Excerpt from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge: Open your Heart to Love, Joy and Happiness

By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée

Saying it’s never too late to experience love is one thing, really believing it is another—especially if we’ve had our heart badly broken in the past, or are holding onto grudges, guilt, anger or regrets. These emotions can follow us through time just as love can.

Negative emotions blocking us from becoming more loving can seriously slow our spiritual evolution and the journey of the heart—so we must find the best and quickest way to rid ourselves of them once and for all. This is where the modern field of neuroscience and the ancient science of Vedic Palmistry really start singing from the same hymn book—and where the heart line’s ability to transport us through time to find love steps into the spotlight.

Much of our past is registered in the neuropathways of our brains, the synaptic grooves formed by the constant repetition of particular thoughts and action. These patterns of thought and behaviour, once ingrained, dictate our perception of the world, as well as how we act—and our perceptions and actions determine how we live and how we love. For many years, it was believed that these embedded patterns could not be changed, that our brains were rigid and inflexible—that once formed, our neuropathways were fixed, and our personality set in stone. This view asserted that the mature brain was non-plastic, which translates as: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Well, the emerging theory of neuroplasticity, along with breakthroughs in brain imaging technology, has proven that, in fact, you can teach new tricks to old dogs, and older people. Science has shown us we can physically rewire our brains. No matter how set we are in our ways, no matter how long-established or calcified our existing neuropathways are, we can overwrite them by creating new ones. By changing our thoughts and behaviour we can actually change our brains! Put another way, we do not have to be victims of our past! We have the power to overhaul and reinvent our perception of the world, including how, what and who we love—simply by adopting new thoughts and behaviour. We can go into our grey matter reprogram our history, our present . . . and our future! It’s another kind of time machine!

In Vedic Palmistry, replacing negative thoughts, attitudes and behaviours with gratitude, kindness and love will change our heart line. Not only can we make it longer and stronger, but we can also actually shift its point of origin in the palm—shift its timeline! How does the heart line allow us to change our past, present and future? If we are filled with regret or remorse over how we loved earlier in our lives—or how we failed to love—we can go back in time and alter that reality. We can’t, of course, actually change our past actions, but we can definitely change how those actions affect us in the here-and-now, in the present, and then we can use what we learn about ourselves in the past to change who we become.

So, why not take the 90-Day Heart Line Challenge yourself and learn to energize your heart, ignite your passion and rejuvenate your relationships. Right now, you can take advantage of our special Springtime Offer and get 30% off when you sign up.



By Vedic Palmist Guylaine Vallée

Excerpt from The Mars Program


It is easy to get bogged down obsessing over the actions of others, especially when we perceive they are treating us unfairly or with hostility and aggression. However, we should not absorb that negativity but instead let it roll off us. By remaining calm and pursuing our goals and dreams with focus, kindness and poise, our karma is free to play out; we recognize that everyone evolves at their own pace and learn from their own mistakes. In other words, if someone is not behaving well, it is their problem not ours—a problem that they will have to deal with, in this life or the next. No matter what others may do or think, we must always endeavor to remain calm, centered and to use our energy to create peace within us and around us. We must also quietly pray for those who would harm us or who would distract us from calmly pursuing our purpose in life.

It can require super-human strength and willpower to remain objective, impersonal and nonreactive in the face of insult, aggravation or aggression. Any of these can trigger us to react in a knee-jerk fashion that can escalate the situation and cost us our health and peace of mind. But it doesn’t have to be like this, we can tame our volatile Mars energy by following Jesus’ advice and turning the other cheek. However, this does not mean we should be passive or allow ourselves to be treated like doormats. But it does demand us to gain mastery over our emotions and instinctual responses. This is something we can achieve by mastering our Mars energy and using it as a noble warrior to create peace instead of chaos.

To calmly hold our ground and choose not to meet violence with violence is a true display of self-control and self-awareness. And it is a judicious use of Mars energy. If we have to fight, we undertake our battles with discernment and as part of our duty to protect others. We stand up for what is right and use our energy to serve and uplift others—the true expression of a noble Mars warrior.

By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée



In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect love, we must progress through “Five States of the Heart.” Successfully passing through each state brings us a step closer to our goal of perfect love, a step closer to clearing the clouds from our heart, and a step closer to the power of the infinite within us. Sri Yukteswar writes: ‘If we are able to cultivate this powerful ruling force of love implanted in our heart, we will be free of the unhappiness from the pain and pleasure cycles that are a part of life.’

