The Cosmos is sending out a Valentine’s Day message for lovers everywhere this year—on February 14th you will win over more hearts by practicing patience and kindness than by handing out flowers and chocolates.

Why? Because on Valentine’s Day, five planets will be in Capricorn, intensifying an already stressed situation. Furthermore, Saturn in Capricorn is squared by Uranus, which adds even a greater strain to an already taxing time. What this planetary traffic jam tells us is that there is conflict between our wish for peace and order and our desire to break free of restrictions.

Fortunately, the Moon is in the compassionate sign of Pisces, which can soften our hearts to express our love and gratitude to all those close to us on this special Day.

It is important to remember that true love—which St. Valentine’s Day symbolizes and celebrates—is based on a selfless love that arises from compassion. So please, be especially patient, gentle and kind with your Valentine (and everyone else) on February 14th and throughout the year.

We encourage you to connect with the boundless love radiating within your soul and allow the tenderness of an open heart to guide you in all your interactions with others. The feelings of warmth and goodwill generated by a kind action or gentle word will last far longer than a single day and will return to you many fold.

Of course, chocolates and flowers are always appreciated!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Let Your Love Shine with Our Two-For-One February Special!

To promote and celebrate lasting love everywhere, we are offering a Valentine’s special for family, friends and lovers throughout the month of February!

When you sign up with a loved one for our Self-Paced 90-Day Heart Line Challenge this month you will receive a receive a 20 % discount on enrollment. What better way to learn about love than with a loved one at your side, be it your spouse, child, teenager, parent or lover. It is the perfect Valentine’s gift to present to yourself or that special someone!

The Heart Line Challenge is designed to connect you with your heart and help you develop deeper feelings of love, compassion and kindness. Taking the program with someone you care for makes it all the more powerful. Whether you are looking to bring the romance back into your relationship, deepen loving family ties or simply become a more loving person, the Heart Line Challenge is for you. And because it is self-paced, you can do it whenever you have the time or are in the mood. What better activity for a date night than learning how to love the person you’re with more deeply? Don’t leave your heart waiting—this special offer expires at the end of February.


Give us a call toll-free at 866-428-3799, 819-428-4298 or click here for more info.

The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge: $199 (Reg. $249)

By Ghanshyam Singh Birla, Vedic Palmist-Astrologer

Given the year we’ve just come through, I was a bit anxious when drawing up the astrological chart for 2021. Nevertheless, I am delighted to report that, despite a couple of striking similarities, last year’s chart and this year’s chart are extremely different—and 2021 is filled with greater promise and hope.

Let’s start with the similarities. Both charts have Virgo rising with the lord of Virgo, Mercury, sitting in the 4th house of home, related to our security, our Mom, our homeland, our planet Mother Earth and where our heart feels most comforted. Another similarity between the 2020 and 2021 charts is the fact that both the Sun and Mercury are in Sagittarius in the 4th house.

What makes the chart of 2021 so different from 2020 is that last year the 4th house not only had the Sun and Mercury in it, but Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Ketu as well. These six planets crammed into the 4th house formed a cluster of planets that emit enormous energy known as a stellium. The energy radiating from 2020’s intense stellium spread across the entire chart, disrupting every facet of life in every corner of the globe—our home lives, our relationships with family and friends, our finances, work and careers, our creativity and our physical and mental health. Even our social structures and institutions were disrupted, from shopping, education and entertainment to healthcare, politics and policing. Indeed, the intensity exerted on the 4th house of home in the 2020 chart helped turn our world upside down, forced us to redefine our sense of normal and to seek entirely new ways of feeling comfortable, safe and peaceful.

Thankfully, with only the Sun and Mercury in the 4th house this year, we know that, in the 2021 chart, the house of home will not suffer the same kind of relentless stress and uncertainty inflicted upon it by last year’s stellium. So, because the 4th house is not as bombarded this year, we can hopefully look forward to taking a collective sigh of relief.

