The warrior planet Mars marches out of the sign of Pisces this week and enters its home sign of Aries, which it rules and where its dynamic energy is most magnified.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known as the great initiator of projects, schemes and dreams. In Aries, our energy is young and boundless, our spirits are high, and our optimism is at full-throttle—a driving combination that emboldens us to tackle any new task, no matter how demanding, and to get things going. It is Aries that gives us the impulse and motivation to take that first step in a journey of 1,000 miles, to type the first word of a novel, or to lay the foundational brick of a skyscraper.

With Mars at optimum power in Aries—infusing us with courage, stamina and vigor—this is truly an extraordinary transit for any new undertaking. No need to pause and sweat over the details of how things will turn out in the long run, just grab the ball and start running toward the end zone. This is a transit of action and beginnings; if you don’t get started, you won’t have any details to worry about anyway.

The main cautionary note concerning Mars in Aries is that they both possess a highly aggressive nature; the combination of their forceful energies can make us ultra-competitive or even downright combative. This may manifest in our behavior as arrogance, petulance, an impatient or dismissive attitude toward companions, coworkers and competitors or as angry intolerance with anyone we perceive to be standing between us and our goal. The key to productively channeling this aggressive energy is though self-control and self-awareness . . . and the greatest tool available to humankind for developing self-control and self-awareness is daily meditation. Fortunately, this transit is a doubly auspicious time to develop a regular meditation practice—not only will Mars in Aries give us the initiative to begin meditating, but by meditating we will be able to make the most of everything a Mars-Aries transit has to offer. It’s a win-win scenario!

This transit will last only six weeks, but in those six weeks we can make a start at transforming ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives. So let’s make the most of it by taking on a project or cause that has been sitting on the back burner, be it a proper diet or exercise routine, a spiritual discipline, a job search, volunteering in the community or mentoring someone in need of help and guidance. Even if it is just making a phone call you have been putting off—now is the time to do it! Stop waiting and start acting, the force of Mars in Aries is with you!


Would you like to learn more about making the energy of this powerful transit work for you? Give us a call at 866.428.3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.

Shivaratri is one of the most important festivals in India, a night to pay homage to Lord Shiva, the force behind all transformation and growth. It is one of the most auspicious times to meditate and recite the mantra that honors Lord Shiva—the powerful and majestic Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Reciting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (Shiva Mantra) releases our consciousness from limiting patterns of negative thought and behavior; it opens us to deeper insight, gives us a greater freedom of self-expression and instills within us the strength needed to meet a specific challenge, attain a desired goal or overcome blockages interfering with our well-being.

Our informal gathering is free of charge and we will happily provide you with an instructional leaflet explaining the significance of the mantra and how to recite it.

We will celebrate Shivaratri at our Wellness Center in Cheneville on Friday, February 24th between 6 and 8 p.m. Please join us! Reserve your spot by calling us in advance at our toll-free number: 866 428 3799. We will be delighted to see you! If you can’t make it in person, join us in meditation from wherever you are, blasting the universe with the healing sound of the Shiva Mantra.

Jupiter in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces: February 20th—March 12th

If you feel like you are a prisoner of fate, now is a good time to break free and shape your own destiny.

The surging energy of transiting Jupiter in Virgo—directly opposite of Uranus in Pisces—is likely to trigger a deep inner yearning to rebel against routine and shed the shackles of circumstance and expectation. Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness and Uranus is the planet of revolutionary change—the dynamic tension created by their opposition can shock us out of complacency and hurtle us to new and unexplored horizons. If approached with an open heart and mind, this can lead to profound self-growth and a new level of self-awareness.

The type of change induced by this rare transit (it occurs only once every 14 years or so) can be sudden and life (or world) altering—think of the kind of sweeping change that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall, which, by the way, happened during a Jupiter-opposite-Uranus transit.

Change is never easy and this could prove to be a challenging time for you and your loved ones, so treat others as kindly and as considerately as possible over the coming weeks. However, the rewards of making a bold, and hopefully positive new start is well worth the discomfort of ruffling some feathers.

Try to make the most of this unique and powerful transit, which ends on March 12th, by making changes that are for the better. With the help of Uranus, you can revolt against the tyranny of negative thought patterns and ingrained bad habits; tapping into the expansive drive of Jupiter will allow you to broaden your consciousness, deepen your humanity and develop a higher spiritual awareness. The Cosmos is showing you the road to freedom; it is up to you to choose where that road will lead you.


