Charles came to see me not long after being betrayed by the person he most loved and trusted.

“How could my own father do this to me, Guylaine? How could he stab me in the back?”

Charles came from a long line of successful entrepreneurs and his family owned and operated factories in both Canada and the United States. As the only son, he had groomed him from an early age to take a leading role in the business. Shortly after earning his MBA, his dad made Charles a senior vice president in charge of operations.

It was a role Charles accepted enthusiastically and with gratitude. He’d never been happier, and within months had introduced new business models and technical innovations that dramatically boosted both productivity and profits. However, instead of being proud of his son, Charles’s father felt threatened—he fired Charles and replaced him with Charles’s younger sister.

“I will never, ever forgive my father for what he’s done to me—not as long as I live. He betrayed me, humiliated me and ruined my career. Who will hire someone whose been fired by his own dad?” Charles said. He was trembling with rage as I took his first set of handprints.

I saw that his destiny line was quite short and unpronounced—suggesting that something was blocking him from achieving his life’s purpose. I suspected that “something” was the bitterness he held toward his father.

I prepared Charles’s Vedic birth chart to get a clearer picture of what was going on between him and his father.

Charles chart“Look at this, Charles,” I said, pointing to his Ninth House. “The Ninth house reflects both our good fortune and our relationship with the important teachers and mentors in our lives—beginning with our fathers. Saturn rules your Ninth House and, luckily, Saturn is in Taurus in your First House. This is very auspicious because it brings all the good fortune of the Ninth House into your First House, the house that symbolizes our personality and purpose in life. But Saturn is also the planet that assigns us deep, and sometimes very difficult, spiritual lessons. Because Saturn is in your First House, relating to the Ninth House of father, your chart is telling me that your father has a big role to play in your life, and in your spiritual development.”

Charles looked at me blankly, then said. “My father is dead to me—I will never forgive him and never let him play a role in my life.”

The vehemence of his statement didn’t surprise me; in addition to Saturn, Charles had Mars—an enemy of Saturn—in his First House, which helped explain the rift between father and son. He had Taurus—the stubborn bull—in his First House as well, contributing to his inflexible attitude.

I sighed. “Listen Charles, the lines in our hands, and the planets in our chart do not seal our fate—they are tools we can use to shape and improve our future. Your hand and chart tell me that your father has a lot to teach you about life, and about yourself—it’s up to you to open yourself to those lessons.

“I can’t be open to him—not after the pain he’s caused me,” Charles said resolutely.

“Your father’s actions and attitudes are his karma, which he will have to deal with . . . your karma will largely be determined by how you react to the way he’s treated you. I suggest you try to understand him, love him and forgive him. It is the only way for you to move forward in life—focusing on what he did or didn’t do to you will only lead to more anger and frustration.”

“I don’t think I can get past this,” Charles said, but agreed to come back for a series of coaching sessions. Over the course of two years I persuaded him to begin a regular meditation practice and take up yoga. This helped him delve deeply into his own heart and perceive what was truly important and good in himself and others. Eventually he let go of his resentment toward his father, found a great job, fell in love and began raising children of his own.

“I finally saw that my intense desire to prove myself in business was likely triggered my father’s actions,” Charles told me during our last session. “Once I took responsibility for my own actions, I was able to understand and forgive his . . . to open myself to love and to get on with my life. You were right, Guylaine—my dad has played a great role in my life. He has taught me how to love and forgive, and that put me on the path to happiness.”










Years later, after his sister secretly sold her share of the business, Charles’s father lost control of his company and was fired by the new owners. He came to see Charles complaining about his daughter’s betrayal, claiming that he couldn’t understand, and would never forgive her or get over his anger. Charles comforted and counseled his dad with love and kindness, inviting him and his sister to family dinners every week, ultimately making peace between them and reuniting the family.

Charles’ final set of handprints reflected the great changes in his attitude, outlook and life. His destiny line had become stronger and longer—telling me that he had found, and was happily following, his true purpose. He had also developed a rare poorva punya line, one of the most auspicious signs in palmistry, signifying that he had gained great fortune as a result of virtuous deeds.


My personal palmistry coaching program can help you remove negative thought patterns or habits that stand between you and happiness. Call 866-428-3799 today, or click here to book a consultation or design a personal coaching program with me. We are here to help.

A few years ago my long-time client Judith lost her 36-year-old daughter to cancer. As with many parents who outlive their children, Judith was racked with guilt over her daughter’s death.

“I must have failed her in someway . . . I must have done something wrong . . . I was a bad mother to her,” Judith sobbed during one of our consultations more than a year after her daughter’s funeral. Despite the passage of time, she was shrouded in darkness—her self-torment clouded her eyes and was etched onto the palm of her non-dominant hand.

The non-dominant hand—the hand we do not use to write with—represents our subconscious self and often reflects feelings and emotions we have deeply internalized . . . emotions that can harm or cripple us if not dealt with.