However, one important key to realizing happiness in the 4th house is our approach to the 12th house. Because, you see, the Sun in the 4th house relates to its sign Leo occupying the 12th house, which, in astrology, is known as the house of loss or enlightenment. It was the same last year.

The 12th house is responsible to make us stretch our boundaries, to not remain limited. It relates to everything beyond what we are familiar with, everything that seems foreign—different cultures, different languages, different nationalities, the global community, the galaxy—we have the choice to find a common ground and embrace our differences or resist one another and remain isolated, angry or fearful. We have the chance to heal or annihilate our planet, Mother Earth.

The 12th house is the last stop in our chart. Losing our body can be the most foreign experience of all. So, how to embrace the 12th house to experience enlightenment opposed to loss in order to realize happiness in the 4th house? The more we are open to discovering about ourselves, for example our unseen soul nature, we will have a better time in the 4th house. Feeling centered within ourselves, we will feel more relaxed, peaceful and flexible to go along with life’s ups and downs.

Qualities of the 12th house include broad-mindedness, inclusiveness, illumination, intuition—all of which are powerful tools we can use to break down mental boundaries that keep us isolated and unaware of the bigger picture. Developing these qualities will open us to empathy and enable us to connect to others in a heartfelt and truly meaningful manner. When we achieve this, our 4th house of home will be a calm, cozy and inviting place that radiates love.

The best feature of the 2021 chart is the location of the Moon, which is in its own sign of Cancer, showing the potential for our emotions to be governed by true and genuine feelings. Moreover, in the constellation of Pushya, it instills within us a protective instinct to want to nurture and support others. And what is really great, the Moon is in the 11th house of wishes fulfilled! When we open our hearts to others, we can reap the greatest benefits from the 11th house,  the house of friends, neighbours, colleagues and the community. It is the house of gains, meaning the realization of our hopes and dreams.

This is in stark contrast to the location of the Moon in last year’s chart, which was in the 6th house of health and enmity in the Saturn-ruled sign of Aquarius in a very difficult nakshatra known as Purvabadrapada. Indeed, according to famed astrologer Prash Trivedi, the Purvabadrapada nakshatra is “where the world loses its mind”, which it certainly did in 2020. The Moon was also conjunct the nebulous planet Neptune in the same difficult nakshatra (where Neptune remains until 2024), which added even greater confusion to the nature of things, for example the origin of the coronavirus and “fake news” in the media.

Further positive Moon tidings in 2021 include Jupiter in the 5th house of love, aspecting the Moon in the 11th house of gains. This tells us that by embracing a sense of goodwill for others, we will enjoy the benefits of the 11th house, which include bonds of friendship.

But this year there is one big caution: the gentle and kind emotional Moon, offering so much promise in the 11th house, is being aspected by the very powerful, warlike planet Mars in Aries, which can be very forceful and, at times, aggressive. Whenever there is a connection between these two planets, Mars and Moon, our blood can easily boil. Small things can set us off, creating emotional outbursts. So, instead of benefiting from the house of gains, keeping in mind the welfare of others, we create chaos, disrupting the peace so everyone feels bad. So, how do we control our Mars?

Mars is in its own sign of Aries in the 8th house of transformation. When Mars is situated there, we have the motivation, strength and energy to completely transform our life if we choose to look inward and explore our inner self. However, if we are not rooted in our deeper self-awareness, the ego can easily be triggered and we can feel self-righteous to use our energy and strength to disrupt instead of uplifting and unifying. A better comprehension of our true nature will make the aspect to the Moon in Cancer inspiring, constructive and fruitful.

Other positive planetary positions include Rahu in the 9th house, which will lift our spirits, rouse our higher consciousness and encourage us to seek out a greater purpose; and Saturn in Capricorn, where it is both at home and in its dignity, which will help us gain insight about our inner self and use our knowledge, gifts and expertise to express ourselves more capably in the world.