We can show you how to get the most benefit from Jupiter opposite Uranus. Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

Jack and Julia didn’t know it, but they arrived in the world just hours apart on the same day, in the same city and at the same hospital. The nurses even placed them in adjoining cribs in the same maternity wing.

Although their families didn’t socialize, they lived in the same neighborhood, attended the same church and enrolled Jack and Julia in the same grade school. And while the youngsters weren’t in the same classroom, it didn’t mean they weren’t very aware of each other. Even as kids they felt drawn to one another and exchanged glances and shy smiles when they passed in the hallway or spotted each other during recess.

One Friday afternoon a group of older boys decided to pick on eight-year-old Julia in the lunchroom and knocked her books to the floor. Jack intervened, telling the boys to take off or else. Then he picked up Julia’s books and handed them back to her.

“Thank you,” Julia said. “I’m Julia.”

“I know who you are,” Jack said. “I’m Jack.”

“I know who you are, too.” Julia smiled.

The bell rang and they went their separate ways. On Monday morning Julia watched for Jack in the hallway, but he didn’t show up at school that day. He never showed up at school again.

Julia didn’t know that Jack’s parents had been killed in a car crash over the weekend and he was sent away to live with his uncle. While Julia’s happy, stable home life continued uninterrupted, Jack’s became a nightmare. Not only did he have to deal with the emotional trauma of losing his parents, his uncle treated him like dirt from the moment he arrived at his door. Jack was fed only leftovers and wasn’t allowed to eat with his cousins or play with their friends; he wore only hand-me-downs and was forced to work in his uncle’s machine shop each afternoon and all day on weekends. If he complained, he was beaten. On his sixteenth birthday Jack ran away, sleeping wherever he could and saving every dime he earned working odd jobs, hoping to go to college one day.

It took him two years, but Jack made it to college. On his first day, during his first class, the young woman sitting beside him dropped her pen. Jack picked it up and handed it to her. They recognized each other immediately.



They went on their first date that evening and caught up on all that had transpired in the decade since they’d last seen one another; they discovered their common birthdays and vowed to never lose sight of each other again. They married at the end of their first college semester and were expecting their first child by the time they graduated and started their own accounting firm.

I met Jack and Julia (and first heard their incredible story) shortly after they had enrolled in some of our astrology and palmistry courses—at the time they were celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. Jack wasn’t really interested in metaphysics, but because Julia was, he agreed to study it with her.

“If it makes her happy, it makes me happy,” Jack said during our first consultation.

“We always support each other in everything, even though we have completely different interests and beliefs,” Julia added. “But Ghanshyam, can you tell me why two people born at practically the same time and in the same place can be so vastly different?”

I told them that even though they were born on the same day, and actually shared many of the same planets in their birth charts, they had been born at different hours, which meant their ascendants were different. The ascendant is the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of our birth. Because of the Earth’s rotation, a different sign appears on the eastern horizon every couple of hours. Our ascendant plays an enormous role in shaping personality and the way our karma unfolds throughout our life. When Julia was born, Aquarius was ascending; later in the day when Jack was born, Cancer was ascending. This gave Jack and Julia completely different life experiences and meant they came into the world to learn different lessons.

Despite their many differences, both Jack and Julia were blessed to have Poorva Punya lines in their hands. A Poorva Punya (“good fortune”) line reflects a rare magnetism to draw the right person into our life—someone with whom we share a common goal or destiny. It is a line that defies time, stretching into our memories of past lives, reuniting us with loved ones in our current life and drawing us toward success and happiness in the future. One of the most powerful reflections of the Poorva Punya line is of the dedication, commitment and loyalty we hold toward our beloved.

“Thank you, Ghanshyam,” Julia said. “You have confirmed what I have known in my heart since I was a child . . . Jack and I are soul mates, we were born to be together.”


Would you like to gain more insight into your relationships? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

The Cosmos is sending out a Valentine’s Day message for lovers everywhere this year—on February 14th you will win over more hearts by practicing patience and kindness than by handing out flowers and chocolates.

Why? Because on Valentine’s Day the Moon is in Virgo, a sign of exacting nature and high expectation, which places it exactly opposite to Mars—the most forceful planet in the solar system—which is in the romantic sign of Pisces. Venus, the planet of love and passion, is also in Pisces and is conjunct with pushy Mars.