Understanding the steps described by Sri Yukteswar—these five states of the heart—has helped many of my clients find love and has helped me so greatly in my own life. I really believe this will give you a deeper insight into the evolution of the heart, will inspire you as much as it has inspired me, and will help us immeasurably in our quest to expand our heart and create a love-filled life!


The Dark State of the Heart

When we are in the Dark State of the Heart, we are oblivious to our soul’s intuitive instinct to embrace and express love. We identify with, and become overwhelmed by, the external events that surround us. There are many traps through which the Dark State of the Heart can ensnare our consciousness: Ignorance, heartache, negative attitudes and emotions, bad habits, substance abuse or psychological and emotional trauma, to name a few. These emotions can plunge us into this darkness.


The Propelled State of the Heart

We enter the Propelled State of the Heart when our experience of the world leaves us feeling empty, when we grow dissatisfied with the shallow pleasures of the senses, the hollow rewards of material pursuits—when the after-effects of rampant emotion, uncontrolled passion and possessiveness have dragged us into a state of desperation and despair. It is then that our heart begins to yearn for greater meaning—a deeper truth that propels us toward a higher form of love. This seeking of love and truth stretches our heart and lengthens our heart line.

In the Propelled State of the Heart, we are more open and receptive to wisdom, creating a magnetism that will draw wise teachers, inspiring guides and supportive friends into our lives. In essence, we are sending out a sincere request to the universe to enlighten us, and the universe will never ignore such a request. It doesn’t matter how jaded we are or how set in our ways we have become, once our heart propels us to search for truth, we will not be deterred from finding it, and will be ready if it finds us first. An enlightened sage once said, “a saint is a sinner who doesn’t give up.” So, don’t worry about any missteps we may have made in the past—we learn from our mistakes; it is often the flaws and faults in our character that bring us to the most profound revelations, and the deepest desire to do good in the world.


The Steady State of the Heart

The propelled heart leads us to great personal growth, but our next challenge is learning to maintain that growth and build upon it—to be steady in our resolve to be more loving. Once we have mastered the Propelled State of the Heart and freed ourselves from the distractions and restless attachments to the world around us, we are inspired to seek a constant state of self-control, inner calm, and a consistency in our expression of love. This allows us to anchor our hearts to a deep conviction that we should love and bring happiness to others. We set aside personal feelings and do not react to the hurtful actions, or perceived slights of others. This does not mean we are shutting ourselves off from others, but simply not giving in to our personal feelings in support of a larger good. For example, a friend is in a foul mood and snapping at us because they had a bad day at the office. We don’t respond angrily to their cutting words because we are their friend, and refuse to take their words personally, even though they are aimed right at us. We learn to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, so to speak, and take everything in stride. There is a great sense of freedom to be found in this state; we are no longer reliant on external events or the moods or deeds of other people to make us happy or to express our love.

Consequently, others come to rely on our serene nature and the consistency of our love, care and concern—we can be counted on to always be a true friend, especially to those in need. And we can count on ourselves to remain calm and focused on any storm life blows our way. This gives us a deep, unshakable sense of well-being.


The Devoted State of The Heart

The fourth state of the heart, the devoted state, is all about oneness, about achieving unity between our heart, head and soul. We reach this state by maintaining our detachment to external circumstances; being steadfast in our quest for a more spiritual awareness and expansive expression of love; and by connecting our heart and our intuition—establishing a deep sense of unity with everything and everyone.

In the Devoted State of the Heart, we no longer feel torn between following what others want us to do, what we think we should do, and what our soul is intuitively telling us is the right thing to do. External circumstances will no longer confuse or drive us; we are freed from the dual nature of life and, in all things, act from a singular motivation, which is love.


Pure State of the Heart

As we enter the Pure State of the Heart, our connection to the spirit of pure love within us deepens and our defense mechanisms, blockages and sense of separation from others melt away. The personal needs and desires that have distanced us from our heart will simply evaporate, allowing our heart center to fully open.

Sri Yukteswarji also refers to the pure state as the Clean State of the Heart, for we have cleansed our heart of all that has held us back from the complete expression of unconditional love. In this state, we feel a complete union with God, the universe and every other human heart. We understand with absolute certainty that we are all connected—we are not an individual wave in the sea, but an integral part of the vast ocean of humanity, and that humanity is an integral part of the infinite Cosmos.