However, the benefic planet Jupiter is debilitated in the sign Capricorn, relinquishing its optimistic, hopeful and expansive characteristics to the cautionary, disciplined and hard-working sign ruled by Saturn. Additionally, Jupiter is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. In this case, we may have to confront our own inhibitions and self-restrictions, as well as the restrictions placed upon us by circumstances, making us want to break free. However, as astrologer Robert Hand suggests, “we can choose to grow within the structure of restriction, using that very structure to enlarge our life.” So instead of feeling confined, restless and impatient with circumstances, we can use the restrictive feeling of Saturn and Jupiter joined together in the 5th house to deepen our feelings of love, persevere in the face of any challenges, and employ the hard work and discipline necessary to express our creativity and complete any outstanding projects.

So, let’s do our best to create a healthier, calmer and more caring world by developing goodwill toward our neighbours, remembering to include them in our prayers unreservedly as we pray for ourselves. If we keep our heart charged with love, we will find peace and create happiness throughout the year to come.

The formula for happiness in 2021 is simple yet profound: Love your neighbour as yourself and you will be fine.

To watch the video of the 2021 chart analysis, click here to go to our YouTube Channel.

By Vedic Palmist, Ghanshyam Singh Birla

A powerful example of a beautiful change of heart is reflected in the hand of Dr. Wayne Dyer, the world-renowned inspirational author, philosopher and speaker who, sadly, passed away in 2015.

Through his books and lectures, Wayne encouraged us all to recognize that the most fundamental truth of existence is that we are eternal souls in physical bodies. Or, as Wayne liked to phrase it: “We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.” Wayne believed, as I do, that we can manifest an abundance of love, beauty, success and happiness in our lives by developing our self-awareness, opening our hearts to others and always attempting to draw closer to Spirit.

And yet, for many years, happiness and unconditional love eluded Wayne. He grew up in foster homes, spent his youth in poverty and struggled with depression. He dealt with issues of self-esteem and other personal demons—even after the publication of his first book, the 1976 mega bestseller Your Erroneous Zones, catapulted him to fame and made him a multimillionaire. It was only when he experienced a change of heart, or what he called “the shift”, that he began following a profoundly spiritual path, a path that led him to unconditional love and happiness. This state of contentment permitted him to use his fame to express what was in his heart to a wide audience and to inspire millions of people.

I had the privilege of knowing Wayne and was fortunate to meet with him at two very different periods in his life. The first consultation was in Florida in 2003, the second was a dozen years later in Ottawa in 2015, just a few months before his untimely death. The handprints taken during those readings dramatically illustrate how a change in heart will inevitably be reflected in changes in our life and in our hand.

In his “before” prints, taken in 2003, Wayne has many beautiful wisdom signs, including a magnificent “triple” Ring of Solomon on his Jupiter mount, which reflects his profound understanding of human nature and extreme sensitivity to the feelings and problems of others. Additionally, a well-formed Love of Truth line on his Mount of Saturn is the hallmark of a benevolent, wise and compassionate philanthropist engaged in an unwavering quest for self-awareness.

Also, his “before” print displays a beautiful, long heart line opening into a fork, revealing a deep connection to his feelings and a strong desire to express his love. However, one branch of the heart line is turning downward towards the head line, reflecting an emotional reservation and a mistrust of others due to past hurt and disillusionment. In short, Wayne’s “before” heart line reflects a tendency to be deeply disappointed when his love is not returned or when his expectations of others are not met. Wayne later confirmed this had indeed been the case with him for a good part of his life—that he had often felt let down in relationships and that his disappointment had disrupted his equilibrium and negatively impacted his personal happiness.

However, not long after that Florida reading, Wayne embarked on a deeply spiritual quest to open his heart center—he embraced Vedic philosophy and committed to daily spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. Everything Wayne did in the years between our two consultations was done with the deliberate intention to get in touch with his true self, break down barriers separating him from others and develop his ability to express love unconditionally.