Studying Judith’s handprints, I saw that her non-dominant heart line had shriveled since her daughter’s passing. This told me she had shut herself off from feeling or expressing love—she had filled her heart with guilt and there was room for nothing else. Her situation worsened over the next year and I grew concerned for her mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Grieving over the loss of her child was normal and healthy, but closing down her heart and turning away from the world for so long was destructive.

It was nearing Christmas, which I knew would be a particularly difficult time for Judith. I encouraged her to combat her guilt by meditating as often and as deeply as possible—to focus on the love she held for her daughter and her daughter’s love for her.

“We have to grow your heart line again, Judith, or this guilt could consume you—heal yourself through meditating on the love you two shared . . . the bond you continue to share.”

Three months later Judith returned for another consultation—I was delighted to see that her tears and torment were gone and the light had returned to her eyes.

“What happened, Judith?” I asked, applying ink to her palms to take a fresh set of handprints.

She smiled, and told me she had followed my advice and had started meditating daily.

“At first the same dark thoughts kept running through my mind, “she said. `It’s my fault she died . . . I brought her into this world and I should have protected her . . . I was a bad mother; I was a bad mother!’ This went on for a few weeks.

“Then on Christmas morning a miracle happened. I began to meditate, but this time as soon as the thought ‘I was a bad mother’ popped into my head, the shelf holding my statue of Buddha collapsed behind me with a loud bang. I turned around and saw an envelope fluttering to the floor—I had tucked it behind the statue years before and completely forgotten about it . . . it was a letter from my daughter. The first line read, Mom you are such a good mother to me—I can never thank you enough for all you’ve done for me. I love you so much! A huge sense of relief flooded my heart; at that moment I vowed to no longer live in doubt and guilt, but in love and hope. I looked inward to reach out to my daughter, and I found her . . . or she found me.”

When Judith finished her story we looked at her new handprints and were amazed to see that, in just three months, the heart line in her non-dominant hand had regrown and now stretched across the breadth of her palm.

I will never forget Judith’s Christmas miracle story and the way palmistry helped her reconnect with her heart. And I will never underestimate the power of love to heal our suffering.


My personal palmistry coaching program can help you overcome whatever obstacle is standing between you and happiness. It would be my honor to help you. Click here to book a consultation.

Jessica was my first client when I was starting out as a professional palmist nearly 30 years ago. She was also my biggest challenge.

At the time, Jessica was approaching her 40th birthday and trapped in a dangerous downward spiral of depression, alcoholism, self-loathing and a disintegrating, unhappy marriage.

The first thing she said to me bordered on suicidal. “If the next 40 years of my life are going to be like the first 40, I don’t see the point of going on.”

Her handprints reflected her bleak outlook and despairing attitude.

“Jessica, the lines in your hands are so faint they are almost non-existent. You are living life on the surface, surviving mechanically—and you are barely doing that. You need to develop your lines by looking deep within yourself and making a spiritual connection, something that will give your life purpose and meaning. If you don’t—life will not get better for you, it will only become more painful and difficult to bear. Please, let me help you!”

Jessica looked at me blankly from across the desk: “I came here to have my palm read and my future told,” she said, “not for another lecture. You sound like my parents.”

She left my office and didn’t return. But I couldn’t get her out of my mind. A few weeks later I called her to set up another appointment. Unfortunately, her phone had been disconnected and I had no other way of contacting her.

The years went by and I had the great privilege of helping thousands of clients in my practice—but I always remembered Jessica, my first client, and wondered how she was. In my mind she was “the one who got away” and I wished I could have made a difference in her life.

Then, a few weeks ago, my phone rang—it was Jessica.

“I don’t know if you remember me, Guylaine, but I saw you 30 years ago . . . next week I’ll be celebrating my 70th birthday and, if you’re not booked up, I’d love to make an appointment to see you.”

I was speechless, and delighted—I felt as though a silent and often repeated prayer had at long last been answered. When she walked into my office I barely recognized her . . . despite the passage of three decades, she looked younger and more vibrant than she had during our first meeting all those years ago.

“Your look wonderful, Jessica!” I said, welcoming her with a hug.

“I feel wonderful, Guylaine . . . and I owe it all to you.”

As our first consultation had gone so poorly, I was confused. Jessica laughed at my expression and told me to sit down so she could fill me in on all that had transpired.

“I was angry with you after our consultation, not because of what you said, but because of how right you were about me,” she began. Jessica told me that, within days of our first meeting, her husband had finally had enough of her drinking and depression and left her. She immediately began a relationship with another man—who was kind and wealthy but, like her, also suffered from severe alcoholism.

“We got married and travelled all over the world, but honestly I couldn’t tell you where we lived or what we did—15 years passed me by in an alcoholic haze,” she said.

