It has been a turbulent and stressful month. Violence, bloodshed and the politics of fear and division have erupted across the globe. We’ve witnessed the horrific terrorist attacks in Nice, Munich and Normandy; a bloody escalation in the Syrian civil war; a deadly attempted coup in Turkey; rising racial tension and mass shootings in Texas and Louisiana; millions of Britons exiting the EU to stop job-seeking refugees in Eastern European from entering England, and right-wing politicians, such as France’s Marine Maréchal-Le Pen and U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, publicly decrying entire ethnic groups—promising to banish some and build walls to keep others out.

There is an unsettling surge in conflict and crisis from Baton Rouge to Istanbul. Are these seemingly isolated events related? Might that relationship have something to do with our planets? The answer is yes, on both counts.

As it happens, Saturn and Mars—both malefic planets—are in conjunction, meaning they have drawn close enough to each other for their energies to interact. And when two malefic planets with opposite natures conjunct, the interaction can be explosive—they can’t see each other’s point of view and find it extremely difficult to compromise. Mars is action and Saturn is reflection; when they work in tandem they can be a dynamic and highly productive duo . . . but not when they are facing off in Scorpio, as they are right now.

Scorpio is Mars’s home sign, a home in which it is truly formidable, fueled by powerful emotions, churning desire and a strength of will capable of accomplishing practically anything. But while conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, Mars is a rogue player, unguided by Saturn’s sagacity and discipline. Saturn is unhappy and surly in Scorpio. While the positive aspects of Saturn provide us with the wisdom to overcome and evolve through challenge, it is a malefic planet and can be individualistic, calculating and cold. Saturn becomes impatient and intolerant in Scorpio and uses its wisdom in a shrewd, manipulative manner to ensure it comes out on top in any situation. It is driven by an intense emotional energy stemming from deeply buried feelings; when hurt, it will strike back ruthlessly and without mercy, seeking vengeance at any cost.

This galactic clash between action and reason—between Mars, the god of war, and Saturn, with its uncompromising and ultra-personal views—can spell disaster. With no common middle ground, it is very hard for them—or humankind under their influence—to discuss the issues that divide us, be they human rights, inequality, poverty or religion. The Mars-Saturn conjunction both highlights and aggravates these divides: instead of peace talks, there is terrorism; instead of dialogue, there are drone strikes, instead of neighborly conversation, we build walls.

Mars and Saturn began their long conjunction in February in the sign of Scorpio; they have been drawing nearer to each other ever since. They will be at their closest—at 17 degrees Scorpio—on August 24th and remain close until September 2nd.  During this period, we must avoid interiorizing the bitterness this conjunction can generate; we must be tolerant and carefully reflect upon the consequences of our actions, whether on the world stage or in our personal lives.  The universal principle ‘as above so below’ is a reminder that whatever is happening in the world is also happening inside of us.

This is a stressful and challenging time for all of us. If you would like professional guidance to maintain your balance and make the most of the Mars-Saturn conjunction, contact us. We’re here to help.

No combination of planets guarantees fame and fortune, but a positive Venus-Rahu conjunction sure can help. So listen up, there is one right around the corner!

The Venus-Rahu conjunction has always been considered a sign of tremendous wealth, and not just the private yacht and country club kind of wealth.

Howard Hughes, Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey are three very different people with three striking things in common—they all became wildly rich and successful, all three were generous philanthropists and they were all born with Venus-Rahu conjunct in their natal charts. But it wasn’t fate that propelled them to wealth or drew wealth to them—their millions were earned, and their names will be remembered, because they made the most of the attributes, talents and inclinations bestowed upon them by a fortunate Venus-Rahu conjunction.

So just what are these attributes, talents and inclinations?

To begin with, Venus desires comfort, pleasure and beauty, and possess a passionate desire to reach the top. Rahu, the planet of amplification, provides Venus the insightfulness to plan stratagems to achieve those goals and the courage to carry them out. Secondly, Venus—in its ideal form—represents unconditional love and empathy—so it is predisposed to share its wealth with those in need. Rahu motivates Venus to liberally and effectively use its bounty and wisdom for the betterment of humankind. This is why Venus-Rahu combination can be so successful and accomplish so much.

The astuteness and drive of Hughes, Jobs and Winfrey gave them fabulous wealth and luxurious life styles, but also allowed them to create charitable organizations that have helped and inspired millions.

So let’s take full advantage of the current Venus-Rahu energy between the 14th and 18th of August by striving to fulfill impossible dreams and achieving enormous success that we can share with everyone.

