A Once-in-a-Lifetime Cosmic Event

Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane. . . it’s Supermoon!

That’s right, today’s full moon is a supermoon, a term describing a full or new moon which, due to the moon’s ovoid orbit, is much closer to Earth than usual. And while supermoons are not that uncommon—this is the second of three this year—today’s supermoon is so special astronomers have dubbed it an “extra supermoon”. This is the closest the moon has been to us since 1948, and it won’t be this close again until November 2034. In other words, it could be a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event.

It will be hard to miss this cosmic spectacle—not only is the supermoon nearly 15 percent closer to Earth as a typical moon, it will appear 30 percent brighter in the night sky. But if for some reason you do miss the moon tonight, either because you’re too busy to look up or it’s too cloudy to catch a proper glimpse, you will experience its effect all the same. No matter how far away it is, the moon exerts enormous power on our planet and our lives—and right now that power is super charged.

Moon is all about the mind; it draws us into the collective unconscious and is interwoven with our deepest feelings, it is the seat of our imagination and the source of our creativity. And because it governs our five senses, it defines the way we view ourselves and interpret the world around us. If our Luna energy is out of whack, either in our hand or in our natal chart, our perception of reality can become distorted and wreak havoc in our lives.

So it is important to remain calm, collected and focused during this extra supermoon period—the intensified lunar pull can trigger a surge in mental activity, generate unexpected or even disturbing thoughts and stir our emotions. But if we manage to keep our composure, we can channel this extra burst of Luna energy into creative projects, such as writing, painting or music. And because Luna’s feminine energy is tied to memory and is naturally nurturing and sensitive, this could prove an excellent time to engage in loving and constructive activities with family.

Astrologically, the supermoon is at 29° Aries in the Nakshatra “Krittika”, which means “the cutter”. Krittika is a fiery nakshatra ruled by the Sun and replete with Sun’s qualities of ambition, courage and the urge to tackle large-scale projects. However, as all cutting instruments can be used to create or destroy, it is important to use caution and forethought if presently undertaking a major new project. This Nakshatra also offers us an opportunity for spiritual growth—one of the symbols for Krittika is a flame, a fire in which we can burn away karma and purify our soul.

If you would like to positively channel the energy of this full extra-supermoon, or want to know how the moon is affecting your hand or chart, call us at 866-428-3799 or click here to book an appointment. We are here to help.





Do people from your past push your emotional buttons and make you feel like a helpless child again? Can other people’s negative comments or miserable attitudes destroy your self-confidence regardless of how far you’ve come in life? We can help. Check out Patrice’s story:

Patrice shuffled into my office looking pale, unhealthy and miserable. He had been one of my most vibrant and optimistic clients but it had been a year since his last consultation and I was shocked by his sorry state; he was a shell of his former self.

“What happened to you, Patrice?”

The last time I’d seen him, his handprints were filled with beautiful lines and signs. But in his new handprints, all those positive markings were gone; it was as though his palm had been dipped in acid. This troubled me a great deal: my clients’ hands almost always show improvement over time, an improvement reflected by their improving lives. . . it’s what I love most about Vedic Palmistry. But Patrice’s hands, and life, had taken a dramatic turn for the worse—a rare case of regression.

“Mark! That’s what happened to me, Guylaine; my cousin has made my life miserable.”

When we’d first met Patrice had explained that he and Mark had grown up together on their grandparents’ dairy farm where they’d shared a bedroom and spent many hours together tending the crops and cows.

Patrice was a gentle, creative boy who read philosophy and wrote poetry. Mark, on the other hand, was a ruffian and bully; he beat the cows with a stick, terrorized his schoolmates and humiliated Patrice in front of his friends. Patrice was always fearful, nervous and anxious when Mark was around.

That changed when Patrice received a scholarship from a university out of town. He thrived in the new academic climate, expanding his mind and consciousness while studying creative writing and comparative religions. He was popular with fellow students and his professors, and had many of his poems published. His interest in Eastern philosophy drew Patrice to the Birla Center, where he became a regular client of mine.

