By Vedic Astro-Palmist Guylaine Vallée


Is your past limiting your future?
Are you trapped in repeated, destructive patterns of behavior?
Vedic Palmistry can set you free—check out Elizabeth’s story.

Ever since she was in high school, Elizabeth didn’t feel good about herself unless she was in a romantic relationship. Raised in a stable, well-to-do family, she left home as a teenager to live with her boyfriend. The relationship was unhealthy and turbulent, but she stayed because she lacked confidence to live on her own.

After several years, she fled that relationship and jumped into marriage with a co-worker, hoping it would bring her the fulfillment she craved. But that relationship was also turbulent, and after the birth of her children, it soured as well. Her next relationship was a romance with another co-worker, but again . . . it ended painfully and abruptly.

Elizabeth was stuck in a destructive pattern she didn’t know how to break. Despite the fact that she had raised four children by herself and, by that time, had started up and was running her own successful business, her self-esteem plummeted when she was without a man in her life. She had been brought up to believe that her purpose and identity hinged on the romantic relationship in her life, not on her own attributes or accomplishments.

Elizabeth tried to avoid her pain by throwing herself into her work and the demands of being a single mom, but she was haunted by unhappiness and the memories of her failed relationships.

When she came to see me, she was desperate for change, believing palmistry could magically predict that her life would be filled with love, happiness and personal fulfillment.

“Elizabeth, Vedic palmistry isn’t magic—it’s an ancient science that has been helping people learn about themselves and improve their lives for more than 5,000 years,” I told her. “But, if you give it a little time, the results will feel like magic—your life will be transformed.”

Her first set of handprints revealed a highly confusing pattern of crisscrossing lines traversing her entire palm, like wild weeds choking a garden. This told me she was mentally exhausted, worrying about the demands of daily living and her desire to find a partner. The over-abundance of lines reflected Elizabeth’s chronically agitated state of mind.

I explained to her that the hectic network of lines was short-circuiting her ability to perceive herself and the world clearly. I told her that happiness in a relationship would continue to elude her until she regained her self-control and became centered within herself.

“You can’t change the past,” I continued, “but you can change your present and your future and attract positive people into your life by changing your expectations of relationships.”

“But how do I do that?” she asked.

“By changing one line at a time,” I said. “We need to clean up your hand and get rid of some of these excess lines. You need to balance the three major lines of heart, head and life with the minor lines of destiny, Sun and Mercury in order to establish a better equilibrium in your life.”

I explained that the lines of our hands change when we change our attitude and outlook on life, which is why palmistry is such an excellent tool for self-development. It allows us to focus on the areas of our life most in need of work, and as we strive to improve those aspects of our lives, it lets us monitor our progress by tracking the changing lines of our palm.

“It won’t happen overnight,” I told her. “Your habits, self-doubts and negative mindset have developed over many years, and it will take time to undo them. But as the great Himalayan yogi Lahiri Mahasaya said, `Banat, Banat, Ban Jai’—meaning doing, doing, one day done.”

In Elizabeth’s case, what she needed to “do” first was calm her mind and connect with her inner serenity. We began with a series of breathing exercises and a daily meditation routine.

We met once a month to discuss the positive changes in her life and take fresh handprints to check the changes in her lines. She was encouraged when she saw her major lines become more apparent.

As she felt better about herself, she was no longer driven by the need to jump from one relationship to another, looking for love. She felt a great release from the past patterns of behaviour that had held her captive for so long.

In her “after” handprints, we can see the busy network of interference lines subsiding, reflecting her more peaceful, confident, and focused approach to life.

Elizabeth experienced a major life transformation with the help of Vedic palmistry, and she did it by changing one line at a time.

Guylaine shares about her journey becoming a Vedic Palmist, studying under Ghanshyam Singh Birla. She chats about helping her clients find their best path throughout life, and even potentially changing their destiny through right action.

Read the interview here:

Guylaine is the author of The Happy Palmist (, which delightfully recounts her life journey from an autobiographical perspective.

By Vedic Palmist, Ghanshyam Singh Birla

A powerful example of a beautiful change of heart is reflected in the hand of Dr. Wayne Dyer, the world-renowned inspirational author, philosopher and speaker who, sadly, passed away in 2015.