If you would like help making the most of this planetary transit, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation.

My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry

What drives a small-town girl from Quebec to go to India where she will have the privilege to read the hands of one of world’s greatest humanitarians, Mother Teresa?

The autobiography of Guylaine Vallée, The Happy Palmist, charts her tumultuous journey from unhappy teen who, through willpower and courage, became consultant to the stars.
From meeting motivational best-selling author Wayne Dyer, to reading the palm of celebrities such as Ricky Martin, Gino Vannelli, Marina Orsini and Mitsou, to shedding light on the lives of her clients and helping them to achieve their dreams, Guylaine’s journey is more than inspiring!

New York Times best-selling author Steve Erwin (Left to Tell) helped Guylaine craft her story, drawing out the rich details of heartache and elation that fill this chronicle of loneliness, hope and

Come and listen to Guylaine share her story. There will be a book signing after the lecture.

Handprints can be taken to book an online consultation with Guylaine.

WHEN: Sunday, August 7th, 11:30 am
WHERE: PranaShanti Yoga Center, 52 Armstrong St, Ottawa, ON K1Y 2V7
INFO: Ph.: 613.761.9642

My Joyful Adventure in Vedic Palmistry

What drives a small-town girl from Quebec to go to India where she will have the privilege to read the hands of one of world’s greatest humanitarians, Mother Teresa?

The autobiography of Guylaine Vallée, The Happy Palmist, charts her tumultuous journey from unhappy teen who, through willpower and courage, became consultant to the stars.
From meeting motivational best-selling author Wayne Dyer, to reading the palm of celebrities such as Ricky Martin, Gino Vannelli, Marina Orsini and Mitsou, to shedding light on the lives of her clients and helping them to achieve their dreams, Guylaine’s journey is more than inspiring!

New York Times best-selling author Steve Erwin (Left to Tell) helped Guylaine craft her story, drawing out the rich details of heartache and elation that fill this chronicle of loneliness, hope and

Come and listen to Guylaine share her story. There will be a book signing after the lecture.

Handprints can be taken to book an online consultation with Guylaine.

WHEN: Sunday, August 7th, 3 to 5 pm
WHERE: Singing Pebble, 206 Main St, Ottawa, ON. K1S 1C6
INFO: Ph.: 613.230.9165

This week marks the beginning of a major celestial transition: Jupiter—which has been in the sign of Leo for the past year—is moving into Virgo, where it will remain for the next twelve months. Astrologically, this is a big deal: Benevolent Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and has a powerful influence on human behavior and earthly affairs. Ancient astrologers revered Jupiter and referred to it as Guru, the dispeller of darkness. Guru is an apt moniker for a planet that is associated with the most enlightened aspects of our being—an open and flexible mind; a peaceful and inclusive world view; a proclivity towards tolerance and compassion; the drive to find a purpose in life; self-confidence; magnanimity and the urge to expand one’s consciousness through philosophy, faith and devotion.

These lofty Jovian attributes were well nurtured during Jupiter’s year-long sojourn in Leo. Leo, the regal and courageous lion, is ruled by the Sun and is in perfect attunement with Jupiter’s noble disposition. Jupiter and Leo’s relationship is extremely harmonious and Leo provided the ideal environment to accommodate, support and enhance Jupiter’s expansive nature.

Virgo, however, is detail-oriented and meticulously focused on the minutia of current events and personal relationships. Virgo is happily ruled by Mercury, where its insights can be astute, precise and perceptive, but Jupiter is not so happy to be in Virgo.

Jupiter is in its detriment in the sign of Virgo, meaning it is in direct opposition to Pisces, which it rules and where it feels comfortably at home. This weakens Jupiter’s strengths, curtailing its expansive view and making it susceptible to Virgo’s negative aspects and intense attention to detail. For Jupiter, entering Virgo from Leo is like a dolphin leaping from an ocean into a goldfish bowl—and the impact can create a ripple effect across our own planet. Jupiter’s narrowing perspective is capable of limiting our own vision of the world and the people around us. We may start to second-guess everything we believe to be true, undermining our self-confidence, making us overly critical, self-righteous and easily drawn into petty arguments or bitter disputes. It is a major challenge for planets in detriment to maintain spiritual equilibrium and inner peace; the 180-degree aspect requires us to balance the negative qualities and weaknesses of the detriment by embracing the strengths and positive qualities that are their polar opposite.

