If you have ever wished to be the absolute best version of yourself, Guylaine’s new Jupiter program is for you. Why? Because Jupiter is the area of the hand that embodies the finest of our human traits and qualities while connecting us to the divine spark that exists within us all.

According to the rishis—the divinely inspired seers of ancient India—Jupiter possesses the power to awaken our highest level of consciousness, deepen our awareness and help us infuse our life with truth, meaning, purpose and compassion. So, it is not surprising that in Sanskrit Jupiter is referred to as Guru, which literally means “the dispeller of darkness”. Indeed, Jupiter has the potential to illuminate our mind with noble and lofty ideals while helping us identify the unique role we were born to fulfill in this lifetime.

Furthermore, Jupiter is associated with the second chakra, Swadhisthana, which translates as ‟sweetness”. Through this program, we will examine how to activate our second chakra in order to express a sweet, gentle, and amiable disposition. We will learn how to balance our emotions, heighten our receptivity and stimulate our desire to nurture the people in our lives. We will also look at case histories to discover how to navigate the hardest lesson of all: to not be triggered or offended when others misinterpret or misjudge us.

Jupiter is also associated with the flowing element of water. Like a water filtration plant, a positive expression of Jupiter helps us sift through non-useful and destructive emotional patterns so that we can have authentic and genuine relationships. Like a vast sparkling ocean, we can flow from a wholehearted and joyful place with no hidden agendas interfering with our intimate relationships. We are able to draw inspiration from the inner depth of our feelings to express ourselves creatively.

The Jupiter program will teach you how to harness the full benefic power of Jupiter and channel it into your daily life. Your host—astro-palmist Guylaine Vallée—will guide you through this 10-week course, helping you master each lesson in the beautifully illustrated PDFs (more than 150 pages) and answering your questions during the fun and informative weekly live webinars.

Let us take a look at the case of Bruno who has benefited from working on his Jupiter energy.


Transforming our Life through Jupiter:

The Case of Bruno—From Enforcer to Counselor


Bruno, a childcare worker, was unhappy in his job as a disciplinary “enforcer” at a reform school for emotionally troubled and violently aggressive teenage boys. Although his heart line was short and did not originate on his Mount of Jupiter, he had a Ring of Solomon on the mount, a sign of wisdom which, as the name suggests, reflects an ability to understand, relate to and empathize with other people. It’s not uncommon to find a Ring of Solomon on the Mount of Jupiter of someone working in a helping profession. Consequently, it was suggested that he would find life more rewarding if he changed direction by, for example, counseling the boys in his charge rather than simply disciplining them.

Bruno’s “after” print shows a longer heart line.

He was encouraged to develop his heart line to Jupiter in order to tap into the innate empathy suggested by his Ring of Solomon. This resonated with him as he wanted to get along with people better. He persisted each day visualizing his heart line growing. He tried to incorporate all the ideal qualities of a longer heart line on a daily basis; for example, he practiced expressing empathy and concern for how others were feeling. Within three months, he found himself more approachable as people began to relate to him more easily. By allowing his heart to open, he increased his magnetism, which is reflected in his “after” print by his longer heart line.

His new attitude and outlook were recognized by others and soon he was promoted to the position of ombudsman at the reform school. This meant he was no longer an enforcer, but a counselor who created greater harmony between the boys and social workers.

This very special program begins October 3rd.  So, don’t delay—sign up today!

Click here to register.