“Then something happened to me while we were on a luxury cruise in the Mediterranean. Instead of enjoying the sea air, I was vomiting over the rail of the yacht. I was so tired of my life, I thought of throwing myself into the water. But as I looked into the waves, I noticed my hands . . . and I remembered what you said to me—that if I didn’t develop my lines by making a spiritual connection my life would never get better. I don’t know why your voice came to me at that moment, but it did. You planted a seed in my mind—and it saved my life. I had a moment of clarity—I knew I either had to get busy living or get busy dying. I quit drinking that night and joined AA the next week. My husband refused to stop drinking, but I knew in order to support my resolve, I had to move on. Sadly, I heard a few years ago that he drank himself to death.

Through AA, Jessica learned to be of service to others, and by helping those in need she found a path to her own spiritual awakening. She found a part-time job and moved back in with her parents—to whom she had caused great pain and anxiety for many years—and cared for them during their old age. She also began volunteering at a drop-in center for the homeless and at a suicide prevention hotline. Caring became her purpose; embracing that purpose opened her to life and she stopped merely surviving and began to thrive.










Her handprints spoke volumes about her amazing spiritual journey. When we compared the prints taken 30 years earlier with her new prints, we saw the growth of many positive lines. She now had a destiny line beginning at her Moon, showing her deep-rooted desire to nurture others; a square on Jupiter, revealing her new-found love of humanity and an ability to share her wisdom; and a strong Girdle of Venus, denoting her gift of inspiring others with her own love and passion for life. Most impressive was her Love of Truth line—a clear indication of her spiritual quest and burning desire to find and share God’s universal love. Finally, her Sun line reflects her deep belief and satisfaction in her life’s work, infusing her with magnetism and the ability to attract positive people and circumstances into her life.

“I won’t lie to you Guylaine,” Jessica said. “Making these changes was painful, but the rewards are immeasurable—I am living a full life that is beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you for helping me find my way.”


My personal palmistry coaching program can help you remove negative thought patterns or habits that stand between you and happiness.

Call 866-428-3799 today, or click here to book a consultation or design a personal coaching program with me. We are here to help.


Peter was a broken man.

His once happy life shattered the day he came home early from teaching high school drama and found his wife in bed with his best friend. In short order, his 15-year marriage crumbled; his house and his life savings vanished in the divorce settlement and, worst of all, his ex-wife whispered lies into his young children’s ears and turned them against him.

In the months and years that followed, Peter hardened his heart against the world and, outside of his classroom duties, withdrew from most human interaction in order to protect himself. He all but lost the ability to trust anyone and only reluctantly agreed to see me at the repeated urging of his school principal, a long-time client of mine.

While I was taking his handprints, I asked Peter what he was teaching his students.

Hamlet,” he said flatly. I knew that Shakespeare’s great tragedy is the story of a young man whose faith in love and life is destroyed by the treachery of those closest to him.

peter-beforeIt was a story being played out in Peter’s palm. His heart line was long and optimistic, but it had developed a downward branch—a sure sign of hurt and mistrust. The heart line branch plummeted toward his head line and entirely closed off his quadrangle. The quadrangle, located in the midsection of the hand, formed by the lines of head and heart, is referred to as the “landing strip of the angels”—it opens us to inspiration and love by inviting others into our lives.

“Peter, what is Hamlet’s most famous soliloquy?” I asked.

“To be or not to be,” he answered. “Hamlet asks himself if it’s better to suffer the pain and betrayal he’s endured, or choose the less painful option of killing himself.”

“But were those his only choices? The law of Karma deals all of us painful situations, but those situations are intended as lessons to help us grow and evolve as human beings. We can’t evolve by killing ourselves, and we don’t grow by hiding from the world. Hamlet had the choice of using his free will to choose love—he didn’t need to lose himself in his pain, anger and confusion. He asked the wrong question—the question isn’t to be or not to be, it is whether to love or not to love.”

“Guylaine, I appreciate what you’re saying, but I can’t change what has happened to me,” he said.

“That’s true, Peter—but you can change how you perceive it, and when you do . . . your heart line will change, and so will your life. The love you had for your family was your strength, not your weakness. Despite what happened to you, you have to use that strength and love again.”

Peter stared at me for a long time, then laughed. “This is not what I expected from a palmistry consultation.”

peter-afterHe returned to see me a year later and was a changed man. Not long after our first consultation he began volunteering as a guidance counsellor and coach for troubled youth. He had poured his heart into helping them, and his heart responded. The negative branch that had been impeding his quadrangle and closing him off from the world was fading away.

“What’s changed in your life, Peter?”

“Nothing . . . and everything,” he said. “I’m still broke, my ex-wife is asking for more money and my own kids still refuse to speak to me. But if that wasn’t the case, I probably wouldn’t be helping others the way I am now. I thought a lot about what you said Guylaine. You were so right—the question isn’t to be or not to be, it really is to love or not to love. And the only answer, the only real choice, is to love.”

