Is your past limiting your future? Are you trapped in repeated, destructive patterns of behavior? Looking for love in all the wrong places? Check out Elizabeth’s story.

Ever since she was in high school, Elizabeth didn’t feel good about herself unless she was in a romantic relationship. Raised in a stable, well-to-do family, she left home as a teenager to live with her boyfriend. The relationship was unhealthy and turbulent, but she stayed because she felt incomplete on her own.

After several years, she fled that relationship and jumped into marriage with a co-worker, hoping it would bring her the fulfillment she craved. But that relationship was also turbulent, and after the birth of her children, it soured as well. Her next relationship was a common-law romance with another co-worker, but again . . . it ended painfully and abruptly.

Elizabeth was stuck in a destructive pattern she didn’t know how to break. Despite the fact that she had raised three children by herself and, by that time, had started up and was running her own successful business, her self-esteem plummeted when she was without a man in her life. Like many women, she had been conditioned to believe that her purpose and identity hinged on the romantic relationships in her life, not on her own attributes or accomplishments.

Elizabeth tried to avoid her pain by throwing herself into her work and the demands of being a single mom, but she was haunted by loneliness, unhappiness, low self-esteem, and the memories of her failed relationships. The fear of being alone drove her to more poor romantic choices, romances that began quickly and ended poorly because she consistently and recklessly chose men who were not right for her.

When she came to see me she was desperate for change, believing palmistry would make her sadness disappear and magically bring love, happiness and personal fulfillment into her life.

“Elizabeth, Vedic palmistry isn’t magic—it’s an ancient science that has been helping people learn about themselves and improve their lives for more than 5,000 years,” I told her. “But, if you give it a little time, the results will feel like magic—your life will be transformed.”

Her first set of handprints revealed a highly confusing pattern of criss-crossing minor lines traversing her entire palm, obstructing her major lines like wild weeds in a garden. This told me her life was dictated by external circumstances over which she had little or no control. She was so preoccupied with and distracted by the demands of daily living and her quest for a suitor, she had no time to look within herself. She was not accessing her subconscious or drawing upon the internal strength and resources within her heart and mind, which are represented by the major lines of heart and head in her hand. The over-abundance of minor lines reflected Elizabeth’s chronically agitated state of mind.

“This hectic network of lines symbolizes the confused interaction of your desires, concerns, memories, thoughts, regrets and relationships,” I told her. “All these minor lines are short-circuiting your ability to perceive yourself or the world clearly. You depend on external relationships to bring you happiness—that is why happiness has eluded you. True happiness comes from within. You need to regain control of your mind and your life if you want to be fulfilled.

“You can’t change the past,” I continued, “but you can change your present and your future and attract positive people into your life by changing your expectations of relationships.”

“But how do I do that?” she asked.

“By changing one line at a time,” I said. “We need to clean up your hand and get rid of some of these minor lines. You need a healthy balance of major and minor lines to have a healthy and balanced life.”

I explained that the lines of our hands change when we change our attitude and outlook on life, which is why palmistry is such an excellent tool for self-development. It allows us to focus on the areas of our life most in need of work, and as we strive to improve those aspects of our lives, it lets us monitor our progress by tracking the changing lines of our palm.

“It won’t happen overnight,” I cautioned her. “Your habits, self-doubts and negative mindset have developed over many years, it will take time to undo them. But as the great Himalayan yogi Babaji said, `Banat, Banat, Ban Jai’—by doing, doing, it is done.”

In Elizabeth’s case, what she needed to “do” first was calm her mind and connect with her inner serenity. We began with a series of breathing exercises and a daily meditation routine.

We met once a month to discuss the positive changes in her life and take fresh handprints to see if the lines in her hands changed to match up with her life changes. They always did, and she always left my office feeling encouraged and determined to continue on her new path.

As she felt better about herself, she was no longer driven by the need to jump from relationship to relationship seeking validity. She was released from the patterns of past behaviour and preoccupations that had taken control of her life and held her captive for so long.

In her “after” handprints, we can see the busy network of interference lines subsiding, reflecting her more peaceful, confident, and focused approach to life.

Elizabeth experienced a major life transformation with the help of Vedic palmistry, and she did it by changing one line at a time.

In my personal coaching sessions, I help clients to improve any aspect of their personal or professional life that is causing them difficulty—from building self-confidence, to developing charisma t o finding love.

For information about our palmistry programs, or to arrange an appointment with me, either in person, by phone or by Skype, call us at 866.428.3799 or click here to book an appointment. We’re here to help.