In his “after” handprints, taken during his second consultation in 2015, Wayne’s lines clearly show that all his former emotional reservations have melted away, and that his heart has expanded and grown. This is seen in the two strong heart line branches travelling upward toward his Jupiter mount, revealing his deep conviction to love unconditionally, regardless of how other people treated or responded to him. It also reveals a powerful inclination to be sensitive in matters of the heart as well as a growing willingness to openly share his love and wisdom—both in his relationships and with the world.

During the last decade of his life, Wayne was able to touch millions of hearts and effect positive change in the lives of people around the globe. His books, recorded lectures and many ongoing philanthropic endeavors are a living legacy of a life dedicated to expressing and sharing love unconditionally.

The beautiful change of direction, or shift, in Wayne’s heart is also confirmed by the star on his Mount of Sun, reflecting an empathetic heart devoted to helping and serving others, and a brilliant ability to convey spiritual concepts to the world. His Love of Truth Line on Saturn in his before print has turned into a trident, showing he no longer is seeking truth but is living it.

At the end of his second consultation, I told Wayne that the changes in his palms revealed that his heart and his consciousness were moving toward spiritual enlightenment. Wayne smiled and said: “That is my purpose in life—to shift my own consciousness to a more loving and spiritual state, and to help others to do the same. Ghanshyam, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me today!” He encouraged us to publish his handprints saying, “If my prints can help one other person, then share them with the world!”

To know more about how you too can make changes to your heart line and to your relationships,
register to The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge.

Click here for information or to register.

Is your newspaper horoscope often wrong? You may not be the sign you think you are!

Horoscopes in most North American newspapers are based on Western astrology, which calculates your Sun sign differently than Eastern (Vedic) astrology. That difference could mean that in Western astrology you are, for example, a Sagittarius, but in Vedic astrology you are actually a Scorpio—a difference that could have huge implications for both your horoscope and your life!

Why the difference in Sun signs between Western and Vedic astrology? Well, it’s very long and a very old story but, in a nutshell, it has to do with the fact that the Earth wobbles on its axis. Two thousand years ago there was no difference: In Roman times, astrologers all over the world decided that Aries would be considered the first sign of the Zodiac and everyone agreed as to the position of the 12 constellations (astrological signs 30 degrees each) comprising the 360-degree Zodiac belt.

However, over the past 2,000 years the wobble of the Earth has changed our planet’s position by approximately 22 to 24 degrees* . . . which represents almost an entire sign of the Zodiac! Vedic astrology uses mathematical calculations to adjust for this change, which accounts for the discrepancy between Western and Vedic Sun signs and planetary positions. So, now you know why you may not be the sign you think you are, and how a little wobble can make a world of difference in your life and in determining your Sun sign! We’re not saying that one system is better than the other, but it certainly helps explain why the things your newspaper horoscope says about you doesn’t always add up!

The following chart shows the approximate dates for the Vedic Sun signs as of 2020-2021. To know for sure your Vedic Sun sign, especially if your birthday falls at the border of a sign, it would be preferable to have your natal chart drawn up based on your exact date, time and place of birth.

Pisces:            March 12th – April 12th
Aries:              April 12th – May 12th
Taurus:           May 12th – June 13th
Gemini:          June 13th – July 14th
Cancer:           July 14th – August 15th
Leo:                 August 15th – September 15th
Virgo:              September 15th – October 15th
Libra:              October 15th – November 14th
Scorpio           November 14th – December 14th

Sagittarius:    December 14th, 2020 – January 12th, 2021
Capricorn:     January 12th – February 11th
Aquarius        February 11th – March 13th
Pisces:            March 13th – April 12th

* We go by the calculations referred to as ayanamsha of Sri Yukteswar with an approximate 23-degree difference.


