Entries by Guylaine Vallée

The Downside of Fidgeting

A Restless Body Equals a Restless Mind By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée It’s difficult not to notice a fidgeter—those of us who just can’t seem to sit still, who seem compelled to be constantly rapping their fingers on a desktop, tapping their toes under the dinner table, swinging their arms for no apparent reason, shaking […]

Auspicious Full Moon in Capricorn – Guru Purnima

  Saturday, July 24th, is a very special and auspicious day in Vedic culture known as Guru Purnima, which always falls on the day of the full moon (Purnima) in the Hindu month of Ashadha (June–July). This summer that occurs with the full moon in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer. Traditionally, this day is […]

Mona’s Devoted Heart

By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée (Excerpt from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge) The Five States of the Heart In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect love, we must progress through “Five States of the Heart.” Successfully passing through each state brings us a […]

Make it a Kinder, Gentler Valentine’s Day

  The Cosmos is sending out a Valentine’s Day message for lovers everywhere this year—on February 14th you will win over more hearts by practicing patience and kindness than by handing out flowers and chocolates. Why? Because on Valentine’s Day, five planets will be in Capricorn, intensifying an already stressed situation. Furthermore, Saturn in Capricorn […]

Bruno’s Propelled Heart

By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée Excerpt from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge: Open Your Heart to Love, Joy and Happiness In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect love, we must progress through “Five States of the Heart.” Successfully passing through each state brings […]

Lyn and Roy: The Dark Heart

Excerpt from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge: Open Your Heart to Love, Joy and Happiness By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée   The Five States of the Heart In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect love, we must progress through “Five States of the […]