The cumulative energy of this planetary alignment is a driving desire for love and a powerful yearning for passion and fulfillment, which can place a lot of expectation on our loved ones and sweethearts. The overall effect of these primary forces can leave us feeling emotionally volatile, making us easily agitated and quick to anger—especially if our wants or desires are thwarted and left unfulfilled. Feelings of frustration could lead us to pressure those we love to give us what we want, when we want it—a sure-fire way to kill any romantic mood and put a damper on this special day.

It is important to remember that true love—which St. Valentine’s Day symbolizes and celebrates—is not based on passion or personal gratification; it is a selfless love that arises from compassion. So be especially patient, gentle and kind with your Valentine (and everyone else) this year, even if you feel that your love is not being immediately acknowledged or returned in the way you would hope.

Connect with the boundless love radiating within your inner spirit and allow that tenderness of heart to guide you in your interactions with others. The feelings of warmth and goodwill generated by a kind action will last far longer that a single day and will return to you many fold.

Of course, chocolates and flowers are always appreciated!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


To promote and celebrate lasting love, we are offering a 20 % discount on all one-hour Zoom (Skype) consultations with Guylaine during the week leading up to Valentine’s Day! If you want to bring the romance back into your relationship, or anything else you heart desires, give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click here for a consultation. We are here to help.

Ever since childhood Brian had fantasized about being a writer. He had a brilliant way with words and caught the attention of several publications at an early age. During college, two of his stories were published in well-known magazines and he even won a prestigious short story contest.

Despite this early promise and his obvious talent, Brian drifted away from writing after graduating. He took a series of temporary telemarketing jobs to pay the rent and, although he had plenty of good story ideas, found he was too tired after work to write them down. Most nights he just flopped onto his couch and fell asleep in front of the TV. Over the next few years several of his girlfriends encouraged him to give up his day job and focus his energy on his passion—they pleaded with him to write. But Brian felt over-pressured by their enthusiasm; he didn’t know how to respond so he did nothing and eventually each relationship just fizzled out.

On his 26th birthday Brian came to see me for a consultation. He was frustrated at his inability to get started in his chosen career, and was increasingly worried that both his life and his dream of being a writer were passing him by.

“All I want to do is be a writer, Ghanshyam,” he told me. “I know I can do it, but it just doesn’t seem to be happening for me. I can’t bring my ideas to life on paper, let alone keep a relationship alive. My career and my love life are going nowhere.”

The prints I took of Brian’s palm gave me a pretty good notion of the root of his problem.

He indeed possessed the hand of a writer, displaying a truly impressive head line and a strong intuition line that indicated a deep intellect guided by an innate and profound insight into the human condition. Unfortunately, his head line was enmeshed in a massive web of intricately woven interference lines. These types of interference lines are often found in a hand that is finely textured with a skin consistency that is very soft to the touch. A fine texture and soft consistency frequently reflect a sensitive, kind and empathetic nature, but can also indicate we lack the fire and passion to get things done.


I pressed my thumb into Brian’s palm—the simple action left a dent in his skin that did not immediately bounce back. The lack of resiliency confirmed what the prints had told me: Brian had a good and gentle nature but lacked the fortitude, motivation or staying power to tackle the demands of a writing career—or the demands of a committed relationship.

“Let me ask you something about yourself, Brian . . . and please answer honestly,” I said. “When it comes to work or love, do you find you would rather go with the flow and stick with the status quo than test yourself and work hard to get what you want?”

Brian sighed. “I think you hit the nail on the head Ghanshyam. It’s not that I’m lazy—I just prefer being comfortable. I know my attitude is holding me back, but I can’t seem to shake off this sense of lethargy.”

“Well, let’s see if we can do that together,” I said. “You have the natural genius and talent to be a great writer—but all these crisscrossing interference lines are forcing you to use your head line improperly. You use it to make excuses instead of making things happen, you daydream instead of applying yourself, you waver instead of committing and you procrastinate instead of acting. Getting rid of those interference lines will help forge the attitude you need to develop your gifts and put them into motion. And once you’ve accomplished that, your writing career and your love life will begin to take shape.”

