rituals and pujas to honor our teachers and gurus. The word puja comes from Sanskrit and means reverence and homage where a fire may be lit in their honor. Guru, or dispeller of darkness, refers to a spiritual guide who enlightens us through his/her knowledge and teachings. This day is auspicious as it also commemorates Veda Vyasa, the author of the Hindu epic Mahabharata.

It is a day to acknowledge and honor whatever belief, philosophy or teaching we love and, if not doing an actual fire ceremony, we can take some time to meditate and say a few prayers in gratitude, reaffirming our commitment. We can examine how our beliefs are impacting our life and how to make the most of them. If we have not embraced any discipline, Guru Purnima is a good day to consider one and begin.

This is a very auspicious time to embark upon cultivating healing powers, intuition, deep introspection and a sense of dedication to what we hold near and dear to us. This full moon provides the opportunity to connect with your teachers, gurus and “guardian angels” to seek their blessings. In turn, we can show gratitude by offering our love, devotion and commitment.

The practice of meditating on the full moon helps bring fulfillment in all aspects of our life. This is a time of high energy. It is a good time to reflect, as often we might be out of touch with our emotions. This is a very potent time to practice the fine art of devotion. So, find a passion or a noble cause to dedicate your heart to.

Happy Guru Purnima!

By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée

Excerpt from The Happy Palmist: My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry


Ghanshyam looked down at my prints and began pointing to various lines with his pen.

“Look here. Your destiny line is fragmented, your Sun line is barely existent, your thumb lacks distance from your Jupiter finger, and your Mount of Jupiter is depleted and your Venus lacks balance.”

I was lost in the details, not understanding a word of the technical aspects of palmistry. I did not know at the time that we all have a dominant hand (the one we write with) that reveals our conscious mind; it denotes where we currently are in our life and what we want to achieve, and a non-dominant hand that reflects our subconscious mind; it denotes where we have been and what we have experienced—let alone that how we hold our thumbs reveals our level of willpower and self-confidence. The flood of data was dizzying, but when Ghanshyam finished his initial analysis his conclusions were painfully accurate.

“You have 12 flaws that are blocking you—they are undermining your spiritual growth and making your destiny unclear. You feel uncomfortable in the world and have closed yourself off—and that is making you unhappy.”

Then, in quick succession, he wrote down 10 of the flaws on my handprint sheet, in the space between the dark, inky images of my two palms.

  • No decision
  • No willpower
  • No direction
  • No discipline
  • No motivation
  • No inspiration
  • No one point of view or single mindedness
  • No meditation
  • No exercise
  • No intellectual and/or spiritual work, which will give you hope, trust, joy, faith and a sense of identity


Ghanshyam’s pen hovered for a moment and then, at the top of the page, he added what he said were my greatest flaws of all: no faith in myself and no self-confidence.

“You have a good head line, great intelligence; I’m sure you will find success in your career. But,” he said, shaking his head, “you will probably continue to feel the same sense of emptiness.”

He tapped his pen against my print, in the center of my left palm.

“Your destiny line suggests you could find something that gives you happiness, but not until your early forties.”

Oh my God, I have to live like this for another 20 years? I could not imagine the misery of such a long, unhappy life.

Tears were streaming down my face. Ghanshyam, who had been very calm and respectful through the reading, slid a box of tissues toward me.

“Don’t be upset, the lines on our hands aren’t carved in stone—this isn’t fortune-telling. Our palms show us what we need to change in our life to find happiness. When we make those changes, the lines on our hands will change. Real palmistry is not about prediction, it is about prevention, about growth!” he said with that same smile he had greeted me with.

“But my question for you, Guylaine, is this: Do you want to change, or do you want to stay like you are?”

“I want to change, Ghanshyam,” I sobbed.

“Gooooood! Then you will change!” he announced happily, throwing his arms open and letting out a booming, hearty laugh. “That makes all the difference!”

He fixed his gaze upon me again, disappearing into his own thoughts for a few moments. Then he returned to my sheet with his pen and wrote “12 MONTHS” above my handprints.

“You have a mission in life; you will be of service to many people. But your mission won’t begin for another year, not until you’re ready.”

My heart was pounding so hard, all I could hear for a few seconds was a steady thud, thud, thudding in my ears. Then, all I heard was the echo of his words: You will have a mission in life; you will be of service to many people.

Ghanshyam’s words were a balm on my aching soul.

He suggested steps I could take to “open myself up” and prepare for what life had in store for me. He explained that certain gems and metals correct imbalances in the body’s energy system and promote spiritual growth. He gave me a list of precious stones to buy and suggested I read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. Ghanshyam pointed to the picture of the man in the orange robe above his desk, whom I now felt had been watching over me since I had entered the room.

“Paramahansa’s book could help you a great deal,” Ghanshyam said. Then he suggested we meet every other week for five more sessions.

“We will devise a program together that will help you to develop trust and confidence in yourself and make the changes you need to bring great joy into your heart and find peace of mind. And then you’ll see, Guylaine—your life will fill up with friendship and trust and love! How about that!”

Ghanshyam had delved deep into my heart during our hour-long session, and when he walked around the desk to give me one of his enormous hugs that I would come to love, I wanted to jump into his golden slippers.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” he promised.

This man I had never met before, who came from another continent and a different culture, had just touched my heart like no one else had ever done.