Patrice’s many gifts and admirable qualities are easily seen in his initial set of handprints. There are several wisdom signs on his Mount of Jupiter, including a square reflecting his writing talent, a cross signifying personal magnetism and a Ring of Solomon revealing a growing intuitive understanding of the human condition. An emerging Girdle of Venus expresses his love of life and his ability to inspire joy in others. And his long headline shows a strong self-confidence, which is echoed in the strong sense of purpose seen in the solid destiny line traveling from Ketu to the mount of Saturn. Finally, a pronounced Mercury line conveys an ability to express complex ideas and artistic impulses with ease and grace.


The one potential problem in his initial print is found in the prominent interference line that begins deep within his Mars negative and nearly severs his stamina line before crossing his life line, destiny line and head line. This was either a result of a karmic difficulty from a past life that Patrice needed to resolve in this lifetime, or a childhood trauma he’d buried in his subconscious.

I’d suspected it was from his negative relationship with his cousin, so we worked together to reduce it over the course of several coaching sessions. I suggested a daily routine of mantra and meditation to help him replace any lingering resentment and anger he harbored toward Mark with positive thoughts, feelings and emotions. Patrice practiced his spiritual routine faithfully and was making great progress, but then his grandfather died and he took a year off from school, returning to the farm to help his grandmother.

“I couldn’t bear the thought of her being alone with Mark,” he said. “He is such a nasty person that even the cows hide from him.”

But as soon as he arrived at the farm he was swallowed up by his past. Mark began bullying him and he fell back into old patterns of fearful, insecure behavior.

“I stopped reading and writing poetry,” Patrice told me. “I didn’t want to get out of bed—I even stopped meditating. My only mantra was, I hate Mark! I hate Mark! That thought has run through my mind every day from morning to night for the past year. I lost everything I’d achieved . . .  all I have left is anger. . . I guess you see that in my hand.”

“I do see it, Patrice. All your good lines have withered away, even your life line is fading. You lost your purpose and positive drive by succumbing to your cousin’s negativity and allowed that to become the leading force in your life.”

I explained that our brain is like a sponge, soaking up the moods of the people around us—if those people are negative, those moods and attitudes can poison our minds, sometimes with long-lasting effects. Vedic palmistry has known this for centuries and lately neuroscientists have been confirming it, attributing the phenomena to a recently discovered system of brain neurons they call “mirror neurons”, which tune into the brain of the people we are closest to and physically recreate their internal state within us.

“In other words, Patrice—your cousin hasn’t just been ruining your life, he’s been ruining your brain,” I said. “The good news is that you’ve come back to a positive environment where you are surrounded by positive people. If you get back to your meditation and begin creating new, positive thoughts, your anger will disappear and the wonderful things that you experienced in your life will return . . . and so will the beautiful lines in your hand. This is the power of palmistry—it can tell us what is causing our problems, how to fix them, and show us the improvements in our palms.”

I gave Patrice a journal and told him to monitor his moods, thoughts and emotions each day—and to be vigilant not to let Mark’s negativity seep into his psyche.

Patrice left my office with a smile on his face. Eight months later he completed his schooling and went back to the farm to help his grandmother, but this time he didn’t allow himself to be dragged down by Mark. He continued to meditate and write poetry and eventually married a neighboring farm girl. When Mark realized he could no longer dominate or dampen Patrice’s mood, he moved away. Patrice and his new wife amalgamated their farms, invited Patrice’s grandmother to live with them and began raising a family of their own. Today Patrice is a successful farmer, happy family man and a respected poet.

When we are aware of our moods and thoughts and take ownership of them, we can prevent others from trespassing in our internal world or destroying our peace of mind. Palmistry is an invaluable map that can guide us on the journey toward self-awareness.

Prevent others from destroying your motivation and eroding your self-confidence. To book a consultation, give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click here. We are here to help.