My personal palmistry coaching program is designed to eliminate whatever is blocking you from happiness and fulfillment. We will focus on removing self-defeating attitudes, developing confidence and charisma, attracting love, strengthening your relationships or building a successful career. Whether your goals are short-term or long-range, I’d be delighted to help you achieve them. Together we can change your life as we change the lines in your hand.


Call me today at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation or coaching program with me. We are here to help.

Mary was a nervous wreck when she first came to see me. Despite having a degree in Television Production, she suffered from very low self-esteem and yearned for fulfillment. She was filled with restless energy, but had nowhere to direct it. Mary was desperate for something to make her feel good about herself, bring her happiness and give her life meaning.

During our first consultation she was convinced that romantically attaching herself to someone else would fill the void in her life. “Guylaine, I need a man—can you help me find a relationship?”

I looked at her handprint and shook my head. “Jumping into a relationship right now is not going to give you what you need to find lasting happiness,” I told her.mary-bef

Mary had two very prominent lines in her palm—a long, ram-rod straight heart line as well as a long, beautifully developed destiny line. Her destiny line told me she would do very well in a career or by championing a cause where she could direct the energy of her passionate heart line.

“Mary, you need a purpose that is your own, a purpose through which you can take pride in your personal achievements. You are blessed with a powerful destiny line, pursuing a career will give you the purpose, which will help develop characteristics necessary to succeed in all areas of your life. Find work that satisfies you and then pour all your passion into it—that will give you a sense of accomplishment and meaning, build your self-confidence and make you self-reliant. When you are happy in yourself, you can be happy with someone else.”

Mary took that advice; the very next week she landed a mid-level job at a major television studio. From her first day, she dedicated all her energy to becoming the very best in her field. Her steely determination and the laser-sharp focus arising from her destiny line pushed her to the top in record time. She earned an executive position with a big salary, an expense account, a company car and a glamourous lifestyle that took her all over the world. She had found her purpose and was happy in her work and with her life.

However, when I called Mary a year later to check on her progress, I discovered that her new-found happiness was in jeopardy. One day as she was walking home from work someone caught her attention by whistling at her. She was extremely flattered and realized the man worked at her studio. David quickly became the center of her entire life. She began to neglect her work duties and became increasingly dependent on David—suffocating him with relentless demands for his attention and time. Mary’s successful, confident and dynamic personality, which initially drew David to her, disappeared in her growing obsession with him. Within that year her relationship was over, she’d been fired from her job, and was so despondent that she was contemplating suicide.

It was at this low point that she returned to see me for a follow up consultation, hoping I could help her figure out whamary-aftert went so wrong with her seemingly perfect life.

As you can see in her “after” handprint, Mary’s line of Destiny has vanished completely—losing sight of her purpose had, at least temporarily, cost her everything—her job, her relationship and her sense of self. Over a series of coaching sessions, she came to realize that losing one’s purpose and depending on others for happiness leads only to thwarted desire, anger and despair. If we are lucky enough to have a purpose—be it a career, a cause or a belief—we must nurture it or we will lose it. In Mary’s case, losing her purpose almost cost her her life.

Mary eventually rebuilt her career by producing documentaries that had strong social messages. Her new work firmly connected her to her passion and to others, which made her heart line more flexible. When she did begin a new romantic partnership, she was prepared and capable of balancing both a loving relationship with nurturing her drive to succeed professionally. Her heart line began to turn upward and her destiny line began growing again.

My personal palmistry coaching program focuses on the issues blocking you from happiness and fulfillment: from eliminating self-defeating attitudes to developing confidence, charisma attracting love or building a successful career. Whether your goals are short-term or long-range, I’d be delighted to help you achieve them. Together we can change your life as we change the lines in your hand.


Call 866-428-3799 or click here to book a consultation. To become a friend with me on Facebook, click here. We are here to help.

Steve and Lyn: Moving from Anger to Laughter

Steve was a big, burly owner of a fleet of moving vans who had no patience for palmistry. When we started our first session he wanted to be any place other than in my office watching me analyze his handprints.

“I’m only here because my wife made me come. There is nothing wrong with me—she might buy into this palmistry silliness, but I don’t,” he said, folding his tattooed-arms across his chest defensively.

“I understand,” I said, smiling. “Palmistry isn’t everybody’s cup of tea.” I also understood that his wife, Lyn, a long time client of mine, was fed up living with Steve’s demanding nature, short-temper, and overall miserable outlook on life. He was no longer the thoughtful, happy man she’d married 20 years earlier. She’d had enough and had given him an ultimatum—go see Guylaine or pack your bags. Despite his surliness, the fact that he was sitting across from me told me he loved Lyn and was desperate to save his marriage.