I was certain that my life was about to change. As I left his office I felt something I hadn’t in a long time—I was happy . . .


Part III: Continued next month.



Guylaine Vallée is a teacher and consultant at the Birla Vedic Center. In her 35 years as a professional Vedic palmist, she has helped thousands of clients improve their lives and has inspired tens of thousands lecturing across North America and through her many radio and television appearances.

She is the author of The Happy Palmist: My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry, co-authored with Steve Erwin, award-winning journalist and author of The New York Times best-selling memoir Left to Tell. Guylaine is the coach of the 90-Day Challenge programs.

WHAT’S NEW: This Fall, Guylaine will be hosting a weekly webinar: The 90-Day Mounts Challenge: Unleashing the Power of the Planets in Your Hands. Click here for more info.

By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée

Excerpt from The Happy Palmist: My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry


On the morning of my appointment, I woke up with more excitement and enthusiasm than I had felt in months. Could this be the day I finally discover what I’ve been searching for?

I wore my most colorful clothes from Paris, including my electric blue leather pants that went so well with my bleached, pixie haircut. My outfit’s pièce de résistance was a transparent plastic purse with a huge plastic fish inside—a one-of-a-kind Paris original!

The Palmistry Center was across town in the Montreal neighborhood of Westmount and during the long ride on the Number 24 bus I thought of questions to ask the palmist, all of which I forgot the moment I arrived at 351 Victoria Avenue and saw the sign: The Birla Center for Hast Jyotish.

When I opened the door, an alarm chimed with the sound of songbirds, whose sweet singing followed me up the stairs into the reception area, fragrant with the soothing aroma of burning incense. I felt as though I had just climbed up to heaven.

A woman with long, black hair named Lydia met me in the lobby and led me to a sink, where she used a little rubber paint roller to coat my hands with black ink. She then pressed each of my palms onto a sheet of blank, white paper. And there they were: my handprints. I had no way of knowing that I was looking at my two new best friends—friends that held the secrets of my past, the path to my future and the key to unlock them both. When I saw my prints for the first time, I was shocked at how crooked my fingers were and how big my hands looked. I felt a little exposed, knowing that my hands—and all they might reveal about me—would soon be scrutinized by the eyes of an expert.

Back from Paris

This is it, the moment of truth.

I washed the ink from my hands and sat down to wait for my reading. A few minutes later, Ghanshyam walked into the room. I was struck by how dignified he looked in his beige Nehru suit—and a pair of golden slippers! I was amazed someone could be confident and comfortable to wear slippers to work. He had a thin, black moustache and penetrating brown eyes that lit up like birthday candles as he welcomed me with a warm smile.

Oh my! He looks even more beautiful than before, I thought, feeling a powerful surge of déjà vu. Guylaine, don’t be silly! This is the first time you’ve ever seen him!

“Hello, hello, helloooo! It is so nice to meet you!” Ghanshyam said in a sweet, lilting East Indian accent. He took my hands in his and shook them with such genuine affection—it felt like a reunion with a long lost friend. He radiated with an honest-to-goodness kindness that put me instantly at ease.

“Please, come with me, my dear.”

I followed him into his office, which was dominated by an armoire filled with books about palmistry and astrology, many of them worn by age and use, bearing titles in languages I did not recognize. A large portrait of an Indian man wearing an orange robe hung above Ghanshyam’s desk. The man’s face was serene and his eyes were half-shut in a trance-like state. His arms were raised with open palms, as though he were bestowing a blessing upon me while I took my seat.

A translator joined us for the session, as Ghanshyam spoke no French and the extent of my English was “How are you today?” She informed me that Ghanshyam practiced Vedic palmistry, a form of traditional Indian palmistry that originated in the ancient Hindu scriptures known as the Vedas.

Ghanshyam placed the paper with my handprints on the desk, next to my astrological chart, which he had drawn up before my arrival. I had been unaware that astrology was related to palmistry, but I learned they are twin sciences and that hast jyotish is a phrase combining two Sanskrit words—hast, meaning hand, and jyotish, meaning light. So hast jyotish described the light from our planets being reflected in our hands.

After studying my chart and making all sorts of notes and scribbles on my prints with various colored pens, Ghanshyam looked up at me. His brown eyes shone with such intensity I felt he was staring into my soul.

“Let’s begin, shall we?” His voice had the tone of a compassionate doctor who had examined a patient’s X-rays and had both good and bad news to deliver.

“You are on a mission to find God and you have been on this quest for a long time,” he said, “but you haven’t made a spiritual connection. You’re miserable because you are stuck in one place and have no direction, which has made you feel lost and alone. You can’t decide what to do, and that has left you without any meaning or purpose in your life. Does that sound right to you?”

I was too overwhelmed to speak. He knew exactly what I had been feeling for the past decade—as if he had known me my entire life. I nodded.

He looked down at my prints and began pointing to various lines with his pen . . .


Part II: Continued next month.


Guylaine Vallée is the author of The Happy Palmist: My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry, co-authored with Steve Erwin, award-winning journalist and author of The New York Times best-selling memoir Left to Tell.

Guylaine is the coach of the 90-Day Challenge programs.

And don’t miss Guylaine’s webisode every Wednesday on the Birla Center Facebook page.