Do people from your past push your emotional buttons and make you feel like a helpless child again? Can other people’s negative comments or miserable attitudes destroy your self-confidence regardless of how far you’ve come in life? We can help. Check out Patrice’s story:
Patrice shuffled into my office looking pale, unhealthy and miserable. He had been one of my most vibrant and optimistic clients but it had been a year since his last consultation and I was shocked by his sorry state; he was a shell of his former self.
“What happened to you, Patrice?”
The last time I’d seen him, his handprints were filled with beautiful lines and signs. But in his new handprints, all those positive markings were gone; it was as though his palm had been dipped in acid. This troubled me a great deal: my clients’ hands almost always show improvement over time, an improvement reflected by their improving lives. . . it’s what I love most about Vedic Palmistry. But Patrice’s hands, and life, had taken a dramatic turn for the worse—a rare case of regression.
“Mark! That’s what happened to me, Guylaine; my cousin has made my life miserable.”
When we’d first met Patrice had explained that he and Mark had grown up together on their grandparents’ dairy farm where they’d shared a bedroom and spent many hours together tending the crops and cows.
Patrice was a gentle, creative boy who read philosophy and wrote poetry. Mark, on the other hand, was a ruffian and bully; he beat the cows with a stick, terrorized his schoolmates and humiliated Patrice in front of his friends. Patrice was always fearful, nervous and anxious when Mark was around.
That changed when Patrice received a scholarship from a university out of town. He thrived in the new academic climate, expanding his mind and consciousness while studying creative writing and comparative religions. He was popular with fellow students and his professors, and had many of his poems published. His interest in Eastern philosophy drew Patrice to the Birla Center, where he became a regular client of mine.
Patrice’s many gifts and admirable qualities are easily seen in his initial set of handprints. There are several wisdom signs on his Mount of Jupiter, including a square reflecting his writing talent, a cross signifying personal magnetism and a Ring of Solomon revealing a growing intuitive understanding of the human condition. An emerging Girdle of Venus expresses his love of life and his ability to inspire joy in others. And his long headline shows a strong self-confidence, which is echoed in the strong sense of purpose seen in the solid destiny line traveling from Ketu to the mount of Saturn. Finally, a pronounced Mercury line conveys an ability to express complex ideas and artistic impulses with ease and grace.

The one potential problem in his initial print is found in the prominent interference line that begins deep within his Mars negative and nearly severs his stamina line before crossing his life line, destiny line and head line. This was either a result of a karmic difficulty from a past life that Patrice needed to resolve in this lifetime, or a childhood trauma he’d buried in his subconscious.
I’d suspected it was from his negative relationship with his cousin, so we worked together to reduce it over the course of several coaching sessions. I suggested a daily routine of mantra and meditation to help him replace any lingering resentment and anger he harbored toward Mark with positive thoughts, feelings and emotions. Patrice practiced his spiritual routine faithfully and was making great progress, but then his grandfather died and he took a year off from school, returning to the farm to help his grandmother.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of her being alone with Mark,” he said. “He is such a nasty person that even the cows hide from him.”
But as soon as he arrived at the farm he was swallowed up by his past. Mark began bullying him and he fell back into old patterns of fearful, insecure behavior.
“I stopped reading and writing poetry,” Patrice told me. “I didn’t want to get out of bed—I even stopped meditating. My only mantra was, I hate Mark! I hate Mark! That thought has run through my mind every day from morning to night for the past year. I lost everything I’d achieved . . . all I have left is anger. . . I guess you see that in my hand.”
“I do see it, Patrice. All your good lines have withered away, even your life line is fading. You lost your purpose and positive drive by succumbing to your cousin’s negativity and allowed that to become the leading force in your life.”
I explained that our brain is like a sponge, soaking up the moods of the people around us—if those people are negative, those moods and attitudes can poison our minds, sometimes with long-lasting effects. Vedic palmistry has known this for centuries and lately neuroscientists have been confirming it, attributing the phenomena to a recently discovered system of brain neurons they call “mirror neurons”, which tune into the brain of the people we are closest to and physically recreate their internal state within us.
“In other words, Patrice—your cousin hasn’t just been ruining your life, he’s been ruining your brain,” I said. “The good news is that you’ve come back to a positive environment where you are surrounded by positive people. If you get back to your meditation and begin creating new, positive thoughts, your anger will disappear and the wonderful things that you experienced in your life will return . . . and so will the beautiful lines in your hand. This is the power of palmistry—it can tell us what is causing our problems, how to fix them, and show us the improvements in our palms.”
I gave Patrice a journal and told him to monitor his moods, thoughts and emotions each day—and to be vigilant not to let Mark’s negativity seep into his psyche.
Patrice left my office with a smile on his face. Eight months later he completed his schooling and went back to the farm to help his grandmother, but this time he didn’t allow himself to be dragged down by Mark. He continued to meditate and write poetry and eventually married a neighboring farm girl. When Mark realized he could no longer dominate or dampen Patrice’s mood, he moved away. Patrice and his new wife amalgamated their farms, invited Patrice’s grandmother to live with them and began raising a family of their own. Today Patrice is a successful farmer, happy family man and a respected poet.
When we are aware of our moods and thoughts and take ownership of them, we can prevent others from trespassing in our internal world or destroying our peace of mind. Palmistry is an invaluable map that can guide us on the journey toward self-awareness.
Prevent others from destroying your motivation and eroding your self-confidence. To book a consultation, give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click here. We are here to help.
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