“Steve, you say you are only here because your wife insisted—so let’s talk about your relationship with her.” At first he was reluctant to discuss his personal life, but as he described how he and Lyn met and fell in love his macho exterior began to melt. Steve slowly let down his guard and his eyes filled with tears as he shared his fears about losing his wife.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he blurted out. “I get so impatient and annoyed whenever she asks me to do something with her. I know she’s just trying to bring us closer together . . . but I’m afraid that if I don’t do what she wants she’ll leave me. That fear makes me even angrier and I end up pushing her further away. I know I’m acting poorly by not doing what she wants to, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

steve-rb-beforeSteve’s handprints confirmed what he was telling me. His heart line was particularly revealing—it was long and as straight as a ruler. While the line’s length suggested he was idealistic and capable of loving deeply, its rigidity rendered him incapable of compromising or accepting others for who they truly were. He became agitated when people didn’t see things his way, which made him intense and unyielding—a bad combination if he hoped to maintain a long-term, harmonious relationship. He simply couldn’t respond to the needs and feelings of his partner. His unhappy situation was made all the worse by his closed Sun finger, which drained him of his natural magnetism and prevented him from experiencing joy in life and love.

Fortunately, Steve’s hand also possessed several wisdom marks on his Jupiter mount that, although they were faint, told me he was capable of change and personal growth. By the end of that first session he said he was willing to do whatever it took to change his attitude and develop a rounder, more flexible heart line. I gave him a journal and asked him to keep a record of every experience that triggered an angry outburst.

Within the first few weeks Steve was shocked to observe that he became upset during most personal interactions. “It’s not just with Lyn—it’s with everyone—I yell at my employees if they are 30 seconds late coming back from lunch, at the guy in front of me who’s driving too slow, at the waiter when he’s not quick enough with my order, at Lyn if she wants to watch a comedy show instead of the hockey game . . . everything and everyone seems to aggravate me! I’ve almost filled this journal and there is only one day that I felt happy! Why am I always so angry?

I answered by quoting the great Eastern sage, Sri Yukteswar, who said that wrath springs only from thwarted desires—that if we choose to love, our love must be unconditional. Otherwise our relationships are based on satisfying our own desires and we will inevitably be disappointed when our needs aren’t fulfilled. That clicked with Steve; he agreed to start another journal—this time writing down a note of forgiveness to everyone with whom he lost his temper. The next time we met he was angry with himself.steve-rb-after

“Look at all these forgiveness notes. I can’t stand myself, who would want to live with someone so miserable and mad at the world?” This insight was a major breakthrough for Steve, whose next step was forgiving himself for putting so many demands and expectations on others.

A year later Steve and I met for our final coaching session. This time Lyn joined us and my office was filled with laughter as we took another set of Steve’s hand prints. His heart line had changed as much as his attitude—it was much rounder and far more flexible. And now the marks of wisdom on his Jupiter mount were more prominent and his Sun finger had opened up, inviting joy to return to his life.

Lyn confided that Steve had undergone a dynamic transformation—his anger had evaporated and he was more patient, caring and attentive to her needs. They had drawn closer as a couple and, most importantly, they were both happy.

“Thank you for giving me back the man I married,” Lyn whispered as they left.


My personal palmistry coaching program will focus on the issues blocking you from happiness and fulfillment. We will look at how to eliminate self-defeating attitudes, develop confidence and charisma, attract love, strengthen your relationships or build a successful career. Whether your goals are short-term or long-range, I’d be delighted to help you achieve them. Together we can change your life as we change the lines in your hand.

Call 866-428-3799 today or click here to book a consultation or coaching program with me. We are here to help.

Is your partner’s perception of the world out of sync with your own? Do you see the glass as half full and they insist it’s half empty? Palmistry can help you find a balance. Check out Marty and Mary-Anne’s story:

The wedding was wonderful; the honeymoon was hell.

Marty and Mary-Anne met and fell in love while volunteering at a food shelter; they shared the same goals and values and believed they would make a happy and compatible match. But their problems began right after the ceremony.

Marty had booked a cabin at a remote mountain lodge that was a popular honeymoon retreat. He felt sure his new bride would find it romantic, but on the drive up Mary-Anne became increasingly nervous.

“Marty—it’s so dark in the country . . . what if the car breaks down or we run out of gas? We would be lost—no one would find us. We could starve to death!”

“Don’t be silly—there’s no need to worry,” Marty assured her. “We aren’t going to get lost, or starve . . . this is a new car, I’ve got a map and a full tank of gas.”

Marty was exhilarated by the fresh air and beautiful natural setting, but Mary-Anne wasn’t. By the time the newlyweds had checked into their cabin she was trembling.

“What’s that noise, Marty? It’s wolves, isn’t it?!”

