By Vedic palmist-astrologer Ghanshyam Singh Birla

To help make the best of this year, I would like to share with you the birth chart of 2020. I will show you from an astrological perspective the theme of the year and what is the key to making this year the most happy and productive.

At midnight on January 1st, Virgo was rising. This is auspicious as it relates to Mercury, the messenger of the gods bringing words of wisdom to humanity. In a birth chart, the ascendant is key because it shows why we have taken birth at that particular time. In the birth chart of 2020, the ascendant shows us the focus and theme of the year. Mercury, the lord of the ascendant in this year’s chart, is sitting in the sign of Sagittarius in the 4th house, which is the house of Mom, home, homeland . . .  Ideally, it is where your heart finds peace, comfort and contentment.

The thing is, in addition to Mercury, the 4th house is packed with many planetary energies – Jupiter, Ketu, Sun, Saturn and Pluto, the god of transformation. Due to the very intense and demanding grouping of all the planets, this crowded house could lead to feelings of discomfort instead of the comfort promised by the 4th house.

And because each planet in the 4th house is associated with other house(s) in the chart, those areas could be a contributing factor to the discomfort we feel. For example, in the 2020 chart we find: Gemini in the 10th house, which is related to our work; Capricorn in the 5th related to our creativity and children; Aquarius in the 6th related to feelings of stress; and Pisces in the 7th related to the needs of our partners and colleagues. In short, the affairs of 7 out of the 12 houses in the chart are impacting the 4th house. If we are not mindful of what is happening with our 4th house, all that activity could easily disturb our feelings of comfort and peace.

So, how can we sail smoothly through this year? How do we bring comfort to our 4th house of home and happiness when it is being bombarded by so many demands? The key is the 7th house. Why? Because in the 2020 birth chart, Pisces is in the 7th house with its great friend and benefic ruler, Jupiter, sitting in the 4th house.

As mentioned, the 7th house relates to all our partnerships, including our spouse and colleagues. The placement of Pisces in the 7th house, with its benefic ruler, Jupiter, sitting in the 4th house, could potentially bring a lot of satisfaction. But with all the intense planets surrounding Jupiter, our partnerships could be drawn into the fray and blamed for our discontent.

So, what is the key to staying peaceful and happy throughout the coming year? By using the 7th house to connect with our Purush—our higher, most spiritual self! In addition to our partnerships, the 7th house corresponds to the subconscious—the 90 percent of our consciousness hidden below the surface. In Indian tradition, the 7th house is the house of our “jinn” or genie—our real self, and the relationships we attract that are intended to help us discover this integral part of ourselves. We can tap into this unseen aspect of our being by connecting to our heart with tools of inner exploration, such as meditation, self-reflection, prayer, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, and by finding our passion and devoting ourselves to it wholeheartedly. In doing so, we will soften our expectations that others be the source of our comfort. Finding an inner spiritual anchor can “take the heat off” our loved ones, and help us become a source of stability and inspiration to ourselves, those we love and everyone around us.

If we use the energy of our 7th house to stabilize our 4th house, we can create a heaven on Earth that will begin within our own heart and radiate outward to encompass our home, our friends, our work place, our colleagues and even strangers we meet on the street. It is a sure way to make 2020 a wonderfully happy and inspiring year for ourselves and those we love, and to ensure we do our bit to make the world a better place. And fortunately, we have the support of Mars, the noble warrior, placed in the powerful sign of Scorpio, in the 3rd house of courage. Consequently, we have the force within us to support all our worthy intentions.

To sum up, the theme and focus of 2020 is finding a sense of peace and inner comfort. This can be done by melting our heart and remaining emotionally stable through steady feelings of love, no matter what is happening around us. This will bring an immense sense of comfort not only to ourselves, but our friends, family, and colleagues alike.

Just a reminder, the birth chart for 2020 reflects the general theme of the year. Reviewing your own natal chart will reveal any personal obstacles you might encounter while dealing with the year’s theme. As always, the team and I will be here throughout the year to help you in any way we can!

Wishing you a very happy, peaceful and prosperous 2020, and may God bless you!

To get more insights about 2020, watch Ghanshyam’s analysis of the New Year’s chart on our YouTube Channel.

Excerpt from the textbook Introduction to Vedic Astrology by Ghanshyam Singh Birla

Of all the celestial bodies, Jyotish, Vedic astrology, places emphasis on the Moon, which takes only 28 days (approximately) to revolve around the Earth, consequently, making us most susceptible to its influence.