Did you find Patrice’s story helpful? Leave us your comments!




Channeling the Warrior Energy

Most of us have a certain person or special place we visit that inspires us to be the best version of ourselves—someone or someplace that draws out our finest qualities and allows us to shine in the brightest, most positive light possible. The same holds true for the planets—each planet has one particular zodiac sign where it functions at its very best, where all of its gifts, strengths and virtues are fully on display, fully energized and most active—where, in astrological terms, it is exalted.

The planet Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn—through which it will be transiting from October 30th until December 9th. This is good news, especially for those with Mars in Capricorn in their natal chart.

Fiery Mars is the planet of action; it is a rugged, fiercely independent individualist that exudes confident, self-assured energy. It embodies the passion, determination and driving force we need to get things done. At its best—as it is when exalted in Capricorn—Mars can infuse us with the strength and stamina to overcome hardship and conquer any hurdle blocking our path to success; it gives us the power, bravery and courage to take charge of our lives and stand firm when confronted by enemies or adversity. Mars is ambitious by nature and relentlessly drives us to succeed—it makes us a leader instead of a follower, pushing us to be the captain of the football team, the company CEO, the head of state and the person everyone turns to for guidance during a crisis.

Of course, Mars is most famously known as the warrior planet. When it is exalted in Capricorn, it epitomizes the bravado, courage and cunning of a military tactician—and for good reason. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which infuses it with structure, self-discipline, self-reflection, discernment and strategic, long-term planning. Even though Mars and Saturn are both malefic planets and are natural enemies, their energies, related to deep thought and emphatic action, tend to complement each other in Capricorn. The Saturnine influence on Mars in Capricorn serves to harness, coordinate and steer Mars’s intense and brash energy in a positive and creative direction, giving the red planet’s zeal, impulsive temperament and daring, pioneering spirit purpose, shape and focus.

Besides possessing the strict, practical wisdom of Saturn, its ruler, Capricorn, also represents the 10th house of the zodiac. When Mars passes through Capricorn it has the opportunity to shine in the areas of life the 10th House governs, including career, social status, dignity, public reputation, fame, leadership and worldly accomplishment.

The symbol of Capricorn is the mountain goat, which scales great heights with courage and tenacity to reach the highest peaks of success. With the dauntless energy and irrepressible willpower of Mars in Capricorn, those heights are within our reach.

To learn how you can most benefit from the transit of Mars in Capricorn, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

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Has love ever made you act crazy, irrationally or even dangerously? Misdirected passion can take a heavy toll on our lives. We can help you develop a healthy and balanced love life. Check out Randy's story:

A Crime of Passion: Randy’s Story

Randy was a law abiding truck driver; Linda was a yoga instructor with big dreams. When they met in their early 20s it was love at first sight. Randy wanted Linda more than anything and promised to her the world if she would marry him. She said yes and they tied the knot, rented a small apartment and soon had two young sons.

Randy adored his boys and was still crazy-in-love with his young wife. But Linda was restless and unpleased with the slow progress of their lives. She desperately wanted her own yoga studio and relentlessly pressured Randy to earn more money to make her dream come true. Despite working 60-hour weeks, Randy knew he would take at least a decade to save enough to give his wife what she wanted. He was desperate for a solution, so he came to see me.

The first words out of his mouth were: “I love my wife and I am going to buy her a private yoga studio. It’s her dream, and she will be able to help hundreds of people find peace and harmony.”

I told Randy I thought that was a great idea and a very noble ambition.

“Thank you, Ghanshyam,” he said. “The problem is . . . I can’t afford it. That’s why I’ve decided to rob a bank. I will do one bad deed and then do good for the rest of my life. What do you think of that idea?”

“Are you joking? I think that is a terrible idea,” I told him. “If you need money, go to the bank for a loan, not to rob it! It’s against the law; someone could get hurt . . . you could get hurt. You don’t want to be a criminal, you’ll lose your freedom and your family.  It might take longer to earn the money you need honestly, but it is the best and only way to do it.”