I designed a program of meditation and yoga for Brian to develop his powers of concentration and his physical stamina. He began showing great improvement in just a matter of weeks and had started writing short stories again. Sadly, in an effort to save money, he moved in with his brother, a no-nonsense criminal lawyer who didn’t understand meditation and had no patience for yoga. He gave Brian an ultimatum: abandon palmistry or leave his house.

When making major changes in ourselves, it is critical to have the support and encouragement of those we love and rely on. Brian was on the verge of making his dream a reality, but had not developed enough resilience to do it on his own. Instead he chose to quit yoga and meditation in order to remain in the comfort of his brother’s home. As far as I know, he never wrote again.


Do you need guidance or encouragement to help your dream become a reality? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.

Introducing the Be My Valentine Zoom Special with Guylaine

Guylaine Book frameTo promote and celebrate lasting love, we are offering a 20 % discount on all one-hour Zoom* consultations with Guylaine during the week leading up to Valentine’s Day! That’s right, reserve a one-hour consultation with Guylaine between February 7 and February 14 for just $119 (reg. $149)!

This heart-warming special can be used anytime between February 7 and April 30—but space is limited and the offer ends on Valentine’s Day, so book your consultation now!

Discuss your love lines, how to bring the romance back into your relationship, or anything else you heart desires! Remember, the best thing about a Zoom consultation is talking to Guylaine from the privacy and comfort of your own home. What are you waiting for? Love is just a mouse click away!

Give us a call today at 1-866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S . . . or from anywhere in the world at 1-819-428-4298. Or simply click here to book a consultation instantly.

* Zoom offers Video Communications similar to Skype


Knead some TLC? Introducing the Be My Valentine “90 for 90” Massage

Massage DTTo ensure you at your best for Valentine’s Day, we are introducing the new “90 for 90” massage special by slashing the standard $125 price tag of a 90-minute massage to the exceptionally low price of $90! Could there be a more perfect (or affordable) way to pamper yourself and your special someone this Valentine season? Enjoy the rejuvenating effects of a deeply soothing massage that will allow your body, mind and spirit to relax and unwind. The 90 for 90” is a special, time-limited offer, so don’t delay!

Book your 90 for 90” massage today with one of our incredible therapists—Rémi or Francis—by calling us at 1-866-428-3799 or clicking here. Don’t forget to ask for the 90 for 90” special offer!

Terms and conditions:

You can use your 90 for 90” special offer any day and on any massage up to and including April 30, 2017, but only if you book it between February 7 and 14.

This offer is valid for massages at our Montreal office and at the Chénéville Wellness Center. The 90 for 90” cannot be combined with any other offer.

Rahu in Leo / Ketu in Aquarius

With the holidays truly over and all those New Year’s resolutions we made staring us in the face, it might be a good time to take stock of what we’ve accomplished, where we are, and exactly where we’re heading—or should be heading.

And there is no better cosmic mirror for providing an honest assessment of our past, present and future than the shadow planets of Rahu and Ketu.

Rahu and Ketu represent our karmic bank balance—a tally of the lessons we’ve learned and still need to learn as we journey through this life and from one reincarnated lifetime to the next. The ultimate destination of every soul is freedom from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. We can only reach this destination by freeing ourselves of the illusion that fulfillment can be found in the finite, material world. Rahu and Ketu help us achieve that goal by reminding us of the steps we have already taken and the steps we have yet to take in order to be liberated from this illusion.

Ketu represents our past, the foundation upon which we build our present, and Rahu represents our present environment and how we can develop it into a positive future. For the past 12 months Rahu has been in Leo and Ketu has been in Aquarius, where they will remain until October of this year.

So, what are Rahu and Ketu telling us right now? Well, Ketu in Aquarius relates to the humanistic sign of the water bearer, urging us to be philanthropic, altruistic and acquire a more humanitarian world vision. Rahu in Leo reveals the need for us to share that humanitarian vision with the world—an effort that will benefit everyone. In short, this karmic placement calls on us to widely relay Aquarian wisdom through the creative energies of Leo.

But this is more easily said than done. Rahu in the sign of Leo, the proud lion, feels the need to bask in the light of its own uniqueness and creativity and not to share the stage with others. Therefore, the great challenge during this particular Ketu-Rahu alignment is to balance our self-interest with our concern for others—an exaggerated sense of self can jeopardize even the noblest of intentions and rack up negative karma.