The Moon relates symbolically to the ‘mother’, the feminine principle in the universe. Just as the physical Moon in the sky reflects the light of the Sun, rather than being a source of light itself, likewise its astral vibrations relate to how a person receives and reflects the various energies in his or her environment. A balanced placement of Moon in the chart shows that the person is able to receive and reflect a clear image of the world.

The Moon influence corresponds to how we apply our five senses, so as to receive either an accurate or a distorted impression of what is happening around us. Its energy is one of the trickiest to handle, precisely because our perceptions are so crucial, yet so vulnerable to distortion.

The Moon is closely connected with the collective unconscious. Its placement gives us valuable clues about our own personality, and especially our unconscious self. It relates also to our feelings and sensitivities. Our home, our ancestors, and our personal memory all reflect in this energy as well.

In its positive expression, lunar (Moon) traits include protectiveness, tenderheartedness, creativity, adaptability, patience, receptivity, tenacity, excellent memory and business acumen.

If the chart placement indicates affliction, then the Moon will show its other face. Here we see moodiness, changeability, emotional instability, proneness to worry, narrow-mindedness, gullibility, unreliability, poor reasoning and lack of forgiveness.


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The full moon of February 19th peaks at 10:53 A.M. EST, but will appear full right through the evening.

It is also happens to be a Supermoon! According to NASA, Supermoons occur when the full moon is at its closest point to the Earth. This particular full moon will be the nearest, largest, and brightest full Moon of the year!

The full moon is a great gauge of our emotional energy. Our passions and feelings run very deep during a full moon, but are extra-charged whenever the full moon in Leo, which it is right now. It’s good to be aware of this fact because we may find our emotions being pulled in opposite directions. Moon in Leo tugs our feelings towards our personal needs, however, with the Sun being in Aquarius we are being pushed to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of our professional life.

So, today, make sure you maintain equilibrium between these two important areas of your life—the personal and professional. This doesn’t mean to hold back, you should fully express your enthusiasm and passion in both your work and in your relationships.

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The Sun moves into the sign Aquarius on February 11th and stays until March 14th. This is a very special time of year for all Aquarians, but we must remember, each and every one of us has the 12 signs in our astrological chart, which means we all have Aquarius in one of our houses. And whichever house Aquarius resides in within your chart is the area of your life where the effects of the Sun in Aquarius have the most impact.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac relating to groups, prosperity and the fulfillment of dreams. It reflects the Bible verse, Ask and you shall receive. It is associated with reaping benefits of all kinds – they can be physical, material, emotional, spiritual, or all of the above depending on how we perceive what a gain means to us. Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, who brings nourishment to humanity. Its keyword is “I help”. Aquarius focuses on groups that have a humanitarian dimension.

The ideas of Aquarius are original, humanitarian and idiosyncratic. During this time, you might be interested in exploring ideas others might perceive as unorthodox, but are often based on knowledge from antiquity, such as the sciences of astrology and palmistry which Aquarius rules. People with a strong Aquarius influence are often considered eccentric because they are ahead of their time. They live by their own ideas—usually visionary and thought provoking – and, consequently, do not follow the norm.

Discover how the Sun in Aquarius is influencing (or can influence) your life and relationships. Book a consultation with us, either in person, by phone or via Zoom. We’ll discuss how to make the most of this planetary transit!

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Lovebirds James and Laurie are roughly the same age, so they are not separated by a generation gap. Unfortunately, James and Laurie don’t perceive the world (or their relationship) in the same way, which means they are separated by a perception gap.

James’ perception tells him that Laurie has no problem with him taking some time to relax by himself and chill out reading the newspaper. But Laurie’s perception tells her that James is deliberately ignoring her, which (to her) means she is not smart enough, pretty enough or interesting enough to be worthy of James’ love and attention.

James thinks Laurie should understand he is tired and needs a little alone time, but eventually he senses her discomfort and feels judged, isolated and resentful. Laurie is upset that James is not giving her his full attention and trying to engage her in conversation; she is resentful that he is being selfish and feels excluded and ignored. The lovebirds are misperceiving each other, emotions are heating up and tempers could quickly flare.

James and Laurie have entered the perception gap; they need a way out before it undermines their relationship—before the gap widens and becomes a chasm they can’t escape.