“Okay—skip the philosophy Ghanshyam . . . just read my palms and tell me if you think I’d get away with it.”

I told Randy palmistry wasn’t about predicting the future, but is an invaluable tool in helping us avoid making big mistakes, which I really wanted to help him do.

Randy’s handprints provided a lot of insight into two very different aspects of his personality. The dominant hand, the hand used to write and that reveals our current resolve and circumstances, reflected a stable and rational mind. His quadrangle—the area between the head and heart line—was beautifully balanced. A head and heart line that are healthy and of equal length suggest a coherence between our feelings and our thoughts—our passions don’t rule our logic, and visa versa.

rama-right rama-left

However, Randy’s non-dominant hand, the hand reflecting our subconscious desires, fears and latent characteristics, told a different story entirely with its broken headline and inordinately long, unbending heartline originating from his Jupiter mount. His heartline told me that his idealistic expectations of love and sex were both unreasonable and all-demanding, and could easily push him to illogical extremes. It also made him prone to extreme jealousy, possessiveness and fits of temper. His broken headline made matters worse by short-circuiting his logical thinking and predisposing him to irrational and unreasonable behavior, which could be triggered by any major setback or frustration.

I conveyed this to Randy, advising him he needed to change the negative aspects in his non-dominant hand and bring them in balance with the mature, well-rounded features of his dominant hand. The best way to do this, I suggested, was by associating with supportive, positive people, developing a daily spiritual practice and treating the people in his life with love and kindness.

“But I don’t want to lose my wife,” he said. I told him he wouldn’t lose her if he treated her with love instead of doing something foolish in an attempt to possess her.

Randy didn’t return for his follow-up appointment. A year later Linda came for a consultation and told me that Randy was serving five years in jail for attempted bank robbery. Not only that, but he was convinced she was cheating on him and had threatened to have her beaten up.

Writing to Randy in jail, I told him that although he may feel that he’d lost everything, he actually hadn’t. He still had a wife and two loving children waiting for him, but that he would lose them if he didn’t develop balance in his life and in his hands. Despite his environment, I again encouraged him to surround himself with the most positive people he could find and to reflect upon those he cared for with love and kindness.

“You maybe imprisoned, Randy, but you are free to choose the kind of person you want to become,” I wrote.

When Randy came to see me after his release he was a changed man, he was working hard to build a yoga studio for Linda and was practicing yoga himself every morning. He was a loving dad, a good husband . . . and he was happy. The vastly improved lines in his non-dominant hand reflected his new outlook and approach to life.

“Your letter struck a chord in me Ghanshyam. I began thinking about how important my kids were to me and that made all the difference. I joined a prison anger management group and a daily meditation class—and I began focusing on myself and my family with love. Suddenly everything changed. It’s funny that I had to be locked up to become free.”


If you would like to learn more about how your non-dominant and dominant hands can affect your actions and opportunities, call us at 866-428-3799 or click here to book an appointment. We are here to help.



Finding Balance in An Unbalanced Alignment

If you’re feeling slightly off-kilter these days, you may be experiencing the effects of the cosmic phenomena known as Kala Sarpa Yoga.

In astrological terms, a Yoga refers to the impact a particular union or alignment of planets has on our lives. In the case of the Kala Sarpa Yoga, the seven personal planets—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—are bunched together on one side of the nodal axis formed by the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. It is a very lopsided planetary configuration, like each person in a full-grown, seven-member family being crammed together on one side of a picnic table. In accordance with Vedic astrology, the impersonal planets—Uranus, Neptune and Pluto—aren’t considered in the configuration. Now these days the seven planets are temporarily located on only one side of the chart, sandwiched between Rahu in Leo and Ketu in Aquarius.