So, whatever New Year resolutions we may have set for ourselves—be it losing weight or getting a pay raise—Ketu and Rahu are telling us our real resolution should be to become better and more humane individuals and help others do the same. These are the lessons we need to learn during this transit—learning them will not only benefit the wider world, it will help balance our karmic ledger and place us that much closer to freeing our souls.

Ketu and Rahu change signs approximately every 18 months—so you have until October 9th to do all you can to master the lessons you’ve been assigned in this current transit.


Want to know where Ketu and Rahu are in your chart and what they have to teach you personally? Give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click here for a consultation. We are here to help.

Cynthia was a dynamic and dedicated therapist who devoted her life to helping autistic children communicate with the world. The intensity of her heartfelt, loving approach was innovative and highly effective, allowing her to interact with kids that society had all but written off. The deep emotional connection she made with her young patients brought smiles to their faces and garnered the respect and praise of parents and peers.

Her professional success stemmed from Cynthia’s deeply loving nature and hyper-focused energy, a combination that enabled her to direct every ounce of her love exclusively to her patients. Ironically, this same combination wreaked havoc in her personal life and eventually, nearly destroyed her career.

Cynthia had been a client of mine for several years and was so impressed with palmistry that she incorporated many of its aspects into her own work, sometimes even using the the children’s handprints to design treatment programs. Unfortunately, she ignored what her own handprints reflected about herself, particularly in regards to her Mount of Venus—the concentrated source of her powerful, caring energy and the foundation of her professional success.


There are ten mounts in the hand, each providing a window into the health of a particular aspect of our life. The Mount of Venus (the raised pad of flesh below the thumb) represents our ability to love and be loved. A balanced mount is pliant and resilient to the touch; it will give in and quickly spring back into place when pressed—this tells us we can give and receive love in equal and healthy measure. However, Cynthia’s Mount of Venus was rigid, hard and unyielding—an indication that she had built a protective shell around her heart due to a past emotional hurt, and that she was passionate to the point of obsession. It explained to me why Cynthia was so single-minded when it came to work, but had remained romantically single well into middle age.

When it came to the children, Cynthia had no expectations—she wasn’t upset when they couldn’t (and didn’t) return her love. But in her personal life, she had very high expectations of others—a demanding attitude that destroyed a brief marriage when she was in her early twenties. Now in her early fifties, she was lonely and wanted someone to share her life with. I cautioned her that her dominant, rigid Mount of Venus, could make any romantic relationship she entered untenable, that the obsessive intensity of her affection would push potential suitors away and ultimately threaten her own mental stability. I encouraged her to seek a more balanced emotional life by consciously extending the type of unconditional love she showered on her patients into all her relationships.

Unfortunately, compulsiveness is part and parcel of a rigid Venus and Cynthia didn’t heed my advice. Sure enough, the obsessive nature that had served her well when focusing on her patients, proved disastrous when she met Al. Cynthia convinced herself that Al was her soul-mate. Al, however, did not feel the same way; he was in the middle of a difficult divorce and not interested in becoming deeply involved with her. Nevertheless, Cynthia made him the focus of her life—her rigid Venus pushed her to blindly direct the love she had always reserved for her patients onto Al. But unlike her relationship with her patients, Cynthia demanded and expected Al to reciprocate. She was incapable of considering his own needs and feelings. When Al abruptly broke off their short-lived and one-side romance, she fell into a crippling depression; she began ignoring her work duties, her patients and her personal health and hygiene. Her performance became so poor at the clinic that she was fired. She stopped eating, couldn’t sleep and seldom left her home. In just a matter of months she lost all she had achieved and was a shadow of her former self.

Fortunately, she did not give up on palmistry, and palmistry did not give up on her. Over the course of two years Cynthia and I worked to develop greater flexibility in her Venus Mount by shifting her focus to a wider, spiritual horizon. We began with daily recitation of Gayatri and Shiva Mantras, created a greater self-awareness with regular meditation and dissolved her long-held tension and emotional trauma through frequent deep-tissue massage. Eventually she was able she let go of her obsession with Al, rebuild her career and enjoy a far happier and healthier lifestyle. Balancing her Mount of Venus allowed her to love everyone in her life unconditionally, to love herself and to find peace of mind.


Do you need help finding balance in your life? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or book a consultation by clicking here. We’re here to help.