If you would like to know what your Vedic Sun sign is and have your birth chart analyzed according to Vedic principles and calculations, book a 60-minute consultation with us in person, by phone or via Zoom. Call us at 1-866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S. to set up an appointment. From anywhere else in the world, call us 1-819-428-4298, or click here. We are here to help!

Ready or not, it is out with the old and in with the new. On January 13th, 2020, Pluto ended its long sojourn in the sign of Sagittarius that began December 2004, and moved into Capricorn, where it will reside until the year 2038.

We will all be impacted by the energy of this major transition for years to come as we all have Pluto transiting the sign Capricorn somewhere in our birth chart. Pluto is a prime mover when it comes to worldwide and individual transformation, so have no doubt, this is not a transition any of us can afford to take lightly; it has the potential to turn our world upside-down and inside-out, shake us to the very core of our being and permanently alter our lives. It’s been nearly two-and-a-half centuries since Pluto has been in Capricorn, a period marked by the advent of individual rights and freedoms, global social change and widespread political unrest. So, fasten your seat belts, the years ahead are sure to be exciting and more than a little bit bumpy!

Even though modern astronomers stripped Pluto of full planetary status in 2006 and demoted it to the category of mere “dwarf planet”, this distant celestial body in the outer solar system remains an astrological giant. Pluto is a force we all must reckon with in our lives and in our charts—we ignore it at our peril. Indeed, some Vedic astrologers liken Pluto to the mighty Lord Shiva, the ultra-powerful Hindu god who wields the power of both Creation and Destruction over everything that exists in the Cosmos. In astrology, Pluto and Mars are co-rulers of Scorpio, the sign of transformation. Mars, the God of War, expresses its energy in a warrior-like fashion. Pluto expresses the same energy on an atomic level. When Pluto impacts your astrological chart, you are going to radically revise the way you look at yourself and your lifestyle.

Pluto compels us to take a look at our life. If there are skeletons in our closet or hidden desires locked in our heart, Pluto won’t hesitate to kick down the door, forcing us to acknowledge and deal with them. This includes matters we’ve been hiding both from ourselves and from others, regardless of when they occurred—deeply buried childhood traumas, current issues arising from our recent past or even unresolved issues that have followed us from past lifetimes . . . all will be revealed. If we resist Pluto and choose to avoid the truth it shows us, it will be very difficult for us to move forward in any direction either intellectually, emotionally, professionally or spiritually. However, if we choose to adapt to what Pluto teaches us and ride the waves of change, we will make enormous evolutionary strides in our outlook, lifestyle, relationships and careers that bring us great joy and contentment. Indeed, we can use the energy of Pluto to demolish old structured ways of being that no longer work for us, dump excess emotional baggage and rid ourselves of persistent bad habits and negative thinking. Doing so will free us to grow as individuals, explore new possibilities and expand our horizons . . . in other words, to completely recreate ourselves and our lives.

Perhaps more than any other planet in the zodiac, Pluto ushers us toward self-awareness, a prerequisite for our evolutionary development. This Plutonian process of self-discovery can be painful and even volatile, but it is necessary if we are to embrace a new and better life—the way a cataclysmic forest fire destroys towering, deep-rooted trees that block out sunlight, making it possible for beautiful wildflowers to spring from the ashes and carpet the woodland floor. So, while Pluto may dismantle our lives, it gives us the wisdom, self-knowledge and opportunity to build a happier and more enlightened existence from the ruins.

But don’t think that Pluto is restricted to the affairs of individual human beings—its reach extends to humankind on a multi-generational scale. It takes Pluto 248 years to complete a single orbit around the sun, which is the reason it spends many years residing in each astrological sign and each house in our natal chart. Global upheaval and transformation often accompany a major Pluto transition, such as the fall of the Roman Empire, the dawning of the Renaissance and the onset of the American Revolution. This is why Pluto transiting into Capricorn is such a big deal.