Some astrologers claim the Kala Sarpa Yoga is the unluckiest planetary configuration in astrology, but that is simply not the case. Vedic astrology teaches that we create our own luck and destiny through our thoughts and actions, and that properly using the information in our natal charts simply allows us to avoid mistakes and make the most of our talents and opportunities.

Nadia Comaneci, the famous Olympic gymnast, has all seven planets between the nodal axis of Rahu in Leo / Ketu in Aquarius.

Nadia Comaneci, the famous Olympic gymnast, has all seven planets between the nodal axis of Rahu in Leo / Ketu in Aquarius.

Having said that, it is true that Kala Sarpa can be an extremely intense period and present us with some major challenges, especially if it is present in our birth charts. However, it can also bring incredible opportunity and give us the drive to reach unimaginable success—in fact, many billionaires, famous artists, actors, writers and world leaders were born under a Kala Sarpa alignment. This includes Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela who, despite facing many hurdles and enduring great struggle, overcame their challenges to achieve greatness—and during this transit we should strive to do the same.

The difficulties associated with Kala Sarpa stem from its lopsided nature. There are twelve houses in a chart and having all of the planets on one side of the chart focuses a kind of hyper cosmic energy on those houses involved. While the intense energy radiating from these occupied houses can drive us with a powerful force of forward momentum compelling us to achieve great things, the remaining houses are sitting empty and unattended. This dichotomy can upset our equilibrium—a fixated, single-minded pursuit to accomplish great deeds can isolate us from others, leaving us feeling alone and alienated.

So it is important that during this hurly-burly transit, we not become too self-absorbed and fail to tend to the needs of our unoccupied houses, neglect the pleasures and company of family and friends, or forget to work on developing our spiritual awareness. It is believed that an unseen karmic energy is unleashed during Kala Sarpa; it is up to us not to be blindly swept away by it, but to channel that energy in the most positive direction possible, a direction that will benefit both ourselves and the people in our lives. Once again, we gain the most by seeking balance in all things—by looking inward as well as outward.

As astrologer Dr. David Frawley writes: “Kala Sarpa Yoga causes significant and unexpected disruptions in the outer world and in our inner world, causing problems with communication. The Kala Sarpa Yoga reflects being caught up in karmic forces, compelling us to take a deeper view of the larger picture.”

This Kala Sarpa transit will be with us until early in the New Year, but during this time we will be given several breaks to reflect upon what we are going through. That is because it takes most of the personal planets several weeks or months to travel from one astrological sign to the next, but the Moon enters a new sign every 2 ½ days. Therefore, the Moon will move through half the chart in just two weeks and then break free of the Kala Sarpa configuration before returning to it two weeks later. This cycle will repeat itself until January 18th, 2017 when, one by one, the other planets will begin transiting away from this Yoga and the shadow of Rahu and Ketu.

These are the remaining dates of the 2016 Kala Sarpa Yoga:

  • October 25 to November 9
  • November 22 to December 6
  • December 18 to January 2, 2017
  • January 18, 2017: Mars breaks the Kala Sarpa Yoga when it enters Pisces and moves away from the nodal axis of Ketu in Aquarius / Rahu in Leo.

If you would like help making the most of this Kala Sarpa Yoga, or want to understand the role it plays in your natal chart, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

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Prepare to Brighten Your World!

When the sun goes down this weekend, the lights will come up around the world. Hundreds of millions of people from every walk of life, race and religion, from Mumbai to Mexico City, from Tokyo to Toronto and from the tiniest of Indian villages to the largest cosmopolitan metropolis, will join together to illuminate the darkness by celebrating Diwali—The Festival of Lights.

Diwali is the most famous, joyous and beloved of all Hindu festivals, not to mention the brightest. It is celebrated with city-wide carnivals, community dances beneath colorful street lighting, candlelit communal dinners and massive firework displays.

And of course, there are many reverent religious ceremonies in temples and homes commemorating the festival’s ancient and sacred origins—the triumph of light over darkness, of good over evil.