We realize what Vedic philosophy has always asserted, and what quantum physics has only recently discovered—that all matter is an illusion. The only thing in our lives that is eternal is the energy of which we are comprised, which continually changes from one form to another, and carries our consciousness beyond space and time. In essence, reality is not what we see, but a great endless oneness of being through which all life is interwoven.

As Joni Mitchell sang in the 1960s, We are stardust . . .  we are billion-year-old carbon. So, within this carbon-based human body, our consciousness—our soul—is boundless, infinite and eternal. We embrace this truth in the Pure State of the Heart, where we experience a perfect, loving communion with all other souls.

Of course, the Pure State of the Heart is one not easily achieved by us mere mortals. Loving perfectly is a process—it is a journey we are on throughout our lifetime, and likely, throughout many lifetimes. But it is the only journey that really matters.

An excerpt from the The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge

By Guylaine Vallée, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer


There is no greater source of energy than our heart and its capacity to love. The study of the heart line is our guide to understanding and developing this powerful force. Studying the heart line allows us to see how our feelings influence our personal happiness and the happiness and harmony of those around us. By understanding and monitoring the development of the heart line, we will learn about our personal approach to love, how we can grow and improve it, and how we can make it last.

Let us begin with a brief overview of the significance of the heart line in our daily life. On a physical level, the heart line indicates the actual organic strength of the heart. In a psychological sense, the heart line gives us information about our temperament, as expressed through our feelings, moods, and emotional responses as well as our emotional and sexual stability.

The heart line also indicates the degree to which we can absorb emotionally shocking experiences and psychological traumas, and our capacity to recover from them. Furthermore, the timing of significant events throughout our lives can be deduced from the heart line, including major and minor emotional influences—both positive and negative.

On a spiritual level, the heart line indicates our willingness and our potential to sacrifice for others. An open heart center expands our self-awareness, which will foster and encourage the growth of our most noble attributes, such as sincerity, generosity, compassion, forgiveness and our ability to experience the joy and bliss associated with the expression of divine love.

When it comes to connecting with others, the heart line reflects our potential to develop and maintain successful and meaningful human relationships. Connecting with our heart enables us to develop deep spiritual roots. Our heart line can then become a deep reservoir of emotional strength that allows us to love and support others.


Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Neuroscience has proven that by changing our thoughts and attitudes we can physically change the neural pathways in our brain. By adjusting our thoughts, we can reprogram and fine-tune our own emotions in search of happier, more productive lives. Palmistry allows us to do exactly the same thing, but the real beauty of palmistry is that these changes are measurable and verifiable—when we change our thoughts and attitudes the lines in our hand will change accordingly! We can actually see this change occur by taking our handprints at regular intervals—such as at the beginning and end of The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge.

By changing our thoughts and attitudes toward ourselves and others, we will change our heart line, open our heart center, and change our lives forever. In time, (in as little as 90 days) we can literally turn our lives around by reprogramming our thoughts.

I would like to end this article with one of my favorite sayings of Mother Teresa, a beautiful saint that I had the great privilege and blessing to meet in Calcutta. Mother Teresa said, “It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”  This is what we strive for in The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge.




Added Bonus: Enjoy a live 20-minute free consultation on ZOOM with Astro-Palmist Denise Parisé

Denise will be delighted to guide and support you on your Heart Line journey. Make sure before you book your session with Denise to order your free Do-It-Yourself Handprint Kit containing two sets of acetates to take your “Before” handprints at the beginning of the program and your “After” prints at the end of the program. Denise can check your Before handprints and set you on a course of action where you would like to see yourself by the end of the Program.

Start your journey toward a more love-filled and happier life today!

After registering to the Heart Line Challenge, call Denise Parisé toll-free at 866-428-3799 to book your session.


Click here to find out more or to register to the The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge

An excerpt from the The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge

By Guylaine Vallée, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer


We are all born with the capacity to love perfectly, but life and ego often get in our way and trip us up. Fear, panic and loneliness can drive us to make poor choices, to start or stay in unhealthy relationships, to endure abuse and suffer indignities—and prevent us from opening our hearts to others. To find true love we must first be in touch with our true selves—we must get back to basics, to who we are at the core of our being, which is pure soul. How do we do that? Well, in the same way Michelangelo created his divine masterpiece, David, from an unattractive slab of rough marble. When asked how he did it, he replied that David had been in the rock all along, all he did was simply chisel away everything that was preventing the world from seeing David’s eternal, inspiring and divine beauty.