Through his books and lectures, Wayne encouraged us all to recognize that the most fundamental truth of existence is that we are eternal souls in physical bodies. Or, as Wayne liked to phrase it: “We are not human beings in search of a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings immersed in a human experience.” Wayne believed, as I do, that we can manifest an abundance of love, beauty, success and happiness in our lives by developing our self-awareness, opening our hearts to others and always attempting to draw closer to Spirit.

And yet, for many years, happiness and unconditional love eluded Wayne. He grew up in foster homes, spent his youth in poverty and struggled with depression. He dealt with issues of self-esteem and other personal demons—even after the publication of his first book, the 1976 mega bestseller Your Erroneous Zones, catapulted him to fame and made him a multimillionaire. It was only when he experienced a change of heart, or what he called “the shift”, that he began following a profoundly spiritual path, a path that led him to unconditional love and happiness. This state of contentment permitted him to use his fame to express what was in his heart to a wide audience and to inspire millions of people.

I had the privilege of knowing Wayne and was fortunate to meet with him at two very different periods in his life. The first consultation was in Florida in 2003, the second was a dozen years later in Ottawa in 2015, just a few months before his untimely death. The handprints taken during those readings dramatically illustrate how a change in heart will inevitably be reflected in changes in our life and in our hand.

In his “before” prints, taken in 2003, Wayne has many beautiful wisdom signs, including a magnificent “triple” Ring of Solomon on his Jupiter mount, which reflects his profound understanding of human nature and extreme sensitivity to the feelings and problems of others. Additionally, a well-formed Love of Truth line on his Mount of Saturn is the hallmark of a benevolent, wise and compassionate philanthropist engaged in an unwavering quest for self-awareness.

Also, his “before” print displays a beautiful, long heart line opening into a fork, revealing a deep connection to his feelings and a strong desire to express his love. However, one branch of the heart line is turning downward towards the head line, reflecting an emotional reservation and a mistrust of others due to past hurt and disillusionment. In short, Wayne’s “before” heart line reflects a tendency to be deeply disappointed when his love is not returned or when his expectations of others are not met. Wayne later confirmed this had indeed been the case with him for a good part of his life—that he had often felt let down in relationships and that his disappointment had disrupted his equilibrium and negatively impacted his personal happiness.

However, not long after that Florida reading, Wayne embarked on a deeply spiritual quest to open his heart center—he embraced Vedic philosophy and committed to daily spiritual practices like yoga and meditation. Everything Wayne did in the years between our two consultations was done with the deliberate intention to get in touch with his true self, break down barriers separating him from others and develop his ability to express love unconditionally.

In his “after” handprints, taken during his second consultation in 2015, Wayne’s lines clearly show that all his former emotional reservations have melted away, and that his heart has expanded and grown. This is seen in the two strong heart line branches travelling upward toward his Jupiter mount, revealing his deep conviction to love unconditionally, regardless of how other people treated or responded to him. It also reveals a powerful inclination to be sensitive in matters of the heart as well as a growing willingness to openly share his love and wisdom—both in his relationships and with the world.

During the last decade of his life, Wayne was able to touch millions of hearts and effect positive change in the lives of people around the globe. His books, recorded lectures and many ongoing philanthropic endeavors are a living legacy of a life dedicated to expressing and sharing love unconditionally.

The beautiful change of direction, or shift, in Wayne’s heart is also confirmed by the star on his Mount of Sun, reflecting an empathetic heart devoted to helping and serving others, and a brilliant ability to convey spiritual concepts to the world. His Love of Truth Line on Saturn in his before print has turned into a trident, showing he no longer is seeking truth but is living it.

At the end of his second consultation, I told Wayne that the changes in his palms revealed that his heart and his consciousness were moving toward spiritual enlightenment. Wayne smiled and said: “That is my purpose in life—to shift my own consciousness to a more loving and spiritual state, and to help others to do the same. Ghanshyam, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me today!” He encouraged us to publish his handprints saying, “If my prints can help one other person, then share them with the world!”

To know more about how you too can make changes to your heart line and to your relationships,
register to The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge.

Click here for information or to register.

Excerpt from the textbook Introduction to Vedic Astrology by Ghanshyam Singh Birla

Of all the celestial bodies, Jyotish, Vedic astrology, places emphasis on the Moon, which takes only 28 days (approximately) to revolve around the Earth, consequently, making us most susceptible to its influence.