According to tradition, the first Diwali was celebrated in honor of Lord Rama’s victory over an army of demons led by Ravana, the demon king and ruler of darkness. The name of the festival itself is derived form the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians keep lit on their doorsteps to symbolize the inner light that protects us from spiritual darkness. Lakshmi, the goddess of joy, good fortune and prosperity, is also honored during Diwali. It is said that she travels the Earth on this special night, entering houses that are clean, pure and bright and to bestow her blessings upon the inhabitants.

Astrologically, the festival coincides with the October new moon—a period with no lunar light to guide us into and through the long, dark winter nights. The lights of Diwali signal that we are entering this darkness with our souls ablaze in divine love and awareness.

While it is easy to get caught up in the festive atmosphere, colorful clothing and delicious treats that are part of Diwali, it is important to remember the spiritual message this celebration has carried for countless generations since time immemorial: There are dark forces at work in the universe that can only be vanquished by the light of personal spiritual awareness.

So, no matter how you celebrate Diwali this year, take a moment to light a candle and say a prayer of thanks and gratitude to your own higher power for the love that shines on us even in the darkest night.

Light up the darkness and have a Happy Diwali!

Venus and Saturn are the universal odd couple, like a vivacious young party girl having an impetuous fling with a sombre, elderly statesman.

In mid-October passionate Venus moved into the sign of Scorpio where it will join no-nonsense Saturn for a three-day conjunction between October 28th and 31st.

These two giants of the solar system make strange bedfellows. Venus is the dazzling planet of love, beauty, passion, desire, pleasure, compassion and general joie de vivre—its sunny, gregarious nature thrives on throwing caution to the wind to make the most of all life has to offer. Dour Saturn, on the other hand, represents responsibility, discipline, patience, endurance, practicality, internal reflection, solitude and is concerned with structure and long-term planning.

The pairing of these two planets of wildly contrasting natures can produce a powerful mixture of energy that can impact the most important relationships in our lives—so it’s best not to take this conjunction lightly.

On the upside, because Venus and Saturn are friends, they can respect, tolerate and even benefit each other’s natural attributes and inclinations. For example, Venus can soften Saturn’s more severe qualities—its intensity and rigidity, its exacting need for dutiful discipline and its obsession with self-reflection. And Saturn’s serious outlook and sense of responsibility can rein in the more extreme aspects of Venus’s nature—its frivolity, its casual approach to romance and its sometimes reckless zeal to embrace every experience life tosses its way.

Still, this tug of war between emotional exuberance and dispassionate structure can take a toll on relationships. During this conjunction we must avoid being too deeply drawn into solitary Saturnine reflection or self-imposed isolation in which we fixate on our duties and responsibilities, dwell on lingering feelings of guilt and betrayal and revive old resentments. Excessive Saturn energy can make us emotionally aloof, distancing us from our loved ones and romantic partners. While solid relationships will likely weather this conjunction unmarred, and possibly become stronger by being karmically tested, the mingling effects of Saturn and Venus could produce enough interpersonal discord to seriously damage fledgling or fragile unions.

So, during this Venus-Saturn conjunction, exercise patience with your loved ones, make an extra effort to reach out to your spouses and children, and be as loving as possible. If you are not in a romantic relationship, try not to jump into one until November 5th, when Venus is well away from Saturn’s sphere of influence.

You would like help to ensure this powerful Saturn-Venus conjunction works in your favor? Call us at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We are here to help.

We appreciate your feedback, please comment on this blog.

Are you failing to reach your full potential? Feel that you are not advancing in your life or your career? Are you trapped in a go-nowhere job? We can help you identify and develop your hidden talents and get you back on track! Check out Phillip’s story:

In the Vedas, palmistry and astrology are twin sciences, intimately entwined and referred to together as Hast JyotishHast meaning hand and Jyotish meaning astrology. In Hast Jyotish (Vedic Palmistry) we use both the palm and the astrological birth chart to understand what is going on in a person’s life. The astrological birth (or natal) chart reveals our strengths, weaknesses and potential; the handprints let us know if we are living up to that potential. If a person is having difficulty in any area of life, we suggest a course of action to align them with their planetary potential, and then monitor their progress by taking handprints at regular intervals. The lines of our hands change as our actions and attitudes change. It is an incredibly effective way of making the most of our natural-both gifts and talents.