Our David, our own personal masterpiece, is our capacity to love fully and purely, which is hidden within us. That capacity is found in our heart center, which Eastern yogis refer to as our heart chakra, located in the upper region of the spine, between the shoulder blades and opposite the heart. Opening the heart chakra, or heart center, takes a bit of work. It is the primary and most important challenge we will encounter in The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge as it forces us to evolve as people, which can sometimes be painful because it means letting go of mindsets we have held onto for years because they have made us feel safe or comfortable, even if they have been bad for us. But when we take that daring step, when we dare to open our heart center and evolve in our capacity to love, we will tap into a power beyond our reckoning.

We will tap into the very power that created and drives the universe—a power that the ancient sages of India called Sat, that physicists call The Field and that I refer to simply as the Power of Love.

When accessing this universal power, which resides within the heart center of each and every one us, we will reap emotional riches and spiritual rewards that are truly unimaginable—we will gain the wisdom and inner strength to reshape our lives. They say that the truth will set you free, well, getting to know your true self, your true heart, will free you to experience love in all its glorious forms and in complete abundance.

In The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge, we look at the connection between our heart center and our heart line and how, in real and practical steps, we can change one to change and improve the other. Vedic Palmistry is a 5,000-year-old science that comes down to us from the teachings of the ancient Indian Vedas—the most sacred source of inspired wisdom in existence. But the real beauty of palmistry is that these changes are measurable and verifiable—when we change our thoughts and attitudes, the lines in our hand will change accordingly! We can actually see this change occur by taking our handprints at regular intervals—such as at the beginning and end of The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge.


Take advantage of our fantastic Special and order your free Do-It-Yourself Hand printing Kit so you can take your handprints at the beginning of the Challenge and witness the changes in your hands at the end of the Challenge. Start your journey toward a more love-filled and happier life today!




Added Bonus: Enjoy a live 20-minute free consultation on ZOOM with astro-palmist Denise Parisé


After registering to the Heart Line Challenge, call Denise Parisé toll-free at 866-428-3799 to book your free 20-minute consultation.

Denise will check your “Before” handprints in order to set yourself on a course of action where you would like to see yourself at the end of the Program. Denise will be delighted to guide and support you.


Click here to find out more or to register to the The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge

By Guylaine Vallée, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer

Each one of us longs for deep and meaningful relationships. In a lifetime, we have numerous opportunities to experience a union of souls: between business associates, friends, a parent and child, a husband and wife, a teacher and student, a guru and disciple.

Often we find ourselves repeating negative patterns of behavior. We may be drawn to people that bring us unhappiness; we may be dissatisfied with our jobs; or we may persist in unproductive ways of thinking that create pessimism and negativity. We want things to change, but don’t know what to do. Sometimes, we tell ourselves that we are just unlucky. We may even blame other people or life itself for our misfortune. In our pain, we may ask, “Why is this happening to me?”

We are told by the sages of old that happiness lies within ourselves and our sense of fortune or misfortune all starts with our perception

A great area of the hand you can check for perception and to see how objective you are in your daily life, particularly in your dealings with people, is the Mount of Moon. This zone signifies the degree to which we receive an accurate or distorted impression of what is happening around us. It is thus an indicator of our ability to perceive ourselves, and the world around us, in an objective manner. It is extremely important, as our perceptions are the foundation for our actions. Also, the Moon is the mount we check for signs of optimism, depression, gratitude, sadness, trust or paranoia.

A calm, balanced Mount of Moon is pink in color and ideally has a strong line of destiny originating on it. Preferably, there are not too many horizontal bars crossing the mount. Ideally, it is balanced with its neighboring Mount of Venus, thereby indicating steadiness, depth of character and an ability to make a commitment.

Red Luna

If you often feel anxious, apprehensive and insecure or if you are excitable and impulsive in your judging events, check the Mount of Moon in both your hands. If your Moon is red compared to the rest of your hand, has horizontal lines or if you see a whirlpool pattern in the fine ridges of your mount, it shows that you are vulnerable and can easily be affected by your immediate circumstances. Handprints can even give a clearer picture of that area in your hand.

By remaining inwardly calm, centered, and objective, we can deal better with changing events in our lives and our emotional reactions to them. We often hear it said that the only certainty in life is change. But although we may see ourselves as having little or no control over the changing events of our lives, we can control our perception of these events and consequently our reaction to change. Once we refuse to be at the mercy of our sensory impressions and our emotional responses to them, we can attract and maintain a happy, healthy and long-term relationship.

As Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” A great way to develop a good Moon is to remain positive. We’ve found one of the easiest and most effective ways to transform inner turmoil into creativity and joy is ensuring our Mount of Moon is strong and balanced. Indeed, the condition our Luna is in can make our life a heaven or a hell. So, we better make sure we are using our Moon energy properly—our success and happiness depend on it!

Join astro-palmist Guylaine Vallée this fall as she guides you through her brand new, life-transforming course: Luna and The Power of Perception. This life-changing program teaches you everything you need to know about creating peace of mind, focusing your creative energies positively, using your imagination to create health and happiness, and to express your feelings freely from the heart.


By Vedic Astro-Palmist, Guylaine Vallée


There is a great deal of truth in the old adage: Seeing is believing. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of untruth in it as well. When our Luna is not balanced, the information we are receiving through our sense organs can be skewed, misleading and even harmful.

Perhaps a good illustration of the sensory information we receive through an imbalanced Luna is a stroll through an amusement park House of Mirrors. In one mirror, we perceive ourselves as squat and fat, in another we are tall and toothpick thin, in a third we look like a hot-air balloon. The images are grotesque, but because we are aware of being in an amusement park, we know the information our eyes are receiving is faulty and we can laugh at what we are seeing. But when our Luna is off, we don’t need to be in an amusement park to receive distorted images of ourselves.

How often have we looked at own reflection and seen something that really wasn’t there, or projected an image onto ourselves that was untrue? We may have the loveliest face on the planet, but our mind obsesses on the tiny pimple on our chin until that pimple is all we see, and all we believe the world sees when we are looked at.


But what is the Moon?

The Mount of Luna is perhaps the most important of the hand’s ten mounts—some say it is the most important feature of the entire palm. That is because Luna governs our five senses of perception—smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing—which means that Luna pretty much governs the way we see, feel, experience and interpret everything we encounter in the world. In short, Luna is responsible for our thoughts; it affects every single aspect of our lives—from our moods and emotions to our relationships, our self-image and our mental health. And given the overwhelming amount of recent mind-body research illustrating the enormous impact our thoughts and emotions have on our bodies, Luna also plays a major role in our physical health and well-being.

Our mind can be bombarded by so much sensory data that we become preoccupied with the physical world. Instead of feeling the joy of a beautiful summer day, we choose instead to focus on our bad hair day . . . or the unsightly pimple on our chin.

Even with our eyes closed during prayer or meditation, we are still assaulted by thoughts and images—even when we try to block them out. If we do not train our mind to connect to our higher levels of consciousness, we will be forever at the mercy of our sensory perception. This condition can create an ever-escalating series of emotional highs and lows, which will disturb our happiness, complicate our lives and undermine our spiritual progress. Instead of concentrating on achieving our goals or pursuing our dreams, we waste time thinking of ways to get even with the rude motorist who cut us off; instead of being present with our child at a hockey game, we are wondering if our spouse is texting his old flame, instead of focusing on finishing our work assignments we fret away the hours wondering if our office mates are gossiping about us, and instead of meditating to calm our nerves we dwell upon the perceived snub by a friend.

These errant emotional thoughts are powerful disruptions that separate us from ourselves, from our purpose in life, and from those who rely on us. When we mentally wander off in this fashion, it can be said that we’ve “gone fishing”. This old English idiom refers to someone who has become completely unaware of their surroundings and has checked out from reality. Our best friend might be describing the birth of their first child to us, but they might as well save their breath—we may look like we are listening, but we are not hearing a word they say. We might show up for work every day, do our chores at home, even go out for nice dinners or to shows, but later we will have a hard time describing what we have done because we were AWOL from our own lives.

Even if, overall, we are a “glass half full” type of person, if our Luna is imbalanced—when we become too caught up in our thoughts or when our perception is false or faulty—that glass can suddenly appear to be half empty. Luna is responsible for feelings of sensitivity, receptivity and empathy. But when our perception goes haywire, we can easily withdraw into ourselves and witness the best parts of our Luna begin to falter and fail. We can come to view ourselves as being undeserving, unattractive, untalented and unworthy. And if we are overly focused on the external, we run the risk of disconnecting from our inner self and becoming subjective or even irrational, ruining perfectly good jobs, relationships or our future by failing to see correctly.

Sometimes, if we are habituated to emotional drama and in need of great levels of stimulation, we can develop an addiction to substances, some natural like adrenaline, others that are manufactured like drugs and alcohol, that flood into our bloodstream when our emotions are in a state of turmoil and distress. To fuel our addiction, we may attract abusive relationships, deliberately injure ourselves or recklessly put ourselves in situations that are illegal or dangerous. All this drama and chaos can prevent us from connecting with our inner peace and joy.

