Several years ago an elderly woman named Candice strode into my office.

“Mr. Birla, look at my hand!” she demanded haughtily, thrusting her right palm across my desk.

“I am a 70-year-old widow and was faithfully married to the same man for 50 years . . . why are there two marriage lines on my hand?”

“My dear, your second union line suggests a new love is coming into your life,” I said with a smile.

“At my age?” she snapped. “Don’t be ridiculous Ghanshyam!”

“Love is ageless, Candice. Have you met anyone recently who has touched your heart?”

Candice admitted that a gentleman had been attempting to woo her.

“It started in the grocery store; we bumped carts in the frozen food section. He apologized, but I ignored him.

We kept running into each other at the store. He was always sweet and I always rebuffed him, even though he was charming, handsome and a widower like me. Then one day he touched my hand at the checkout counter and invited me to dinner.

“How dare you! Your wife is still warm in the grave, yet you flirt with every woman you see!” I yanked my hand away and told him to leave me alone. He continued being nice to me . . . and I continued to be mean to him. Eventually he gave up and I confess, I miss the attention.”

love-grocery-storeCandice had short fingers and flared nails. Short fingers react impulsively without considering the long-term consequences of their behavior; flared nails make us quick to lash out, especially when feeling provoked or threatened.

“Candice, did your husband complain about your prickly nature. My sense is that he supported you financially and that he was sickly . . . was your love bound up in feelings of dependency, duty and resentment?”

“It’s true. I depended on my husband and had to care for him . . . he always complained that I was intolerant, impatient and critical.”

I explained that a short Jupiter finger reflects an inferiority complex and a need to prove we are as good or better than other people. This comes across as arrogance when it’s really an attempt to hide feelings of inadequacy. Her short Jupiter was fueled by a large Mars negative—the accumulation of emotional hurts and dashed hopes that are often expressed through bitterness.

“Candice, your nastiness is defensive, but has become ingrained behavior. Your two union lines indicate you have a second chance at love. But you must learn to love unconditionally—be humble and accept affection with gratitude. Practice this consistently and you will re-program your samskaras—the desires, impressions and experiences we carry from one life to the next.”

When I saw Candice a few months later she told me that she’d taken my advice. When her supermarket gentleman asked her for a dinner date, she happily accepted and they soon began dating.

If you would like professional guidance regarding your love life, we’re here to help. Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click the link to book a consultation.

If you’ve been feeling lately as though your thoughts and emotions are being pulled in opposite directions, you are not alone.

The current conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu in the constellation of Leo has landed all of us in the midst of a planetary power struggle.

Rahu and Jupiter exude very different forms of energy, and when they draw close together, as they do in a conjunction, sparks begin to fly. Jupiter, a benevolent planet known as the Guru (the dispeller of darkness), represents our higher selves: selflessness, magnanimity, compassion for others and nobleness in thought and deed. Rahu, a malefic shadow planet, represents our instinctual need for self-preservation and the fulfillment of our personal desires.

In Vedic Astrology, the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu is referred to as Guru Chandal Yoga. Chandal is a derogatory term representing how our nature can sink to the lowest level to satisfy our own self-interests. It is important to see how these two divergent forces, like antagonistic roommates, can learn to work together. While opportunities may present themselves, we must not lose our sense of humanity and sound judgment. Rahu can lure us by fueling our ambition with promises of wealth and power and a rapid boost in our status and career.

From June 21st to July 14th, Rahu and Jupiter are in close conjunction where they are separated by just a few degrees. This can be a turbulent time, a time of great temptation to act solely out of self-interest and personal gratification. The results can be minor disturbances in our equilibrium, or they can be devastating—broken families, a break down in international relations, a surge in terrorism. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

We can take advantage of the Jupiter/Rahu conjunction in Leo. If we unite Rahu’s intensity for personal satisfaction, career advancement, and the fulfillment of desires with Jupiter’s benevolent magnanimity, we can realize all our ambitions without alienating those closest to us or sacrificing wisdom and spirituality. The gains we pursue will benefit everyone and the pleasures we seek will be found in the shared companionship of friends and family. The most important thing to remember is that gains acquired by Rahu—when used solely for self-interest—are fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying, but the benefits of Jupiter, incorporating the welfare of all, are profound and last an eternity. So during this Guru Chandal Yoga, be careful what you wish for and wish for what’s best for everyone.

If you want to explore ways to benefit from this Guru Chandal Yoga give us a call at 866-428-3799 or click the link to book a consultation. We are here to help.