The ability to freely express ourselves is a defining aspect of human happiness. Do you want to feel the happiness and satisfaction we derive from expressing ourselves freely? We can help you—check out Blake’s story.

Blake was an extraordinarily good cars salesman. Everyone agreed, he was the Wayne Gretzky of automobile sales. Even when he was in high school and working part-time at his dad’s used car lot, Blake consistently out-sold his older, fulltime colleagues.

By the time he’d enrolled in university to study psychology, Blake had earned enough money to buy his own home and two of the late model Porches he was so talented at selling. During his first year of study he continued to sell cars at a luxury car dealership, which allowed him to marry the beautiful young daughter of the owner. No one doubted that he was going to be a huge success.

But when I met Blake shortly after his 26th birthday, he was a broken man—emotionally shattered and physically exhausted. He’d dropped out of school during his final year and went through a bitter divorce, in which he lost his house, cars and all his savings.

“I couldn’t do it anymore, Guylaine. Everyone thought I was Mr. Super Salesman because I knew a lot about cars. . . but that wasn’t true. I knew about people, that’s why I wanted to study psychology: I knew what people wanted, and I knew what they thought they wanted—so it was easy to sell them expensive cars, even when they clearly couldn’t afford it. But it made me miserable—I wanted to help people, not take advantage of them or put them into impossible debt. But I couldn’t tell them take the bus, or go buy an inexpensive used car from my dad. My boss, my wife, my friends and my colleagues relied on me to make money. I was never able to tell them that wasn’t what I wanted to do. So I walked away from it all. It cost me everything I had and I still can’t explain what went wrong. My life is over, I’m a loser.”

After taking Blake’s handprints, I understood why he had kept silent about his feelings for so many years. There was no indication whatsoever of a Mercury line in his hand, which is evident in his “before” handprint. He had solid head and heart lines, representing a keen mind and generous heart, but they were stifled and suffocated without the support of Mercury, or any other minor line.

In classical mythology, wing-footed Mercury was the messenger of the gods—his job was to make sure the immortals were able to readily communicate with each other. In the hand, the line of Mercury also represents communication—it reflects our ability to convey our needs, desires, dreams and ideas, and the happiness and satisfaction we derive from expressing ourselves freely.

A strong Mercury line tells us that we understand who we are and are comfortable within ourselves and in the world. Mercury enables us to explore the depths of our subconscious mind, develop our unique gifts and talents, and share them with the world.

Blake didn’t know who he was, although he was aware of who he wasn’t. He felt trapped, and had become so frustrated with his inability to express himself that, in an act of desperation, he had chosen to simply disappear from his life.

During a series of counseling sessions—during which I recommended daily meditation and breathing exercises—I convinced Blake that by changing his thoughts and outlook on life he could change the lines in his hand . . . he could leave his anguish and heartache behind, learn to express himself, and create a happy and fulfilling future.

After several months of coaching, I noticed the beginning of a Mercury line in Blake’s right palm—it signaled an awakening of his inner self, an awareness of who he was and what he was meant to do in life. Within a year Blake had developed a strong Mercury line, which is seen in his “after” handprint, indicating that he’d found the self-confidence and inner contentment needed to express himself effortlessly. He also developed a healthy Sun line, reflecting his new-found conviction, and a growing magnetism that quickly drew an amazing number of positive people and circumstances into his life.

Soon Blake returned to school and completed his psychology degree, he remarried, had two children, became a college lecturer and opened a private counselling practice with his new wife. Most importantly, he was happy.

The ability to freely express ourselves is a defining aspect of human happiness; without it, we are in danger of retreating into our own misery and develop a medley of physical and psychological illnesses. When we learn to communicate our dreams, ambitions and individuality, we can soar towards joy with the speed and ease of winged-Mercury.

You would like to develop you own Mercury line? Give me a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here.

Gerald was a concert pianist; Marge didn’t play an instrument but was a huge fan of classical piano music. One evening, Marge attended a concert in which Gerald played a solo piece; she was so moved by his music that she was determined to meet him. When they were introduced backstage they felt as if they had known each other all their lives—the chemistry was instantaneous, undeniable and profound. It was love at first sight.