At the Birla Center we’ve found one of the easiest and most effective ways to transform inner turmoil into creativity and joy is ensuring our Mount of Moon is strong and balanced. In Vedic palmistry the Mount of Moon, or Luna, corresponds to our mind and emotions—it rules our power of perception and shapes the way we view ourselves and the world around us. Indeed, the condition our Luna is in can make our life a heaven or a hell. So, we better make sure we are using our Moon energy properly—our success and happiness depend on it!


Brand-New Course: Luna and The Power of Perception

Join astro-palmist Guylaine Vallée this fall as she guides you through her brand new, life-transforming course: Luna and The Power of Perception. This life-changing program teaches you everything you need to know about creating peace of mind, focusing your creative energies positively, using your imagination to create health and happiness, and to express your feelings freely from the heart.


Our fingernails are nature’s way of protecting the sensitive nerve endings of the fingertips. Vedic palmistry refers to the fingernails as the shield, or armor, of the human brain and nervous system—they insulate and protect us from the jarring hurl-burly of the physical world, ensuring we can remain calm in our day-to-day encounters.

Biting our nails is akin to a soldier stripping off his protective armor in the midst of battle—we are exposing ourselves to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. It is also a sign that we are mentally troubled, preoccupied or uneasy in our own skin—any of which is detrimental to our peace of mind and overall well-being.

It is important for us to recognize nail biting as an unhealthy habit (we can ingest bacteria and damage the nail plate or surrounding tissue) as well as a symptom of a deeper physiological issue or nervous disorder. Persistent nail biting can be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Once we have identified the disorder, Vedic palmistry has a vast array of tools we can use to correct it—from reaching for a glass of water when we feel the urge to chow down on our fingertips to changing our thoughts and behavior patterns.


Silencing the voices

Nail biting is a sign that our mind is not at peace. When our mind is restless, troubled or unfocused, we are unable to control or even decipher our thoughts, let alone be inspired by them. The tangled thoughts of a distraught, worried or afflicted mind can guide us in harmful directions and instead of finding happiness, we encounter disappointment, sadness and even depression.

Cutting-edge advancements in neuroscience have proven that the average person has between 60- 80,000 thoughts each day and that the majority of those thoughts are negative and self-defeating. Indeed, many people often hear a nagging inner voice constantly reminding them they are not good enough, smart enough or deserving enough to be loved, happy and successful. Over time, that unhealthy messaging actually alters the physical makeup of the brain, trapping us in an endless loop of negative thinking that takes us nowhere and leaves us miserable.


A Quantifiable, Measurable Science

Much like modern neuroscience, the ancient science of Vedic palmistry teaches us that our thoughts make deep impressions (or grooves) in our brain, impressions that can come to dominate our mind. But where Vedic palmistry and neuroscience differ is that palmistry shows us the origin, nature and quality of our thoughts. If our thoughts are angry, bitter, jealous or confused, our hand will tell us why and what we need to do to correct the situation.

If you are a compulsive nail biter or want to get rid of another ingrained habit like obsessive worrying, we invite you to check our 90-Day Program: Head Line Challenge: Thinking Your Way to Happiness. It is a powerful tool of self-transformation and self-improvement. This unprecedented approach to mastering your thoughts enables you to tap into the unlimited potential of your mind.

The Challenge could very well be the greatest investment you ever make—an investment in yourself that will help you use the power of healthy, unburdened thinking to create the life you’ve always dreamed of living in only 90 days.

Click here to find out more about our 90-Day Head Line Challenge.


By Guylaine Vallée, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer


Call me an accidental astrologer. Although I have been practicing Vedic astrology professionally for more than three decades, I didn’t set out 30 years ago to study the stars, or the importance of our ascendant sign, or for that matter, how the placement of the planets—in our chart and in the Cosmos—impact every aspect of our lives. My passion for astrology was not stirred by staring upward toward the heavenly constellations, but rather by looking downward into the palm of my hand . . . I fell in love with astrology by falling in love with palmistry.

Few people realize that Vedic astrology and Vedic palmistry are twin sciences. In ancient India, palmistry and astrology were considered, so to speak, to go hand in glove. Sadly, palmistry has become a bit of a forgotten sister that lacks the prestige bestowed upon astrology. I attribute this to the way palmistry has (too) often been viewed in the West, which is more entertainment than science.