Capricorn is a solid earth sign; it relates to self-discipline, direction and focus. Furthermore, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and wisdom whose role is to teach us how to build a sturdy foundation upon which to live a successful and meaningful life. The sign of Capricorn also pertains to karma, which implies a desire for freedom to rule one’s own destiny over many lifetimes. So, with Pluto now in Capricorn, the curtain is being pulled back to reveal the cracks and flaws in our foundation. No doubt, those flaws will become so obvious to us (be it in our social structures, political systems or personal lives) that we will be driven to make some huge and immediate changes. And as Capricorn is related to the passage of time, during this transit we will all become more acutely aware of how short (and precious) life is and feel a growing urge to make the most of it.

To determine which areas of our lives will be most affected by this transition, we must ascertain how Pluto is interacting with the other planets in our natal chart, and which of our 12 astrological houses it will occupy. For example, if Pluto transits our First House, over the coming years we will likely undergo significant transformation in First House issues, such as our self-image—both in the way we view ourselves and how we project ourselves to the world around us. It is likely we will have to make some big adjustments in our lifestyle and attitudes to facilitate these changes. If Pluto transits our Fifth House, which pertains to love, children, creativity and matters of the heart, we should be prepared for a transformation in our relationship status.

No matter how you cut it—this transit will change our lives. So why not find out where Pluto will be in your chart by booking a consultation with us right now? We are here to help! Don’t let the positive energy of Pluto in Capricorn pass you by—we will show you how to make the most of this incredibly powerful and transformative cosmic event.


Call us at 866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S.

You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 819-428-4298, or click here.
We are here to help!


By Vedic palmist-astrologer Ghanshyam Singh Birla

To help make the best of this year, I would like to share with you the birth chart of 2020. I will show you from an astrological perspective the theme of the year and what is the key to making this year the most happy and productive.

At midnight on January 1st, Virgo was rising. This is auspicious as it relates to Mercury, the messenger of the gods bringing words of wisdom to humanity. In a birth chart, the ascendant is key because it shows why we have taken birth at that particular time. In the birth chart of 2020, the ascendant shows us the focus and theme of the year. Mercury, the lord of the ascendant in this year’s chart, is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius in the 4th house, which is the house of Mom, home, homeland . . .  Ideally, it is where your heart finds peace, comfort and contentment.

The thing is, in addition to Mercury, the 4th house is packed with many planetary energies – Jupiter, Ketu, Sun, Saturn and Pluto, the god of transformation. Due to the very intense and demanding grouping of all the planets, this crowded house could lead to feelings of discomfort instead of the comfort promised by the 4th house.

And because each planet in the 4th house is associated with other house(s) in the chart, those areas could be a contributing factor to the discomfort we feel. For example, in the 2020 chart we find: Gemini in the 10th house, which is related to our work; Capricorn in the 5th related to our creativity and children; Aquarius in the 6th related to feelings of stress; and Pisces in the 7th related to the needs of our partners and colleagues. In short, the affairs of 7 out of the 12 houses in the chart are impacting the 4th house. If we are not mindful of what is happening with our 4th house, all that activity could easily disturb our feelings of comfort and peace.

So, how can we sail smoothly through this year? How do we bring comfort to our 4th house of home and happiness when it is being bombarded by so many demands? The key is the 7th house. Why? Because in the 2020 birth chart, Pisces is in the 7th house with its great friend and benefic ruler, Jupiter, sitting in the 4th house.

As mentioned, the 7th house relates to all our partnerships, including our spouse and colleagues. The placement of Pisces in the 7th house, with its benefic ruler, Jupiter, sitting in the 4th house, could potentially bring a lot of satisfaction. But with all the intense planets surrounding Jupiter, our partnerships could be drawn into the fray and blamed for our discontent.