Jupiter officially enters Virgo on Thursday, August 4th, before then it will be travelling through the final degrees of Leo—including the critical 29th degree, where it will be briefly suspended between Leo and Virgo, drawn toward both of them simultaneously. During this transitional tug-of-war, we may feel as though we are being yanked in opposite directions as well. This friction between dueling signs of the zodiac can create a great deal of inner-tension, emotional turmoil, confusion and frayed nerves—so it is advisable to remain as calm and collected as possible over the next few days; avoid doing or saying anything you might regret later.

As of Thursday, we’ll all have to adjust to the new cycle of Jupiter-in-Virgo energy, which will be with us until Jupiter leaves Virgo next summer. So, for the next year, we must make an effort to minimize the negative influences of Jupiter-in-Virgo by embracing the best characteristics of Jupiter—and those of the gentle, Jupiter-ruled Pisces. Strive to remain open-minded; avoid getting bogged down in details; avoid senseless arguments; be more tolerant of others; practice kindness and generosity; be curious about the world around you and meditate as often as possible to center your energy.

This is especially important for those with Jupiter-in-Virgo in their birth chart—these people are experiencing a Jupiter return, which occurs approximately once ever twelve years. A Jupiter return will be a period in which you are more keenly aware of what you have not achieved instead of what you have accomplished. So don’t be too critical with yourself. Stay positive, focus on your achievements, connect to your intuition and spiritual self, and most importantly, be grateful for all you have. Gratitude forges a coherence between heart and mind—a sure route to happiness and a well of inner strength we can draw from in the months ahead.

We must remember that there is plenty to look forward to in the coming year. When a planet moves into a new sign of the zodiac we are presented with the opportunity to begin a new chapter in our life, a chapter filled with new possibilities, challenges and lessons to be learned. Best of all, because astrology and palmistry are sister sciences, we can witness all the positive changes taking place in our lives in the palm of our hand!

So, take advantage of this Jupiter transition to dispel the darkness, learn new life-skills and stretch your personal horizons! Enjoy the new year!

If you would like help making the most of this planetary transit, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation.







Marcus was a talented young animator from a small Canadian town who, despite his inherent shyness, applied for a job at a major Hollywood film studio. While riding the bus to the interview, a female passenger became trapped in the vehicle’s rear doors when they shut on her foot. Marcus felt her pain as acutely as if it were his own; he rushed to help the woman but he was overwhelmed with emotion and fainted before reaching her. When he opened his eyes he was laying next to her on the street as paramedics treated both of them. Marcus missed the interview and didn’t get the job. The next day he booked a consultation with me.

“Ghanshyam, I’ve been like this all my life,” he said, holding his trembling hand out for me to study. “Ever since I was a kid, people’s emotions have washed over me like a tidal wave—I feel like I’m constantly drowning. I’m 28 and have never kissed a girl. I can’t even show up for a job interview without passing out. I have my art, but I do that in my room, alone. Please help me—this loneliness is killing me.”

Examining his hand, I saw that Marcus had a fragmented Girdle of Venus, which I suspected was a major contributor to his troubles.

marcus-broken-girdle-venus-broken-dreamsThe Girdle of Venus has been described as a divine smile permanently stamped on our hearts as an inspiration to others. Ideally, it forms a gentle arc in the upper region of the palm linking Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury, the four mounts housing our highest forms of energy. The Girdle’s close proximity to the heart line reflects a deep capacity for empathy and an intimate connection with the spiritual realm. It also reveals a powerful creative energy that compels us to express the beauty and love within our soul. Many artists, humanitarians and those devoted to serving God possess a Girdle of Venus.

Unfortunately, a perfectly formed Girdle of Venus is rare; it is much more common to find a fragmented Girdle, like Marcus’s. A broken Girdle of Venus reflects pent-up passion and blocked creativity. In Marcus’s case, the broken Girdle of Venus, exacerbated by an underdeveloped Mars, denoting a depletion of energy, can result in feelings of insecurity, over-sensitivity, moodiness, frustration and erratic or self-destructive behaviour.

Marcus’s emotional sensitivity was crippling him socially and professionally; he was in danger of losing his ability to function in society, as his ill-fated bus ride painfully illustrated. I suggested he begin a daily meditation routine to center his energy, and taught him breathing exercises to keep his emotions in check. I also encouraged him to be less self-absorbed by being of service in his community, and to surround himself with caring people who would support his efforts to interact in the world in a helpful and healthy manner.

Marcus made steady improvement and, over the course of a year, his Girdle began to mend. Sadly, we fell out of touch when he moved to another town. I pray that wherever he is today, Marcus has a smiling Girdle of Venus in his palm, and a smile of happiness on his face.