But true Vedic palmistry offers us amazing insights into ourselves and our planets. Indeed, in Sanskrit, Vedic palmistry is referred to as Hast Jyotish, Hast meaning “hand” and Jyotish meaning “the energy of planetary light”.  So, when we study Vedic palmistry, we are actually studying the energy of the planets reflected in our palm. And all the planets in the Vedic zodiac are represented in their own individual area of the hand, a fact I became intimately aware of during my first consultation with palmist extraordinaire, Ghanshyam Singh Birla, back in 1984. It was an encounter I will never forget because it changed the course of my life.

At the time, I was an up-and-coming television producer/writer working in Montreal, just back from a long sojourn in Paris. It was kind of a glamorous life for an aspiring young career woman, but truth be told, I was utterly miserable. Nothing in my life gave me fulfillment—I found no joy in my work, my romances, my social life or in myself. I possessed tons of talent and energy but had no purpose into which I could positively direct my passion. I was frantically spinning my wheels like a madwoman but going nowhere; my life lacked meaning, I was at a loss as to what to do with myself and I was convinced I would never find real happiness. That all changed when I met Ghanshyam, who introduced me to the fascinating (and in my case, life-altering) world of astro-palmistry.

Within minutes of sitting down with Ghanshyam, he had analyzed my chart and my hand. Combining the tools of both astrology and palmistry, he quickly identified the positive and negative planetary influences at work in my life. For example, he told me I was a Cancer ascendant (ruled by Moon), which blessed me with vast reservoirs of mental and physical energy. However, because the “Mount of Moon” in my hand was over-accentuated and stirred up by the presence of a papillary pattern, my energy was frenetic, which had me bouncing all over the place emotionally. That in itself was a revelation as it accounted for the chronic mood swings that I’d suffered from since early adulthood. But Ghanshyam went further, informing that my excessive Moon energy was interfering with my powerful planetary Sun energy (my natural ability to shine in my career and in the world), which was prominently displayed in my palm’s Mount of Sun and Sun finger.

On the positive side, Ghanshyam pointed out that, having Jupiter in Scorpio in my 5th house aspecting an exalted Cancer, I possessed an innate ability to help others improve their lives and find purpose and meaning, which had always been an elusive dream of mine. He added that, in order to make that dream a reality, I would have to develop a “Ring of Solomon” on the Jupiter Mount of my hand, which he described as a “smiling” semi-circle just below my index finger that was considered a “wisdom sign”.

I was so captivated by how astutely Ghanshyam identified my issues and desires through astro-palmistry that I took everything he said to me to heart, which brings me to what I most love about Vedic palmistry. You see, in Vedic palmistry the lines and signs of our hand reflect who we are and the state of our overall well-being in body, mind and soul. Our palm is also a true reflection of how the power of our planets is being manifested in our lives.

While our planets remain fixed, how we are dealing with them is seen by the changing lines and signs on the related planetary zone in the palm. Exalted planets in our chart, might not be activated as seen by an inactive mount, negative planetary positions might show that we have overcome them by positive wisdom markings appearing on the respective mount. Our astrological chart, therefore, helps us zero in on what needs to be highlighted or repaired. Handprints taken at regular intervals show the changes we are making—a phenomena that allows us to literally outwit our stars by consciously avoiding negative Cosmic influences while embracing and emphasizing the positive ones.

I must admit, I was a little skeptical when Ghanshyam first told me I could change the lines and mounts of my hand by making a few simple changes in my thoughts, attitudes and lifestyle. But I soon discovered we cannot only change our lives by changing our lines, but we can actually see and monitor those changes as they are taking place with the use of “before and after” handprints. Over the decades I have witnessed major positive change occur in the lives of hundreds of my clients—just as I witnessed them take place in my own life.

After my first consultation with Ghanshyam I made a few adjustments to my lifestyle (learning to meditate and doing volunteer work, for example) that allowed me to calm down, focus my energy and become a more conscientious, purpose-driven individual. As a result, vast improvements appeared in the planetary zones of my hand—my Mount of Moon became balanced, my Sun line deepened and a Ring of Solomon appeared on my Mount of Jupiter. I was so amazed by how astro-palmistry positively transformed my life that I dedicated myself to the study of both Vedic palmistry and astrology, eventually developing my own thriving practice. Helping others through astro-palmistry has not only filled my life with meaning, it has given me a deep-rooted sense of personal happiness and joy that deepens with each passing year.