The Moon relates symbolically to the ‘mother’, the feminine principle in the universe. Just as the physical Moon in the sky reflects the light of the Sun, rather than being a source of light itself, likewise its astral vibrations relate to how a person receives and reflects the various energies in his or her environment. A balanced placement of Moon in the chart shows that the person is able to receive and reflect a clear image of the world.

The Moon influence corresponds to how we apply our five senses, so as to receive either an accurate or a distorted impression of what is happening around us. Its energy is one of the trickiest to handle, precisely because our perceptions are so crucial, yet so vulnerable to distortion.

The Moon is closely connected with the collective unconscious. Its placement gives us valuable clues about our own personality, and especially our unconscious self. It relates also to our feelings and sensitivities. Our home, our ancestors, and our personal memory all reflect in this energy as well.

In its positive expression, lunar (Moon) traits include protectiveness, tenderheartedness, creativity, adaptability, patience, receptivity, tenacity, excellent memory and business acumen.

If the chart placement indicates affliction, then the Moon will show its other face. Here we see moodiness, changeability, emotional instability, proneness to worry, narrow-mindedness, gullibility, unreliability, poor reasoning and lack of forgiveness.


Register to the Online Course Introduction to Vedic Astrology and learn about the basics of astrology.
Once you begin to see how the planets, signs and houses are integrated,
you will start to get a feel for how a chart is interpreted.

To know more or to register, click here
Special $169 (Reg. $199) until November 18th, 2019

Online course begins November 18th, 2019

From 10:34 pm on Sunday January 20th until 12:16 am on Monday January 21, there is a total lunar eclipse that can bring monumental change to our lives.

With the blotting out of the Moon, the eclipse represents a time where we can reset our emotions and clear away any emotional baggage of the previous six months. If we take time to reflect, the shadowy period of the eclipse can be auspicious because it allows us to connect to our inner divine light.

A lunar eclipse opens a doorway to our innermost self, presenting a perfect opportunity for soul-searching, personal reflection, spiritual contemplation and meditation. In short, by temporarily darkening the light of the luminaries of Sun and Moon, the eclipse empowers us to seek our own light and elevate our spiritual awareness—and few things in life are more important than that! Eclipses are so powerful because they bring to light the issues that need to be healed.

This eclipse is especially powerful, as the Moon is in its own sign of Cancer, reflecting our innermost nature. This feminine, yin sign is sensitive and perceptive. Its keyword is “I feel”. The Moon rules our very roots—motherhood, the home, family and happiness of heart. The entire foundation of society is based upon these roots. It is how we are nurtured and recharged in order to have the strength to go out in the world and fulfill our karma. It relates to the mother who carries her child. She knows the feeling of two heartbeats, two souls in one body. She feels that closeness.

The lesson during this eclipse is that although it is fine to feel, it is more important what we do with our feelings, how we use them. Do we use our feelings to get what we want? Or do we use our sense of reason as well, so we can channel our heightened sensitivity to work for ourselves and others? Does our super-sensitivity create drama and chaos in our life or are we able to realize what the yogis refer to as Kama Muta, Sanskrit for moved by love?

So this eclipse is an excellent time to evoke our emotion to be moved and touched. We can peel away the protective layers we have erected around our heart in order to feel the deep and tender emotion of love.

If you want to know more about the influence of the full Moon in your chart,
call us at 1-866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S.
You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 1-819-428-4298, or click here.
We are here to help!

This is a very special time for all Scorpios, which includes anyone born between November 15 and December 14. Don’t forget we are doing Vedic astrology so you might be surprised to find your sign is actually the one before it. Understanding your Sun sign from this perspective will make a world of difference in your life.

During this time, not only does it mean that the Sun has made its once-annual “Solar return” to the astrological position it was in at the moment of your birth, it also means you are celebrating a birthday and are about to embark on a brand-new year in your life!  It is an excellent time to let the most positive aspects of your birth sign shine through.

Scorpio is ruled by fiery Mars—the noble warrior, which means this already exciting transit will be brimming with intensity and passion, with a strong emphasis on finding meaning and truth. The Sun illuminates our lives when it is in Scorpio—so take advantage of the transformative power of this transit while it lasts. It’s a great time to breathe new life and purpose into your career and relationships.

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, reflecting the ability to uncover hidden treasures – all that is not immediately apparent to the physical eye. This includes archaeological finds, hidden aspects of our psyche and metaphysical truths.

It is very difficult to pull the wool over the eyes of a Scorpio. Scorpios make excellent researchers and detectives. There is a willingness to search for the truth no matter how painful the process, and often results in their personal transformation.