“Mary-Anne, it’s just crickets. It’s completely safe here, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

But the colour drained from Mary-Anne’s face when something banged against the door. She was certain it was a bear when it was only the concierge with a complimentary bottle of champagne.

“I hate this place Marty—did you bring me here to torture me?”

After three sleepless nights, they cut the disastrous honeymoon short and returned to the city. Things didn’t improve from there. Marty was calm and optimistic by nature, but Mary-Anne worried constantly about everything. What would happen if Marty lost his job as an electrician? What if the kids get sick? What if the quiet neighbours move away and noisy ones move in?  Although they loved each other and never contemplated divorce, Marty and Mary-Anne’s marriage wasn’t a very happy, harmonious or peaceful one. 

Not long after their 20th wedding anniversary Marty was hired to do electrical work at the Birla Center and, out of curiosity, had his handprints taken and was so impressed with his reading that he returned with Mary-Anne for a couple’s consultation. That’s when the reasons for their vastly differing outlooks on life finally began to make sense.

Marty’s Mount of Luna (or Moon) was full and healthy, but Mary-Anne’s was underdeveloped and severely raided by many interference lines. This was of major significance because the Mount of Luna is the first of the hand’s ten mounts—it affects every aspect of our lives and, in many ways, is the foundation of our entire physiological and emotional make up. In essence, the Mount of Luna determines how our five senses interpret the information we receive from the world around us. If the mount is under or over-developed our perceptions of reality will be skewed. An unbalanced Luna can lead to mistrust, chronic anxiety, depression and paranoia.


marty mary-anne

This explained why Marty loved the honeymoon resort while Mary-Anne found it nightmarish. Marty accurately perceived the beauty around him and could fully appreciate and enjoy it; Mary-Anne perceived danger in every noise and shadow and felt only fear and anger.

Thankfully, palmistry not only shows us what is askew in our lives, it offers remedies to fix them. Over time, as our lives change and improve, the lines and mounts of our hand also change and improve, making palmistry a barometer of our wellbeing. This was the case with Mary-Anne, who we encouraged to take up meditation and yoga to assist her in turning her attention inward to more objectively perceive her exterior surroundings. In doing so she discovered that most of her fears were based on a reality that did not exist.

Within a few years Mary-Anne no longer suffered from anxiety and could remain focused and objective in every situation. Her life and marriage improved immeasurably. On their 30th wedding anniversary Marty and Mary-Anne returned to the mountain resort for a second honeymoon—this time they enjoyed it so much they extended their stay.

If you would like to discover more about the role the mounts play in our lives, sign up for one of our introductory courses by clicking here. If you need help in your relationship, give us a call at 866.428.3799, or click here for a consultation. We’re here to help.


Do people from your past push your emotional buttons and make you feel like a helpless child again? Can other people’s negative comments or miserable attitudes destroy your self-confidence regardless of how far you’ve come in life? We can help. Check out Patrice’s story:

Patrice shuffled into my office looking pale, unhealthy and miserable. He had been one of my most vibrant and optimistic clients but it had been a year since his last consultation and I was shocked by his sorry state; he was a shell of his former self.

“What happened to you, Patrice?”

The last time I’d seen him, his handprints were filled with beautiful lines and signs. But in his new handprints, all those positive markings were gone; it was as though his palm had been dipped in acid. This troubled me a great deal: my clients’ hands almost always show improvement over time, an improvement reflected by their improving lives. . . it’s what I love most about Vedic Palmistry. But Patrice’s hands, and life, had taken a dramatic turn for the worse—a rare case of regression.

“Mark! That’s what happened to me, Guylaine; my cousin has made my life miserable.”

When we’d first met Patrice had explained that he and Mark had grown up together on their grandparents’ dairy farm where they’d shared a bedroom and spent many hours together tending the crops and cows.

Patrice was a gentle, creative boy who read philosophy and wrote poetry. Mark, on the other hand, was a ruffian and bully; he beat the cows with a stick, terrorized his schoolmates and humiliated Patrice in front of his friends. Patrice was always fearful, nervous and anxious when Mark was around.

That changed when Patrice received a scholarship from a university out of town. He thrived in the new academic climate, expanding his mind and consciousness while studying creative writing and comparative religions. He was popular with fellow students and his professors, and had many of his poems published. His interest in Eastern philosophy drew Patrice to the Birla Center, where he became a regular client of mine.

Patrice’s many gifts and admirable qualities are easily seen in his initial set of handprints. There are several wisdom signs on his Mount of Jupiter, including a square reflecting his writing talent, a cross signifying personal magnetism and a Ring of Solomon revealing a growing intuitive understanding of the human condition. An emerging Girdle of Venus expresses his love of life and his ability to inspire joy in others. And his long headline shows a strong self-confidence, which is echoed in the strong sense of purpose seen in the solid destiny line traveling from Ketu to the mount of Saturn. Finally, a pronounced Mercury line conveys an ability to express complex ideas and artistic impulses with ease and grace.