So, what is the key to staying peaceful and happy throughout the coming year? By using the 7th house to connect with our Purush—our higher, most spiritual self! In addition to our partnerships, the 7th house corresponds to the subconscious—the 90 percent of our consciousness hidden below the surface. In Indian tradition, the 7th house is the house of our “jinn” or genie—our real self, and the relationships we attract that are intended to help us discover this integral part of ourselves. We can tap into this unseen aspect of our being by connecting to our heart with tools of inner exploration, such as meditation, self-reflection, prayer, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, and by finding our passion and devoting ourselves to it wholeheartedly. In doing so, we will soften our expectations that others be the source of our comfort. Finding an inner spiritual anchor can “take the heat off” our loved ones, and help us become a source of stability and inspiration to ourselves, those we love and everyone around us.

If we use the energy of our 7th house to stabilize our 4th house, we can create a heaven on Earth that will begin within our own heart and radiate outward to encompass our home, our friends, our work place, our colleagues and even strangers we meet on the street. It is a sure way to make 2020 a wonderfully happy and inspiring year for ourselves and those we love, and to ensure we do our bit to make the world a better place. And fortunately, we have the support of Mars, the noble warrior, placed in the powerful sign of Scorpio, in the 3rd house of courage. Consequently, we have the force within us to support all our worthy intentions.

To sum up, the theme and focus of 2020 is finding a sense of peace and inner comfort. This can be done by melting our heart and remaining emotionally stable through steady feelings of love, no matter what is happening around us. This will bring an immense sense of comfort not only to ourselves, but our friends, family, and colleagues alike.

Just a reminder, the birth chart for 2020 reflects the general theme of the year. Reviewing your own natal chart will reveal any personal obstacles you might encounter while dealing with the year’s theme. As always, the team and I will be here throughout the year to help you in any way we can!

Wishing you a very happy, peaceful and prosperous 2020, and may God bless you!

To get more insights about 2020, watch Ghanshyam’s analysis of the New Year’s chart on our YouTube Channel.

Excerpt from the textbook Introduction to Vedic Astrology by Ghanshyam Singh Birla

Of all the celestial bodies, Jyotish, Vedic astrology, places emphasis on the Moon, which takes only 28 days (approximately) to revolve around the Earth, consequently, making us most susceptible to its influence.

The Moon relates symbolically to the ‘mother’, the feminine principle in the universe. Just as the physical Moon in the sky reflects the light of the Sun, rather than being a source of light itself, likewise its astral vibrations relate to how a person receives and reflects the various energies in his or her environment. A balanced placement of Moon in the chart shows that the person is able to receive and reflect a clear image of the world.

The Moon influence corresponds to how we apply our five senses, so as to receive either an accurate or a distorted impression of what is happening around us. Its energy is one of the trickiest to handle, precisely because our perceptions are so crucial, yet so vulnerable to distortion.

The Moon is closely connected with the collective unconscious. Its placement gives us valuable clues about our own personality, and especially our unconscious self. It relates also to our feelings and sensitivities. Our home, our ancestors, and our personal memory all reflect in this energy as well.

In its positive expression, lunar (Moon) traits include protectiveness, tenderheartedness, creativity, adaptability, patience, receptivity, tenacity, excellent memory and business acumen.

If the chart placement indicates affliction, then the Moon will show its other face. Here we see moodiness, changeability, emotional instability, proneness to worry, narrow-mindedness, gullibility, unreliability, poor reasoning and lack of forgiveness.


Register to the Online Course Introduction to Vedic Astrology and learn about the basics of astrology.
Once you begin to see how the planets, signs and houses are integrated,
you will start to get a feel for how a chart is interpreted.

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Online course begins November 18th, 2019

The full moon of February 19th peaks at 10:53 A.M. EST, but will appear full right through the evening.

It is also happens to be a Supermoon! According to NASA, Supermoons occur when the full moon is at its closest point to the Earth. This particular full moon will be the nearest, largest, and brightest full Moon of the year!