Those who share your Sun in Scorpio Birthday

Margaret Atwood, Kevin Parent, Francis Cabrel, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney, Charles De Gaulle, Indira Gandhi, Robert Hand, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, Jim Morrison, Tina Turner.

The Sun fills our life with light, warmth, vitality and vision. And the Sun shines upon us with extra brilliance when it is in the sign of Scorpio.

We’ll show you how to make the most of Sun-in-Scorpio energy in your chart.Book a 60-minute consultation, which are available in person, by phone or via videoconference (Zoom).

If you have any questions or would like more information, please call us at 514-488-2292, or toll free at 866.428.3799, or by clicking here: We are here to help!

The planets are presenting us with several predominant themes this year. If we are able to recognize these themes, we can take advantage of them and bring success and happiness to many areas of our lives!


Charting the Year Ahead

Let’s take a look at what the planets have in store for us over the next 12 months by looking at the birth chart of 2018. As most of you know, our individual astrological birth chart is determined by our ascendant—the constellation (or sign) that is rising on the Eastern horizon at the moment of our birth. The ascendant becomes our “first house”, which determines who we are—it relates to our physical body (the vessel that carries our soul) as well as our overall personality and the way we address the situations that arise throughout our life.

The same holds true for each new year, which is born at the stroke of midnight on the morning of January 1st. By a quirk of our solar system, the constellation Virgo is the sign that is always rising on the Eastern horizon when the New Year is rung in. That means that 2018 has Virgo as its ascendant—Virgo is 2018’s first house.­


Start the Year by Seeking Perfection Within

The fact that Virgo is 2018’s ascendant tells us that a major theme of the coming year has to do with perfection. Virgo is the sign that wants and demands perfection in all things. We should approach this theme with our eyes wide open, because if we don’t focus on perfecting things in our own lives, we will try to perfect the actions and attitudes of others. In other words, we could become critical, nosey busybodies. So, in 2018 we would be well-advised to look inward and concentrate on perfecting important aspects of ourselves, such as: developing a healthier physical exercise routine; a healthier dietary regime; sounder work habits; more open and honest communication skills when dealing with friends and family; and building deeper spiritual practices, preferably ones that include reflective prayer, meditation and yoga. Seeking perfection in ourselves will help us take advantage of the possibilities offered through the energy in 2018’s alignment of planets—and there will be plenty of positive energy going around.


Auspicious Alignments in 2018

One of the biggest boons that arise from a Virgo ascendant is that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, creating a Yoga Karaka effect because it rules two auspicious houses. In fact, Yoga Karaka translates as “giver of good”. It can greatly increase our ability to realize and manifest our dreams and goals.

Without getting too technical, a planet is considered a Yoga Karaka when it represents a Trine (an angle of 120°) and a Kendra (an angle of 90°). A planet is Yoga Karaka when it represents the Trine (1st, 5th and 9th houses) and a Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses) at the same time. The Trine suggests all these features are working in harmony and the Kendra provides strength and stability. This year, Mercury is ruling over a Trine: Virgo in the 1st house (in which our soul’s purpose is expressed through our physical body) as well a Kendra: Gemini in the 10th house (representing our career, purpose and heights of accomplishment). This combination gives the capacity to achieve our desired goals.

If that wasn’t spectacular enough, the cherry on the top is a full Moon in Gemini in the 10th house, relating to our professional lives while aspecting the Sun in Sagittarius in the 4th house, which relates to our private lives. And really, who doesn’t like the full Moon? A full Moon suggests the fulfillment of our ideas: its light is radiating at its maximum, reflecting the light of the Sun—and the light of the Sun expresses the fullest and purest intentions of our heart and soul. It is a most powerful combination—Moon (our mind) is working in concert and in perfect harmony with Sun (our soul) to express and manifest our deepest heartfelt wishes.

And there is more good news in the 2018 chart! The 11th house (indicating success and the potential of finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow) is ruled by the Moon sitting in the sign Gemini in the 10th house. The Moon in Gemini in the 10th tells us that our creative ideas have no bounds and can be freely put to use in realizing our goals. This doubly confirms that we can make enormous gains by properly directing our imagination, creativity, originality and resourcefulness.