The one potential problem in his initial print is found in the prominent interference line that begins deep within his Mars negative and nearly severs his stamina line before crossing his life line, destiny line and head line. This was either a result of a karmic difficulty from a past life that Patrice needed to resolve in this lifetime, or a childhood trauma he’d buried in his subconscious.

I’d suspected it was from his negative relationship with his cousin, so we worked together to reduce it over the course of several coaching sessions. I suggested a daily routine of mantra and meditation to help him replace any lingering resentment and anger he harbored toward Mark with positive thoughts, feelings and emotions. Patrice practiced his spiritual routine faithfully and was making great progress, but then his grandfather died and he took a year off from school, returning to the farm to help his grandmother.

“I couldn’t bear the thought of her being alone with Mark,” he said. “He is such a nasty person that even the cows hide from him.”

But as soon as he arrived at the farm he was swallowed up by his past. Mark began bullying him and he fell back into old patterns of fearful, insecure behavior.

“I stopped reading and writing poetry,” Patrice told me. “I didn’t want to get out of bed—I even stopped meditating. My only mantra was, I hate Mark! I hate Mark! That thought has run through my mind every day from morning to night for the past year. I lost everything I’d achieved . . .  all I have left is anger. . . I guess you see that in my hand.”

“I do see it, Patrice. All your good lines have withered away, even your life line is fading. You lost your purpose and positive drive by succumbing to your cousin’s negativity and allowed that to become the leading force in your life.”

I explained that our brain is like a sponge, soaking up the moods of the people around us—if those people are negative, those moods and attitudes can poison our minds, sometimes with long-lasting effects. Vedic palmistry has known this for centuries and lately neuroscientists have been confirming it, attributing the phenomena to a recently discovered system of brain neurons they call “mirror neurons”, which tune into the brain of the people we are closest to and physically recreate their internal state within us.

“In other words, Patrice—your cousin hasn’t just been ruining your life, he’s been ruining your brain,” I said. “The good news is that you’ve come back to a positive environment where you are surrounded by positive people. If you get back to your meditation and begin creating new, positive thoughts, your anger will disappear and the wonderful things that you experienced in your life will return . . . and so will the beautiful lines in your hand. This is the power of palmistry—it can tell us what is causing our problems, how to fix them, and show us the improvements in our palms.”

I gave Patrice a journal and told him to monitor his moods, thoughts and emotions each day—and to be vigilant not to let Mark’s negativity seep into his psyche.

Patrice left my office with a smile on his face. Eight months later he completed his schooling and went back to the farm to help his grandmother, but this time he didn’t allow himself to be dragged down by Mark. He continued to meditate and write poetry and eventually married a neighboring farm girl. When Mark realized he could no longer dominate or dampen Patrice’s mood, he moved away. Patrice and his new wife amalgamated their farms, invited Patrice’s grandmother to live with them and began raising a family of their own. Today Patrice is a successful farmer, happy family man and a respected poet.

When we are aware of our moods and thoughts and take ownership of them, we can prevent others from trespassing in our internal world or destroying our peace of mind. Palmistry is an invaluable map that can guide us on the journey toward self-awareness.

Prevent others from destroying your motivation and eroding your self-confidence. To book a consultation, give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click here. We are here to help.

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Are you failing to reach your full potential? Feel that you are not advancing in your life or your career? Are you trapped in a go-nowhere job? We can help you identify and develop your hidden talents and get you back on track! Check out Phillip’s story:

In the Vedas, palmistry and astrology are twin sciences, intimately entwined and referred to together as Hast JyotishHast meaning hand and Jyotish meaning astrology. In Hast Jyotish (Vedic Palmistry) we use both the palm and the astrological birth chart to understand what is going on in a person’s life. The astrological birth (or natal) chart reveals our strengths, weaknesses and potential; the handprints let us know if we are living up to that potential. If a person is having difficulty in any area of life, we suggest a course of action to align them with their planetary potential, and then monitor their progress by taking handprints at regular intervals. The lines of our hands change as our actions and attitudes change. It is an incredibly effective way of making the most of our natural-both gifts and talents.

Phillip, a long-time client, is an excellent example of how the natal chart-handprint combination can be used to discover our true calling and help us find success and happiness.discovering-true-potential-chart

Phillip’s astrological chart revealed tremendous potential, but that potential wasn’t reflected in his initial handprint. In his chart, Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra in the 8th house, suggesting he possessed the innate desire, mentaldiscipline and discernment to rigorously seek the truth. With this auspicious planetary configuration, Phillip could excel in any career calling for analytic investigation, such as a theoretical scientist, investigative journalist, psychologist, palmist or astrologer.