The full moon is a great gauge of our emotional energy. Our passions and feelings run very deep during a full moon, but are extra-charged whenever the full moon in Leo, which it is right now. It’s good to be aware of this fact because we may find our emotions being pulled in opposite directions. Moon in Leo tugs our feelings towards our personal needs, however, with the Sun being in Aquarius we are being pushed to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of our professional life.

So, today, make sure you maintain equilibrium between these two important areas of your life—the personal and professional. This doesn’t mean to hold back, you should fully express your enthusiasm and passion in both your work and in your relationships.

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The Sun moves into the sign Aquarius on February 11th and stays until March 14th. This is a very special time of year for all Aquarians, but we must remember, each and every one of us has the 12 signs in our astrological chart, which means we all have Aquarius in one of our houses. And whichever house Aquarius resides in within your chart is the area of your life where the effects of the Sun in Aquarius have the most impact.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac relating to groups, prosperity and the fulfillment of dreams. It reflects the Bible verse, Ask and you shall receive. It is associated with reaping benefits of all kinds – they can be physical, material, emotional, spiritual, or all of the above depending on how we perceive what a gain means to us. Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, who brings nourishment to humanity. Its keyword is “I help”. Aquarius focuses on groups that have a humanitarian dimension.

The ideas of Aquarius are original, humanitarian and idiosyncratic. During this time, you might be interested in exploring ideas others might perceive as unorthodox, but are often based on knowledge from antiquity, such as the sciences of astrology and palmistry which Aquarius rules. People with a strong Aquarius influence are often considered eccentric because they are ahead of their time. They live by their own ideas—usually visionary and thought provoking – and, consequently, do not follow the norm.

Discover how the Sun in Aquarius is influencing (or can influence) your life and relationships. Book a consultation with us, either in person, by phone or via Zoom. We’ll discuss how to make the most of this planetary transit!

Call us at 866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S.
You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 819-428-4298 or click here.
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The warrior planet Mars marched out of the sign of Pisces February 3rd and entered its home sign of Aries, which it rules and where its dynamic energy is very powerful.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known as the great initiator of projects, schemes and dreams. In Aries, our energy is young and boundless, our spirits are high, and our optimism is at full-throttle—a driving combination that emboldens us to tackle any new task, no matter how demanding, and to get things going. It is Aries that gives us the impulse and motivation to take that first step in a journey of 1,000 miles, to type the first word of a novel, or to lay the foundational brick of a skyscraper.

Mars in Aries infuses us with courage, stamina and vigor, making this time a truly extraordinary transit for any new undertaking. No need to pause and sweat over the details of how things will turn out in the long run, just grab the ball and start running toward the end zone. This is a transit of action and beginnings; if you don’t get started, you won’t have any details to worry about anyway.

The main cautionary note concerning Mars in Aries is that both the planet Mars and the sign Aries possess an aggressive nature; the combination of their forceful energies can make us ultra-competitive or even downright combative. This may manifest in our behavior as arrogance, petulance, an impatient or dismissive attitude toward companions, coworkers and competitors or as angry intolerance with anyone we perceive to be standing between us and our goal. The key to productively channeling this intense energy is through self-control and self-awareness . . . and the greatest tool available to humankind for developing these traits is daily meditation. Fortunately, this transit is a doubly auspicious time to develop a regular meditation practice—not only will Mars in Aries give us the initiative to begin meditating, but by meditating we will be able to make the most of everything a Mars-Aries transit has to offer. It’s a win-win scenario!

This transit will last only six weeks, but in those six weeks we can make a start at transforming ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives. So let’s make the most of it by taking on a project or cause that has been sitting on the back burner, be it a proper diet or exercise routine, a spiritual discipline, a job search, volunteering in the community or mentoring someone in need of help and guidance. Even if it is just making a phone call you have been putting off—now is the time to do it! Stop waiting and start acting, the force of Mars in Aries is with you!

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