Luckily for both James and Laurie, they can easily change this potentially damaging scenario by switching the lens of their perception from one of emotion to one of devotion. If Laurie can shift her focus from expecting something from James to wanting only what is best for him, she will no longer feel ignored—quite the opposite, she will take joy in the fact that James finds pleasure in a brief reading and relaxing respite. And if James can take a peek over the top of his newspaper once in a while to ask Laurie if she is okay, she won’t feel ignored and he will feel happy knowing she is content. If James and Laurie can conquer their emotion with devotion, the perception gap will be closed and all will be well in their contented love nest!

Losing our peace of mind because we expect our happiness to be delivered to us through the words or actions of others—be it a lover, boss, family member or friend—is a sure sign we are not thinking correctly . . . that we are dependent on others for our joy or sense of self-worth. True happiness, contentment and peace of mind can only come from within. When we seek it from outside ourselves we fall victim to our vacillating desires, the whims and moods of others, or to the misperceptions of our unreliable physical senses. In any of these cases, we are pulled away from our peaceful, spiritual center within—the only place where pure, selfless love can blossom, grow and be expressed. There is no room for anger, resentment or disappointed in a loving heart, only happiness and joy. As the great sage Paramahansa Yogananda wrote: “Real love is only happy in the happiness of the beloved”.


The warrior planet Mars marched out of the sign of Pisces February 3rd and entered its home sign of Aries, which it rules and where its dynamic energy is very powerful.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known as the great initiator of projects, schemes and dreams. In Aries, our energy is young and boundless, our spirits are high, and our optimism is at full-throttle—a driving combination that emboldens us to tackle any new task, no matter how demanding, and to get things going. It is Aries that gives us the impulse and motivation to take that first step in a journey of 1,000 miles, to type the first word of a novel, or to lay the foundational brick of a skyscraper.

Mars in Aries infuses us with courage, stamina and vigor, making this time a truly extraordinary transit for any new undertaking. No need to pause and sweat over the details of how things will turn out in the long run, just grab the ball and start running toward the end zone. This is a transit of action and beginnings; if you don’t get started, you won’t have any details to worry about anyway.

The main cautionary note concerning Mars in Aries is that both the planet Mars and the sign Aries possess an aggressive nature; the combination of their forceful energies can make us ultra-competitive or even downright combative. This may manifest in our behavior as arrogance, petulance, an impatient or dismissive attitude toward companions, coworkers and competitors or as angry intolerance with anyone we perceive to be standing between us and our goal. The key to productively channeling this intense energy is through self-control and self-awareness . . . and the greatest tool available to humankind for developing these traits is daily meditation. Fortunately, this transit is a doubly auspicious time to develop a regular meditation practice—not only will Mars in Aries give us the initiative to begin meditating, but by meditating we will be able to make the most of everything a Mars-Aries transit has to offer. It’s a win-win scenario!

This transit will last only six weeks, but in those six weeks we can make a start at transforming ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives. So let’s make the most of it by taking on a project or cause that has been sitting on the back burner, be it a proper diet or exercise routine, a spiritual discipline, a job search, volunteering in the community or mentoring someone in need of help and guidance. Even if it is just making a phone call you have been putting off—now is the time to do it! Stop waiting and start acting, the force of Mars in Aries is with you!

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From 10:34 pm on Sunday January 20th until 12:16 am on Monday January 21, there is a total lunar eclipse that can bring monumental change to our lives.

With the blotting out of the Moon, the eclipse represents a time where we can reset our emotions and clear away any emotional baggage of the previous six months. If we take time to reflect, the shadowy period of the eclipse can be auspicious because it allows us to connect to our inner divine light.

A lunar eclipse opens a doorway to our innermost self, presenting a perfect opportunity for soul-searching, personal reflection, spiritual contemplation and meditation. In short, by temporarily darkening the light of the luminaries of Sun and Moon, the eclipse empowers us to seek our own light and elevate our spiritual awareness—and few things in life are more important than that! Eclipses are so powerful because they bring to light the issues that need to be healed.

This eclipse is especially powerful, as the Moon is in its own sign of Cancer, reflecting our innermost nature. This feminine, yin sign is sensitive and perceptive. Its keyword is “I feel”. The Moon rules our very roots—motherhood, the home, family and happiness of heart. The entire foundation of society is based upon these roots. It is how we are nurtured and recharged in order to have the strength to go out in the world and fulfill our karma. It relates to the mother who carries her child. She knows the feeling of two heartbeats, two souls in one body. She feels that closeness.

The lesson during this eclipse is that although it is fine to feel, it is more important what we do with our feelings, how we use them. Do we use our feelings to get what we want? Or do we use our sense of reason as well, so we can channel our heightened sensitivity to work for ourselves and others? Does our super-sensitivity create drama and chaos in our life or are we able to realize what the yogis refer to as Kama Muta, Sanskrit for moved by love?