If you would like to develop or repair your own Girdle of Venus, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or complete the form to book a consultation. We’re here to help.




Hold onto your hats—Monday, July 25th could bring a bumpy finish to the wild Mercury-in-Cancer rollercoaster ride we’ve been on for much of this month. Mercury—the planet of intellect, logic and communication—has been in Cancer, the water sign whose instinctual, emotional energy emanates with fierce maternal feelings of protection towards anything it holds dear, be it loved ones, social causes, or cherished memories. This has created problems for objective Mercury, whose keen logic and objective discernment has been immersed in subjective Cancerian emotions. During this turbulent period of mixed energies, we may have had difficulty expressing our ideas clearly and dispassionately, experienced fear and insecurity, and have been prone to intense emotional outbursts. In short—it’s been exhausting!

The good news is that on Tuesday Mercury moves into Leo for a three-week stay, where it will find a more stable environment and feel much more at home. But before it reaches Leo, Mercury will spend Monday traveling through the final degree of Cancer—the crucial 29th degree.

The 29th (or anaretic) degree of any sign is considered a crucial degree because it marks the conclusion of one cycle and the beginning of another—a new cycle filled with the promise of new experiences and new life lessons. This infuses the anaretic degree with plenty of karmic significance, but it can also create a lot of stress and tension. That’s because the sign that a planet is leaving represents an area of our life with unresolved issues or unfinished lessons. So, during the 29th degree—which is very short-lived—we may feel torn between hurriedly wrapping up leftover business in the old sign while simultaneously experiencing an urgent need to jump ahead and get busy in the next sign.

Therefore, during Monday’s 29th degree, we must exercise caution if we find ourselves vacillating between looking backward and moving forward, between struggling to make a decision or acting on impulses that may be rash and possibly harmful. We may feel particularly alienated from those closest to us and it is important to ensure our decisions and actions are grounded in objective and loving discernment. Remember, words said in anger can never be taken back.

Take comfort in knowing that the anaretic degree of Mercury lasts just one day and, come Tuesday, Mercury will be in the friendly sign of Leo where logic is no longer overwhelmed by emotion. If you manage your energies well on Monday, the next three weeks can be a period of passionate, creative expression and personal fulfillment. Mercury in Leo has the potential to bring you happier times at work, at home and with your friends.

If this past month was emotionally draining for you, or if you’d like to learn ways to make the most of Mercury-in-Leo’s happy, creative energy, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.


I met Sister Margaret two decades ago at a conference she helped organize promoting forgiveness and reconciliation to achieve peace and harmony between people and nations. A vibrant woman in her late seventies, she believed forgiveness bestowed a double blessing, benefiting both the forgiver and forgiven—and she was living proof of the effectiveness of that philosophy.

When World War II broke out, Sister Margaret was a young Catholic nun working in rural Japan. She was arrested by Japanese soldiers and spent four years in a brutal internment camp. She suffered great deprivation and witnessed many atrocities, but never allowed her heart to be hardened by bitterness or hatred. After the war she stayed on in Japan to care for orphans, treat the wounded and help rebuild the country. Before returning to North America, she spent years travelling throughout Asia bringing aid and comfort to the poorest of the poor.

When our paths crossed, she was in the midst of performing an act of personal reconciliation and forgiveness. She’d invited former Japanese soldiers—her onetime enemies and captors—to attend her peace conference, and she embraced each and everyone of them with kindness and warmth. When I asked her why she did it, she replied: “Ghanshyam, we all struggle with darkness, but we are also all children of God, touched by Divine light. It is our job to let that light shine from us and help it shine in others. If we make that our mission in life we’ll all be better people, and this world will be a much better place.”


Click on the image to enlarge

Sister’s Margaret’s altruism and spiritual wisdom moved me deeply; when I studied her hands I wasn’t surprised to find a beautiful Girdle of Venus hovering above her heart line.

The Girdle of Venus has been described as a divine smile permanently stamped on our hearts as an inspiration to others. Ideally, it forms a gentle arc in the upper region of the palm linking Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury, the four mounts housing our highest forms of energy. The Girdle’s close proximity to the heart line reflects a deep capacity for empathy and an intimate connection with the spiritual realm. It also reveals a powerful creative energy that compels us to express the beauty and love within our soul. Many artists, humanitarians and those devoted to serving God possess a Girdle of Venus.