Now . . . where should we direct all that creative energy? Well, the placement of Mercury tells us where we should concentrate our focus, and this year Mercury is in the 3rd house of creativity–younger siblings, courage, communications and short trips. The 3rd house is an “Upachaya” house, which means that even if we are facing extremely challenging problems in these areas of our lives, those challenges can be overcome and all problems resolved with enough time, patience and fortitude. For example, a writer suffering from writer’s block will eventually have a major breakthrough if they continue working diligently and not give into despair. Simply put, if we remain focused, dedicated and put in the hard work, we will definitely experience great success!

Remember, Mercury in the 3rd is aspecting the 9th house, and the 9th house is one of the most important features in our chart, second only to our ascendant. It relates to our luck and our good fortune. In 2018, it reveals our potential to ease (or completely melt away) past burdens, hardships and struggles—but only if we allow ourselves to grow closer to our intuition by tuning into the Divine within us.


The Key to Success in 2018 in a Nutshell

The full Moon in the 10th (relating to our career) is aspecting our Sun in the 4th house (relating to our home). The 4th house relates to the joy we derive from a secure and loving home base, for example the love we give and receive from our mother. It relates to our overall happiness, including the health of our heart—both physically and emotionally. It relates to our fixed assets, like our car, land and property.

This year, as well as the Sun, the 4th house is jam-packed with other planets, including Saturn, Venus and Pluto. Being bombarded by so many planets at once creates what we call “a tornado effect”. Properly harnessing the power of this swirling mass of 4th-house energy by channeling it productively is critical if we hope to enjoy all the professional and personal success that is ours to be had in 2018—including financial gain, emotional security, a stable home and work environment and a deep sense of inner calm. So, it is important to not let anything disturb our peace of mind and heart, and to put down a strong anchor in the 4th house.

We cannot escape the tornado effect—we may be surrounded by chaos in our immediate surroundings or enveloped in tumultuous world events this year. But we cannot allow our emotions or our thoughts to be sucked up into this whirling vortex—we cannot be scattered or impulsive, but must remain focused on what is most important in our work, our home life and in our hearts. It is within our power to transcend negative influences and use the vast “tornado” energy at our disposal to transcend our environment and go deep within to find true success.

Please remember, because the Sun in the 4th is the ruler of Leo placed in the 12th house (the house of loss or enlightenment), our inner happiness depends upon our perception of events and the choices we make. So, let’s view the proverbial glass as being half full, not half empty; let’s embrace freedom instead of loss, let’s choose hope over despair.

Use the same principle of calm, focused and mindful reflection to deal with any potential tornado effects in the following houses, which are closely tied to 4th house-energy:

The 5th house, relating to: Children, sex and romance, affection, planning/programming, learning, teaching and doing mantras

The 6th house, relating to: Vitality, the immune system, health, short-term financial and long-term karmic debts

The 2nd house, relating to: Immediate surroundings, including coworkers and neighbours, material assets and treasured personal possessions.

The 9th house, relating to: Higher perception, mentors, teachers, Gurus, pilgrimages, long voyages, morality, the search for truth and higher learning.

The 12th house, relating to: Expenses, investments and returns; loss/liberation, foreign contacts and enlightenment.


Summing Up

To completely enjoy and take advantage of our full Moon, it is imperative that we anchor down the 4th house—we must keep our feet firmly planted on the ground so we can tap into the energy of the tornado and not be blown away by it. As in any year, but especially in 2018, we must not make emotional decisions based on illusory perceptions or self-aggrandizement. It’s best to remain centered in your heart to ensure you rise above the storm, embrace the light of the Sun and Moon, and enrich your life with the limitless planetary energy that is being unleashed. If you prepare yourself by getting your emotions in check and make wise, thoughtful choices, you will weather the storm and emerge happier, healthier ands more secure emotionally and financially.

Have a great 2018!


The warrior planet Mars marches out of the sign of Pisces this week and enters its home sign of Aries, which it rules and where its dynamic energy is most magnified.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known as the great initiator of projects, schemes and dreams. In Aries, our energy is young and boundless, our spirits are high, and our optimism is at full-throttle—a driving combination that emboldens us to tackle any new task, no matter how demanding, and to get things going. It is Aries that gives us the impulse and motivation to take that first step in a journey of 1,000 miles, to type the first word of a novel, or to lay the foundational brick of a skyscraper.