So this eclipse is an excellent time to evoke our emotion to be moved and touched. We can peel away the protective layers we have erected around our heart in order to feel the deep and tender emotion of love.

If you want to know more about the influence of the full Moon in your chart,
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The Sun moved into the sign Capricorn on January 13th and will stay until February 11th. (Check our conversion chart below.)

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac relating to karma (destiny); it pertains to the heights of personal achievement and reaching the zenith of our career. Capricorn reflects a far-reaching vision that impels us to embark upon new undertakings; it reflects a tenacious nature that implies, no matter how long it may take us, we will find a way to resolve situations and overcome obstacles in order to get where we want to go and obtain the goals we have set for ourselves.

In the West, Capricorn is symbolized by the sure-footed mountain goat, that most determined of creatures who persistently and steadily navigates perilous terrain until it reaches the mountaintop. The ability to get what we want this month (in life and in love) is bolstered by the fact that the sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, wisdom and transformation. Saturn’s role is to build and stabilize foundations. So, this month, especially as we set out to fulfill our New Year’s resolutions, we can do ourselves a great favour by putting Capricorn’s steely determination to good use designing practical, realistic plans and strategies that will allow us to attain our objectives in our work, life and relationships.

Take some time to seriously contemplate what it will take for you to make the changes you need to make in order to fulfill the dreams and hopes you want to realize. Buy yourself a calendar and write down a step-by-step plan that will enable you to reach you goals—stick to the plan until you are standing on top of the mountain with a big smile on your face!

Discover how Sun in Capricorn is influencing (or can influence) your life and relationships. Book a consultation with us, either in person, by phone or via Zoom. We’ll discuss how to make the most of this planetary transit!

Call us at 866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S.
You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 819-428-4298 or click here.
We are here to help!


Remember, we practice Vedic astrology.
That means your Sun sign may be different from what you’ve always thought it was, and that could change your entire outlook on life!

Click on our Conversion Chart to determine your Vedic sign.


The coming year will be a year of change, challenge and opportunity for us all. In fact, looking at the astrological chart for 2019, it is fair to say that the dawn of 2019 will likely initiate a revolution in our personal lives. Why? Because in 2019 our 4th house—the most intimate and personal of the 12 astrological houses—will be jam-packed with powerful planets that can be as transformative and volatile as they are influential. The key thing to remember about the 4th house is that it is directly related to our sense of comfort and security—it pertains to home and hearth, to our homeland, to our mother and all that nurtures us; it is where we take refuge from the world and is the cornerstone of our happiness and contentment of our heart. In order to feel safe, secure and loved, it is essential that our 4th house is balanced and stable. But, as we are about to see, maintaining balance and stability in the 4th is going to be a major challenge in 2019, a year that promises change.

Let’s begin at the beginning. As we rang in the New Year Virgo was rising and, as you likely know, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which is in the fiery sign of Sagittarius in the 4th house. However, Mercury is not alone in the 4th house—indeed, it has plenty of company. Sun, Saturn and Pluto—all extremely powerful celestial bodies—are also in the 4th. That’s a total of four planets in the 4th house, and whenever four or more planets take up residence in a single house—a phenomenon known as a stellium—the affairs of that house exert an intense, even obsessive influence on our lives. Such concentrated focus on one house can consume all our attention, time and energy, which can unbalance us and lead to dramatic and unexpected upheaval in our lives, especially the areas of our lives most affected by that house. In the case of the 4th house, it is our personal and home life, including our sense of safety and security, that will come under intense planetary influence.

To better understand those influences, let’s take a moment to consider the nature of the planets that are parked in the 4th house. First, there is vacillating Mercury, which can behave either as a benefic or malefic planet. Then we have Sun with its nuclear-level heat that can naturally initiate movement and change. Then we have Saturn (sometimes referred to as the planet of “blessings in disguise”) that often pushes us to take a hard, honest look at the way we think and behave, thus forcing us to change, grow and mature. Finally, there is the tiny powerhouse planet of Pluto, a relentless instigator of change known as “the God of transformation and rebirth”, which often demands us to undergo a major catharsis before allowing us to move on with our lives. And of course, all this potential change is taking place in the sign of Sagittarius, which is represented by the truth-seeking archer, whose penetrating arrow is aimed heavenward in a constant search for honesty and uprightness. So, as you can see, all the elements of revolutionary change will be at work in the 4th house in 2019. And it is a revolution that could easily challenge our sense of personal security, stability, comfort and happiness.