Phillip, a long-time client, is an excellent example of how the natal chart-handprint combination can be used to discover our true calling and help us find success and happiness.discovering-true-potential-chart

Phillip’s astrological chart revealed tremendous potential, but that potential wasn’t reflected in his initial handprint. In his chart, Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra in the 8th house, suggesting he possessed the innate desire, mentaldiscipline and discernment to rigorously seek the truth. With this auspicious planetary configuration, Phillip could excel in any career calling for analytic investigation, such as a theoretical scientist, investigative journalist, psychologist, palmist or astrologer.

But Phillip’s initial handprint showed that he wasn’t utilizing his natural gifts or living up to his full potential; there was a complete lack of activity on his mount of Saturn and no hint of a “love of truth” line. And his weak destiny line—also known as the Saturn or Karma line—didn’t reach his heart line, indicating a lack of commitment to a vocation or cause. His natural abilities were lying dormant and unused in his subconscious.

This lack of destiny fulfillment was the reason Phillip came to see me. He’d been stuck in a series of unrewarding, go-nowhere jobs; he was bored, miserable and depressed. I encouraged him to “seek the truth”—to tap into his unconscious potential by looking within himself.

Phillip committed to this wholeheartedly. He began a daily meditation routine, started practicing yoga, and threw himself into the study of palmistry and astrology. In his second set of handprints taken a year later, we can see that Phillip had developed a strong “love of truth” line, and his destiny line had extended well beyond his heart line. He had changed his destiny—and the lines of his hands—by changing his thought patterns and behavior. Today he is a successful teacher and one of the most sought after Vedic consultants in the country . . . and he is a very happy man.

Vedic palmistry is a quick, effective tool anyone can use to tap into their subconscious potential and manifest it in their lives.

If you need help realizing your full potential, give me a call at 866-428-3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.



Full Steam Ahead!  If you’ve felt an urge to let off a little steam in recent days, you could be moonstruck.

This month’s full Moon is in the fiery sign of Aries, which is ruled by the warrior planet, Mars. Mars epitomizes masculine-yang energy—a hot and aggressive force of nature. The Moon, however, is a watery, feminine planet representing all that yin energy embraces—a nurturing spirit, sensitivity and acute perception. But don’t be fooled by Moon’s softness—it has the power to shift oceans and rule the tides of emotion within each and every living being.

While Moon and Mars are both very powerful in strength, they are completely contrasting forms of energy. When those energies interact, as they are doing around the October 16th full Moon, emotions can boil over—when water is subjected to intense heat, it produces steam.

Adding some ultra-combustible fuel to this celestial cauldron is the fact that Mars is currently conjunct with Pluto, the higher octave of Mars that is related to Lord Shiva, the god of destruction and transformation. When properly channeled, this cosmic intensity can drive our ambition with the force of a steam engine, but when undirected it can scald us and leave permanent scars.

So in days leading up to and immediately following this full Moon, we must use our energy wisely by remaining calm, caring and focused. This will enable us to harness and utilize the many positive aspects of Mars: intensity of purpose, initiative, passion, determination, resourcefulness and quick thinking. This can make us extremely ambitious, but we must not allow the desire to get things done quickly, or do things our way or no way, prevent us from harmoniously and successfully achieving our immediate and long-term goals. Likewise, we should strive to keep our Moon-energy in check; avoid being swept away by emotion or becoming overly sensitive if things don’t go exactly as planned.

In short, don’t get all steamed up at work or with friends and family. During this full Moon you will reap more personal rewards and get more accomplished by slowing down, being forward thinking, remaining cool-headed, playing well with others, and not jumping to conclusions.