They began a passionate romance and became inseparable companions. And although their ardor never cooled, after several months of dating there was definitely trouble in paradise. Gerald felt smothered by Marge’s possessiveness, sudden outbursts of anger, and forceful, demanding nature. That’s when they came to see me for couples’ counselling.

union-line-making-beautiful-music-together-printThe first thing I did was check their union lines (sometimes referred to as the marriage line) and noted that they both had just one, indicating they were seeking one true and lasting love-match. Their partnership was supported by the age-placement of their lines—Marge was 32 and Gerald was 38 when they met and their union lines perfectly corresponded with that time frame. And the fact that both of their union lines extended to the back of their hands suggested they may have known each other in a previous life and had a karmic relationship, accounting for their sudden, mutual attraction and instant sense recognition and familiarity. All this pointed toward a very good match.

The trouble was with Marge’s downward-turning union line, referred to as mangli, which told me the effects of traumatic events or turbulent life changes were spilling into her current relationship. As it turned out, she was dealing with the recent death of her mother, the breakup of her previous long-term romantic relationship and a work-transfer to a new city—the combination of which had made her angry, anxious, insecure and resistant to change. Unfortunately, Gerald was often the focus of these negative emotions.

I explained to Marge that she needed to let go of her anger and channel her intense emotions into physical exercise as well intellectual and spiritual pursuits, otherwise she would poison her relationship and make herself sick.

Marge took my advice. We scheduled regular appointments to get to the root of her anger and she had frequent ayurvedic massages to release her tension and faithfully practiced yoga and meditation. And she began studying piano under Gerald’s tutelage.

Over the course of two years Marge completely changed her outlook on life. She became more accepting and open to change and developed an easygoing, sunny disposition. Her union line gradually straightened out, reflecting these internal changes. Her relationship with Gerald improved immensely—they married a year later and have been making beautiful music together now for two decades.

If you would like help with your relationship or understanding your union line, give me a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We’re here to help.




Marie-Christine first came to see me when she was 18 years old and in her first year of college. She was bright, pretty and charming, but unhappy.

“I don’t know what to do with my life,” she told me as I studied her handprints. “One day I want to be a doctor, the next day I want to be a scuba instructor, the day after that I want to be a painter or maybe work with children . . . or quit school and travel the world. There’s so much I want to do in life, but I’m getting nowhere. I can’t even commit to one boyfriend—I keep dating guys who are totally wrong for me because they’re fun, then I stay up all night and miss morning classes. I want to have a career and start a family one day, but it seems hopeless. I’m really lost—can you help me?”

“I’m here to help,” I smiled. “Let’s take a look at your handprints and see what’s going on with you.”

I wasn’t surprised to find two head lines in Marie-Christine’s palm, which is not uncommon in multi-talented individuals. A double head line signals a duality of mind in an individual who is gifted in so many areas that they become too restless or bored too easily to pursue just one. Marie-Christine was being pulled in many directions and reluctant to say no to any experience for fear of missing out on all life had to offer. But her inability to settle on a single career path or romantic partner was preventing her from reaching her full potential, which was reflected in her broken Saturn (or destiny) line. And her indecisiveness was making her miserable.

“We have to mend your destiny line and forge your two head lines into one,” I told her. “I suggest you stop dating for at least a year and focus completely on your studies. Find the subject you are most passionate about and pursue it with all your heart and mind. Ask your family to help you, it is important for you to have a supportive environment.”

Marie-Christine told me that her parents were divorced and she was essentially on her own—both financially and emotionally. She asked me to be her coach and I happily agreed.

At first it wasn’t easy for her to make choices and stick by them, but she persevered and it paid off. She enrolled in child psychology and proudly showed me her straight-A progress report every month—and every month her head and destiny lines showed signs of improvement.

Last year—15 years after we first met—Marie-Christine returned to my office. This time her prints revealed a strong and solitary head line and a healthy, unbroken destiny line; she was running her own successful clinic helping troubled youth, was in a loving relationship and the mother of two young children of her own. She had defeated the duality in her palm and was singularly happy.


For information on our coaching program, call us at 866.428.3799 or click here to book an appointment. We are here to help.





Christina was at her wits end when she called me.

Her husband suffered a fatal heart attack several months earlier and she’d moved from Chicago to Montreal to be with family. But her 13-year-old son Benjamin was not adjusting well to the sudden changes. Devastated by his father’s death and traumatized by the move, he was experiencing panic attacks, had no friends or interests, and was doing very poorly at school, where his bad behaviour landed him in detention every afternoon. While on the phone with Christina, I could hear Benjamin slamming doors and shouting: “I hate my school, I hate my teachers, I hate French . . . and I hate you for making me come here!”