But, as they say, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. In other words, being aware of what the planets are up to in our 4th house allows us to prepare for any changes coming our way, ensuring that we can use that transformative energy to our advantage. Usually, the best way to manage the extreme influences of a stellium is by drawing upon the balancing influences of the planet (or planets) in the opposite house—in the case of the 4th house, the opposite house is the 10th, the house of our public persona, work and career. Unfortunately, in the 2019 chart, there are no planets in the 10th house to help balance out the intense 4th house energy and maintain an equilibrium between the 4th and 10th, between our personal and professional lives. This means it will not only be easy for personal dramas and emotional upsets to disrupt our private lives, but for those private problems to spill over into the workplace and negatively impact our career. Therefore, in the coming year, we must endeavor to create the balance needed for a peaceful, happy and successful life from within ourselves: we must balance, strengthen, stabilize and protect our 4th house by drawing upon the most loving, caring and peaceable qualities residing in the depths of our heart.

When we focus on being kind, loving, peaceful and compassionate (especially with our loved ones at home), we shore up and fortify our 4th house. In doing so, we will remain calm, even-tempered and good-natured no matter how tumultuous or stormy our life becomes, or how many changes we must endure—be those changes emotional, financial, romantic or professional. Indeed, with a stable 4th house, any changes we choose to make (or are forced to deal with) in 2019 will serve to make us stronger, wiser and better people. Achieving balance in the 4th house—in our private life—helps us generate positive energy that radiates into our “public life” 10th house, allowing us to shine at work through our increased focus, creativity, productivity and effectiveness. In short, being healthy, calm and kind at home will allow us to be more brilliant and successful in our career and have good relations with everyone we meet. This is the type of change we want to strive for in the coming year—it will enable us to balance our 4th and 10th houses and effectively use the power of the four planets in the 4th house to our greatest advantage.

And the best way to strengthen our 4th house is by developing both a healthy and balanced lifestyle, a lifestyle supported by an optimistic outlook, a peaceful state of mind and a caring, generous disposition. Throughout 2019 it is extremely important for us to set positive goals both at home and at work, and then do all we can to achieve those goals by following a nutritious diet, getting plenty of exercise and rest, being ever-mindful of the needs and concerns of others, and remaining in touch with our spiritual nature through a regular practice of meditation, self-reflection and/or prayer. Fortunately, the Cosmos will help us in this regard as Jupiter—the planet of illumination—is in the 3rd house in the sign of Scorpio sitting with Venus, aspecting our 9th house of higher wisdom.

To sum up, if we remain anchored to our heart, 2019 will be a great (and perhaps magical) year for transforming even the most difficult changes and challenges into incredible opportunities and amazing success stories! To quote the enlightened Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda: “Opportunities in life come by creation not by chance. When you are attuned with your soul, you will be able to think correctly about everything you do.”

Namaskar! Have a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!

Jupiter is now in the sign Scorpio, which is ruled by Jupiter’s very good friend, the planet Mars—a friendship that makes for an extremely auspicious planetary combination. In fact, it is doubly auspicious because, on December 21st, Mars entered the sign of Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter, creating a Cosmic dynamic known as an “Exchange of Lords”, often resulting in sudden prosperity and great success. This particular Exchange of Lords is a result of Jupiter being in the Mars’ sign of Scorpio, and Mars being in the Jupiter sign of Pisces. Even better, Jupiter is aspecting Pisces.

Pisces is the zodiacal force that supports the cultivation of mystical awareness—it possesses the power to reshape, or even completely change, the very foundation of our reality. And, given the fact that the nature of Pisces is one of kindness, patience, deep perception and spirituality, this transit presents us with a golden opportunity to widen our outlook and expand our heart by becoming more considerate and sensitive to the feelings of others.

So, until February 3rd, you want to make the most of this compassionate exchange of planets to heal any troubled relationships, let go of past hurts and forgive any slights or transgressions. In short—it is a perfect time to get in touch with our deepest feelings of love and fellowship, and then express those feelings to others. If we do so, 2019 could be one of the most outstandingly loving and compassionate years of our lives.

If you would like to learn more about how you can take advantage of this transit’s positive energy and how it is affecting your astrological chart, please call us to book a private consultation, either in person, by phone or via Zoom. We’ll explain how you can make the most of this incredible cosmic event over the next year!

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You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 819-428-4298 or click here.
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