A broken Girdle of Venus, however, reflects pent-up passion and blocked creativity, which can develop into feelings of insecurity, over-sensitivity, moodiness, frustration and erratic or self-destructive behaviour.

Sister Margaret lived into her nineties and never stopped working to create international and interpersonal peace, harmony, understanding and forgiveness. Her handprint, with its remarkable Girdle of Venus, is a lasting testament to a beautiful life, well-lived.

If you would like to develop or repair your own Girdle of Venus, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or complete the form to book a consultation. We’re here to help.


This Tuesday is a very special and auspicious day in Vedic culture known as Guru Purnima, which always falls on the day of the full moon (Purnima) in the Hindu month of Ashadha (June–July). This summer that occurs on July 19th, with the full moon in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer.

Guru Purnima is celebrated in sacred memory of the great sage Vyasa, the ancient Guru who compiled the four Vedas and wrote the Mahabharata, often referred to as the Hindu Bible. It is a day dedicated to honoring our teachers and Gurus with pujas—prayers, devotional ceremonies and rituals of homage and reverence.

The Sanskrit word “Guru” is translated as “dispeller of darkness.” Hence, the Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance and sets us on the path to enlightenment. Guru Purnima is not only a day when seekers of enlightenment offer their Guru gratitude, but also a day to receive that Guru’s blessings.

Not all of us in the West have Gurus, but that does not make this day any less significant. Guru Purnima is a day for acknowledging and venerating whatever belief, philosophy or teaching we hold dear to our heart. It is an excellent occasion to set time aside to meditate and offer prayers of gratitude to everyone and everything that helps us grow in mind and spirit, and to reaffirm our commitment to seeking truth and wisdom. If you have yet to embrace an intellectual or spiritual discipline, Guru Purnima is a perfect day to search for one.

The full moon of Guru Purnima is a period of high, positive energy that hugely magnifies the benefits and rewards of meditation, prayer and acts of devotion and gratitude. So on Tuesday, lets make a special effort to be thankful to all the teachers and guardian angels in our lives, and be joyful knowing that they will return our appreciation many times over with countless blessings.

Happy Guru Purnima!


Mercury and Venus are friends, but they don’t have a chance to enjoy each other’s company when placed in the same sign of Cancer, beginning July 11th and lasting until July 25th. That’s because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is not friends with either Venus or Mercury. In fact, the Moon can bring out the worst in the two planetary amigos.

Mercury—the mythological, wing-footed messenger of the gods—is the planet of intellect. It reflects the subtler aspects of our nature; our wit, humour, spontaneity, curiosity and the ability to communicate thoughts and ideas with effortless grace. In short, Mercury is light and transcendent—it is meant to soar.

But Cancer is a water sign and its ruler, the Moon, relates to our deepest emotions. So Mercury traveling through Cancer is like a bird flying underwater—our intellect is submerged in emotion, making it difficult to think logically or clearly express ourselves. The emotional force of the Moon can overwhelm Mercury’s objective intellectual characteristics and the tug-of-war between intellect and emotion takes a toll on our overall wellbeing, leaving us physically and mentally drained, inarticulate, irrational and confused.

Venus is the planet of love—it is divinity in the flesh, giving expression to our passion for life in all its forms, from our appreciation of nature, the fine arts and the art of conversation, to our enjoyment of food, drink, entertainment and the pleasures of sex. It also reflects our sweeter qualities—our capacity to love and be loveable, considerate and kind.

But when Venus is in the Moon-ruled, watery sign of Cancer we can be swamped by emotional needs and preoccupations, becoming moody and over-reacting to perceived slights and minor setbacks. It’s tempting to seek solace in anything that feels good or gives us comfort. We may lash out in anger, become lost in our fantasies and daydreams, overindulge in pleasure-seeking and become so irrational, selfish and reckless that we ignore the needs of others and neglect our own health.

The conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Cancer can sneak up on us unexpectedly, robbing us of our discernment, objectivity and good judgement.  So, for the rest of the week, keep things in perspective and remain objective and rational—count to ten before letting a lovers’ quarrel become a breakup or divorce; call a cab instead of ordering another drink, don’t quit your job because your boss annoys you. Seek out things of true value rather than quick fixes or instant gratification by adopting a devotional attitude—give to others and don’t be angry if others aren’t giving to you; appreciate what you have instead of pining for things you desire.

Turning inward can make this conjunction a period of positive growth—channeling deep emotions into meditation connects us with the lasting pleasures of spirit, which is the route to emotional stability and lasting happiness.

If you are having trouble during this turbulent conjunction, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.