“I’m worried sick about Benji,” Christina said. “We’ve been in family therapy for months, we’ve visited three child psychologists and consulted a psychiatrist—nothing has helped. My sister recommended you; I don’t really believe in palmistry, but you’re my last hope.”

Benjamin was sullen and despondent when he arrived at my office. He slumped into his chair, balled his hands into fists and stared at the floor. His despair was heartbreakingly obvious. His handprints revealed that his pain and anger were blocking him from progressing in life—he was trapped in his grief. He had prominent islands of interference on the life line of his left hand, reflecting his growing isolation, loneliness and despair. I decided to reach out to him through astrology.

“Look at these, Benjamin, they’re the astrological birth charts for you and your father,” I said. His eyes widened as I pointed to the similarities in the charts. “You have the same Virgo ascendant and very similar planetary placements, which makes you and your dad quite a bit alike.”

“Really?” he asked, showing interest.

“Really! And you both have Major Rahu periods beginning at age 13.” I explained that, in simple terms, a Major Rahu is an 18-year period that can bring a lot of change and present us with tough challenges to overcome and hard lessons to learn . . . and sometimes force us to travel to different countries and learn foreign languages. I told him that the way we respond to these challenges can shape our future and determine what kind of person we become. “

“That’s exactly what happened to my father, Benjamin said. He had to move from Italy to America when he was 13, leave all his friends behind, start over at a new school and learn another language.”

“Kind of like you’re doing, isn’t it? I asked. Tell me Benjamin, how did your Dad handle those big changes?”

“Grandma told me it was tough for Dad at first, but he learned English and studied so hard he got a scholarship. Then he started his own company and hired 200 people—and had tons of friends! Everybody loved my Dad. I guess that’s what I’ve got to do, too, isn’t it?”

“It sounds like a very good idea,” I said, giving him a small astrology book and the two birth charts to take home.

I saw Benjamin regularly over the next several months and he was always eager to see how the lines in his hands were changing and learn about the planets. When he showed up with his mom a year later to take his “After Handprints”, his entire demeanor had changed. He was walking tall, his eyes were bright, his hands were relaxed and he was smiling. His After handprints reflected his dramatic transformation—the islands of interference had completely disappeared from his life line.

benjamin-story-heartbreak-happiness“I don’t know what you said to him, Guylaine—but you inspired him—you opened his heart. His grades are terrific, he’s almost fluent in French, he’s joined the school hockey team and astronomy club—and he’s popular! His new friends are constantly hanging out at our house. I don’t have to worry about him anymore, he’s happy.”

If you or someone you love is going through a difficult time, I am here to help. Give me a call at at 866-428-3799 or click here to book a consultation.


There was an urgent message on the office answering machine the morning of July 25th.

“Guylaine, it’s Marc. I am having the day from hell—I am coming to see you, it’s an emergency!”

Marc, a long-time client who is usually sweet-tempered and calm, was soon banging on my door.

“What’s going on with you Marc?” I asked.

“It started yesterday, Guylaine. I’d been edgy all afternoon and when my wife and I went out to dinner with friends I inexplicitly ordered two bottles of wine for myself and a second meal. I ate and drank until I felt sick, then I insulted the waiter and was rude to my wife and friends for no reason at all. I woke up this morning feeling anxious and emotionally drained—I snapped at my wife again, cut off other motorists while driving to work and almost quit my job just because my boss didn’t say “good morning” to me. Why I’m behaving like a crazy man?”

“Don’t worry Marc, you’re not crazy,” I said. “Mercury is in the 29th degree of Cancer and its taking a toll on all of us in different ways. This transit’s intense nervous energy can make us lash out illogically over trivial things and push us to overindulge and neglect our health. Read the article The Storm Before the Calm:  Monday’s 29th Degree of Mercury in Cancer and you’ll understand what’s happening to you. And don’t worry, Mercury enters Leo tomorrow and will bring a lot of positive, creative energy with it. It will be a great time for you to find inspiration and make a fresh start . . . and to apologize to your wife.”

Marc called a few days later and said he was quitting drinking, beginning a fitness routine and making it a point to be nicer to everyone—especially his wife.

“I’m taking advantage of Mercury in Leo. Thanks for telling me about the article about the 29th degree, Guylaine—it was an eye-opener!”

We should all heed the maxim: As above, so below. What happens in our stars echoes in our lives; it’s wise to know what’s going on in the Cosmos so we aren’t caught by surprise.

If you’d like help understanding your planets and how you can use them to your advantage, give me a call at at 866-428-3799 or click here to book a consultation.