With Mars at optimum power in Aries—infusing us with courage, stamina and vigor—this is truly an extraordinary transit for any new undertaking. No need to pause and sweat over the details of how things will turn out in the long run, just grab the ball and start running toward the end zone. This is a transit of action and beginnings; if you don’t get started, you won’t have any details to worry about anyway.

The main cautionary note concerning Mars in Aries is that they both possess a highly aggressive nature; the combination of their forceful energies can make us ultra-competitive or even downright combative. This may manifest in our behavior as arrogance, petulance, an impatient or dismissive attitude toward companions, coworkers and competitors or as angry intolerance with anyone we perceive to be standing between us and our goal. The key to productively channeling this aggressive energy is though self-control and self-awareness . . . and the greatest tool available to humankind for developing self-control and self-awareness is daily meditation. Fortunately, this transit is a doubly auspicious time to develop a regular meditation practice—not only will Mars in Aries give us the initiative to begin meditating, but by meditating we will be able to make the most of everything a Mars-Aries transit has to offer. It’s a win-win scenario!

This transit will last only six weeks, but in those six weeks we can make a start at transforming ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives. So let’s make the most of it by taking on a project or cause that has been sitting on the back burner, be it a proper diet or exercise routine, a spiritual discipline, a job search, volunteering in the community or mentoring someone in need of help and guidance. Even if it is just making a phone call you have been putting off—now is the time to do it! Stop waiting and start acting, the force of Mars in Aries is with you!


Would you like to learn more about making the energy of this powerful transit work for you? Give us a call at 866.428.3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.

A major cosmic shift is underway that will dramatically affect all our lives into early 2020.

On January 13th Saturn, the slow moving planetary giant embodying discipline, duty and self-awareness, completed it’s 2 ½-year sojourn in Scorpio and entered into Sagittarius—the auspicious 9th sign of the zodiac.

Saturn is the personification of the Lord of Karma—it casts an unflinching light on our past (and past life) deeds and illuminates the aspects of ourselves most in need of attention, repair and development. While our personal natal chart dictates the exact areas of our individual lives Saturn wants us to focus on, Saturn’s three-year presence in Sagittarius is of great significance to each and every one of us.

Saturn is a strict and formidable taskmaster; if we learn the lessons we need to learn, the next few years will present great opportunities and rewards that will be deeply gratifying and potentially life-changing. However, if we choose to ignore those lessons, we will likely encounter some dire challenges, painful circumstances and difficult times.

So, what are the lessons Saturn expects us to learn while it is in Sagittarius? Well, Sagittarius is all about transparency, veracity, wisdom, faith, exploration and the search for divine knowledge, so first and foremost, we must learn to be honest with ourselves and with others. Falsehood, deception and self-delusion should be avoided at all costs and entirely rooted out of our consciousness during this Saturn-Sagittarian transit. Our mission for the next three years—if we choose to accept it—is to be truthful in all our dealings, to confront our personal deficits honestly, develop our higher selves and buttress our faith in a higher power.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign ruled by beneficent and expansive Jupiter, making this an excellent time for engaging in higher education, exploring philosophical principles, embarking on an inner spiritual journey through meditation, becoming more flexible in body and mind by practicing yoga or tai chi, or broadening our horizons by learning a new language or a creative art—anything, as long as it ignites our hearts and helps us to help others with our accumulated knowledge and wisdom.

Saturn can be a very tough teacher, but working together with auspicious Sagittarius and fortune-shaping Jupiter, it can make miracles happen. If we are prepared to listen with an open, honest and willing heart to what Saturn in Sagittarius is telling us, the truth will set us free.


Want to make the most of this powerful transit? Click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.

Christmas balls in winter setting,Winter holidays concept.


Dear Friends,

With the holiday season upon us, our hearts and minds turn toward all of you with deep appreciation. Thank you for allowing us to serve you throughout the year. We are deeply grateful for your gift of kindness, support and enduring friendship.

For many of us, this has been a challenging year of difficult social, financial and planetary forces. All the more reason for us to now look inward and raise our consciousness above the struggles, confusion and illusion of daily life.

Let us celebrate the holidays by uniting in the spirit of universal love and exchanging the gifts of gratitude, fellowship, respect and mutual appreciation. What better way for us to seek enlightenment and ensure prosperity in body, mind and soul?

From all of us at the Birla Center, to all of you, have a wonderful, safe and joyous Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza . . . and an extra happy New Year!

With all our love,


Ghanshyam and the rest of us at the Birla Center