If you would like help making the most of the full Moon energy, give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.

We’d love your input on this article, please feel free to leave us your comments.

* : To all our Vedic astrology readers, our transits are based on the ayanamsha of Sri Yukteswar

Is poor communication pushing you to the brink of divorce? Is fear of the future or worries about financial security inhibiting your ability to love? Having trouble remembering what attracted you to your spouse in the first place? We can help you. Check out Aidan’s story:

“That’s it! I’m done with her, I want a divorce,” Aidan declared the moment he stepped into my office.

Aidan had been coming to see me for two years, seeking help to overcome his obsession about financial security and fears of poverty.

appreciating-lifes-true-treasures-learning-loveHis anxiety was reflected in his short headline, which told me he was preoccupied with daily living and maintaining a hefty bank balance, but failing to appreciate the many treasures he already possessed—like the love and support of Trish, his wife of nearly 20 years. Aidan’s short sightedness was dragging his heartline toward his headline—a downward curve that resulted in serious trust issues and curtailed his capacity to fully and freely and express and receive love.

Still, I was surprised by Aidan’s abrupt statement about divorce, not only because he had been making good progress during our coaching sessions, but also because I knew Trish; she was one of the kindest, most open-hearted and loving people I’d ever met.

I checked Aidan’s fresh set of handprints and saw that his headline had shortened even further. Despite a relatively long heart line that provided him the capacity to love deeply—his weakened headline could not support the needed devotion or level of trust to do so.

“What is this all about, Aidan?” I asked. “You’ve told me many times that Trish is your soul mate and best friend, the only person you could count on and trust.”

“That’s true,” he said. “But the college cut back her teaching hours and she’s not earning as much money as before. I’m awake nights worrying if we’ll be able to pay the bills. I’m sick of watching every dollar—this is not the life I want. I want a divorce. I want to find someone with more money.”

“But Aidan, your wife is a gem. She supported you financially for years after you hurt your back and couldn’t work, and she nursed you back to health. She’s working as hard as she can and she’s still earning good money.”

“Well, she’s not earning enough. Besides, she’s slowing down and forgetting things. She expects me to help her around the house—picking up groceries, cleaning, cooking. And . . . she’s getting older; I’m not attracted to her anymore.”

“Aidan, if Trish is having a challenging time, she needs your support. Would you throw away a loving relationship just because she’s getting older? None of us are getting younger, including you. Besides, didn’t you receive a huge inheritance when your mother passed away last year? So you don’t really have money problems, do you?”

“Now wait a minute, Guylaine!” Aidan said. “That inheritance money is mine, I need it for my future. Secondly, Trish is ten years older than me. Am I supposed to stick around and take care of her forever and be a nursemaid just because she took care of me? No way—I want out.”

“That’s your short headline talking, Aidan—not your heart. Your mind is distorting your true feelings. You need to extend your headline and create a balance in your hand, then you will see reality more clearly and appreciate what you have in Trish. Otherwise, fear and anxiety will blind you to what you have. Unless you develop a healthy balance between your heart and head, you will never find happiness. If you leave your wife now, you will regret it, and if you do meet someone new, she might be drawn to you for your money.”

I encouraged Aidan to practice more gratitude to help restore balance to his hand and bridge the gap between his head and heart lines. Unfortunately, he wasn’t interested. He had his inheritance and was being drawn away from true love by his misguided perceptions and false beliefs.

His long heart line instilled in him an idealized vision of the perfect person to be with, but because that line turned downward, it was hard for him to ever trust or be honestly intimate with someone. This made it very easy for him to let go of a beautiful person who had loved him truly, deeply and faithfully.

I regret that I couldn’t help Aidan; palmistry can only help us when we are willing to help ourselves.

In my personal coaching sessions, I help clients to improve any aspect of their personal or professional life that is causing them difficulty—from building self-confidence, to developing charisma, to finding love. Give me a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. I’m here to help.