But Phillip’s initial handprint showed that he wasn’t utilizing his natural gifts or living up to his full potential; there was a complete lack of activity on his mount of Saturn and no hint of a “love of truth” line. And his weak destiny line—also known as the Saturn or Karma line—didn’t reach his heart line, indicating a lack of commitment to a vocation or cause. His natural abilities were lying dormant and unused in his subconscious.

This lack of destiny fulfillment was the reason Phillip came to see me. He’d been stuck in a series of unrewarding, go-nowhere jobs; he was bored, miserable and depressed. I encouraged him to “seek the truth”—to tap into his unconscious potential by looking within himself.

Phillip committed to this wholeheartedly. He began a daily meditation routine, started practicing yoga, and threw himself into the study of palmistry and astrology. In his second set of handprints taken a year later, we can see that Phillip had developed a strong “love of truth” line, and his destiny line had extended well beyond his heart line. He had changed his destiny—and the lines of his hands—by changing his thought patterns and behavior. Today he is a successful teacher and one of the most sought after Vedic consultants in the country . . . and he is a very happy man.

Vedic palmistry is a quick, effective tool anyone can use to tap into their subconscious potential and manifest it in their lives.

If you need help realizing your full potential, give me a call at 866-428-3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.



Is poor communication pushing you to the brink of divorce? Is fear of the future or worries about financial security inhibiting your ability to love? Having trouble remembering what attracted you to your spouse in the first place? We can help you. Check out Aidan’s story:

“That’s it! I’m done with her, I want a divorce,” Aidan declared the moment he stepped into my office.

Aidan had been coming to see me for two years, seeking help to overcome his obsession about financial security and fears of poverty.

appreciating-lifes-true-treasures-learning-loveHis anxiety was reflected in his short headline, which told me he was preoccupied with daily living and maintaining a hefty bank balance, but failing to appreciate the many treasures he already possessed—like the love and support of Trish, his wife of nearly 20 years. Aidan’s short sightedness was dragging his heartline toward his headline—a downward curve that resulted in serious trust issues and curtailed his capacity to fully and freely and express and receive love.

Still, I was surprised by Aidan’s abrupt statement about divorce, not only because he had been making good progress during our coaching sessions, but also because I knew Trish; she was one of the kindest, most open-hearted and loving people I’d ever met.

I checked Aidan’s fresh set of handprints and saw that his headline had shortened even further. Despite a relatively long heart line that provided him the capacity to love deeply—his weakened headline could not support the needed devotion or level of trust to do so.

“What is this all about, Aidan?” I asked. “You’ve told me many times that Trish is your soul mate and best friend, the only person you could count on and trust.”

“That’s true,” he said. “But the college cut back her teaching hours and she’s not earning as much money as before. I’m awake nights worrying if we’ll be able to pay the bills. I’m sick of watching every dollar—this is not the life I want. I want a divorce. I want to find someone with more money.”

“But Aidan, your wife is a gem. She supported you financially for years after you hurt your back and couldn’t work, and she nursed you back to health. She’s working as hard as she can and she’s still earning good money.”

“Well, she’s not earning enough. Besides, she’s slowing down and forgetting things. She expects me to help her around the house—picking up groceries, cleaning, cooking. And . . . she’s getting older; I’m not attracted to her anymore.”

“Aidan, if Trish is having a challenging time, she needs your support. Would you throw away a loving relationship just because she’s getting older? None of us are getting younger, including you. Besides, didn’t you receive a huge inheritance when your mother passed away last year? So you don’t really have money problems, do you?”

“Now wait a minute, Guylaine!” Aidan said. “That inheritance money is mine, I need it for my future. Secondly, Trish is ten years older than me. Am I supposed to stick around and take care of her forever and be a nursemaid just because she took care of me? No way—I want out.”

“That’s your short headline talking, Aidan—not your heart. Your mind is distorting your true feelings. You need to extend your headline and create a balance in your hand, then you will see reality more clearly and appreciate what you have in Trish. Otherwise, fear and anxiety will blind you to what you have. Unless you develop a healthy balance between your heart and head, you will never find happiness. If you leave your wife now, you will regret it, and if you do meet someone new, she might be drawn to you for your money.”

I encouraged Aidan to practice more gratitude to help restore balance to his hand and bridge the gap between his head and heart lines. Unfortunately, he wasn’t interested. He had his inheritance and was being drawn away from true love by his misguided perceptions and false beliefs.

His long heart line instilled in him an idealized vision of the perfect person to be with, but because that line turned downward, it was hard for him to ever trust or be honestly intimate with someone. This made it very easy for him to let go of a beautiful person who had loved him truly, deeply and faithfully.

I regret that I couldn’t help Aidan; palmistry can only help us when we are willing to help ourselves.

In my personal coaching sessions, I help clients to improve any aspect of their personal or professional life that is causing them difficulty—from building self-confidence, to developing charisma, to finding love. Give me a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. I’m here to help.