My hope in writing this little story is that some of you may be inspired to put a bit of time aside during the New Year to become acquainted with Vedic palmistry, the long-lost sister of Vedic astrology. Who knows, you may become an accidental palmist, too? At the very least you will gain a new and powerful method of interpreting your planets. And, if you are like me, find happiness and joy along the way.


Register to our June 9th Webinar:

Coping with a Major Shift in the Cosmos

During our June 9th webinar, we will explore the astrological chart and analyze the major shifts occurring that month. We will identify and neutralize emotional triggers before they can disrupt our peace of mind and the happiness of those around us.

To register or for more information, click here


The Author

Guylaine Vallée is a teacher and consultant at the Birla Vedic Center. In her more than 35 years as a professional Palmist, she has helped thousands of clients improve their lives and has inspired tens of thousands lecturing across North America and through her many webinars.

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For more information about Guylaine’s 90-Day Challenges, click here.


By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée


Is your past limiting your future?
Are you trapped in repeated, destructive patterns of behavior?
Vedic Palmistry can set you free—check out Elizabeth’s story.

Ever since she was in high school, Elizabeth didn’t feel good about herself unless she was in a romantic relationship. Raised in a stable, well-to-do family, she left home as a teenager to live with her boyfriend. The relationship was unhealthy and turbulent, but she stayed because she lacked confidence to live on her own.

After several years, she fled that relationship and jumped into marriage with a co-worker, hoping it would bring her the fulfillment she craved. But that relationship was also turbulent, and after the birth of her children, it soured as well. Her next relationship was a romance with another co-worker, but again . . . it ended painfully and abruptly.

Elizabeth was stuck in a destructive pattern she didn’t know how to break. Despite the fact that she had raised four children by herself and, by that time, had started up and was running her own successful business, her self-esteem plummeted when she was without a man in her life. She had been brought up to believe that her purpose and identity hinged on the romantic relationship in her life, not on her own attributes or accomplishments.

Elizabeth tried to avoid her pain by throwing herself into her work and the demands of being a single mom, but she was haunted by unhappiness and the memories of her failed relationships.

When she came to see me, she was desperate for change, believing palmistry could magically predict that her life would be filled with love, happiness and personal fulfillment.

“Elizabeth, Vedic palmistry isn’t magic—it’s an ancient science that has been helping people learn about themselves and improve their lives for more than 5,000 years,” I told her. “But, if you give it a little time, the results will feel like magic—your life will be transformed.”

Her first set of handprints revealed a highly confusing pattern of crisscrossing lines traversing her entire palm, like wild weeds choking a garden. This told me she was mentally exhausted, worrying about the demands of daily living and her desire to find a partner. The over-abundance of lines reflected Elizabeth’s chronically agitated state of mind.

I explained to her that the hectic network of lines was short-circuiting her ability to perceive herself and the world clearly. I told her that happiness in a relationship would continue to elude her until she regained her self-control and became centered within herself.

“You can’t change the past,” I continued, “but you can change your present and your future and attract positive people into your life by changing your expectations of relationships.”

“But how do I do that?” she asked.

“By changing one line at a time,” I said. “We need to clean up your hand and get rid of some of these excess lines. You need to balance the three major lines of heart, head and life with the minor lines of destiny, Sun and Mercury in order to establish a better equilibrium in your life.”

I explained that the lines of our hands change when we change our attitude and outlook on life, which is why palmistry is such an excellent tool for self-development. It allows us to focus on the areas of our life most in need of work, and as we strive to improve those aspects of our lives, it lets us monitor our progress by tracking the changing lines of our palm.

“It won’t happen overnight,” I told her. “Your habits, self-doubts and negative mindset have developed over many years, and it will take time to undo them. But as the great Himalayan yogi Lahiri Mahasaya said, `Banat, Banat, Ban Jai’—meaning doing, doing, one day done.”

In Elizabeth’s case, what she needed to “do” first was calm her mind and connect with her inner serenity. We began with a series of breathing exercises and a daily meditation routine.

We met once a month to discuss the positive changes in her life and take fresh handprints to check the changes in her lines. She was encouraged when she saw her major lines become more apparent.

As she felt better about herself, she was no longer driven by the need to jump from one relationship to another, looking for love. She felt a great release from the past patterns of behaviour that had held her captive for so long.

In her “after” handprints, we can see the busy network of interference lines subsiding, reflecting her more peaceful, confident, and focused approach to life.

Elizabeth experienced a major life transformation with the help of Vedic palmistry, and she did it by changing one line at a time.