In Vedic astrology, the planet Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma. Why? Because Saturn, a strict teacher and disciplinarian, forces us to reflect upon our lives and use past experiences, thoughts and feelings (both positive and negative) as lessons to transform ourselves into better, more spiritually advanced human beings. This can be a difficult (and even painful) task at the best of times, but when Saturn is in retrograde—as it has been this year between Scorpio and Sagittarius from April 6th to August 25th—we can feel like we’ve been tossed onto an emotional roller-coaster without a seat belt. And while we can learn a lot about ourselves and our relationships during this period, it is likely been a stressful and very bumpy ride—we can become so focused on our own situation that any external demands upon our time and energy can make us feel like we’re about to snap!

The good news is that the ride is almost over; the not so good news is that things could get even more intense before the roller-coaster comes to a complete halt. That’s because Saturn is retrograde, exiting Sagittarius and entering Scorpio—placing it squarely in the final, 29th degree. The final degree of any sign is known in Sanskrit as its Sandhi degree, which translates as “connecting place”—the place where the energy of two different signs converge. This is always a challenging transit because the merging energies can stir up a lot of suppressed thoughts and feelings. But this Sandhi may prove extra challenging as it is also a Gandanta, meaning the convergence point of the incompatible energies of water and fire: Sagittarius is a fire sign, Scorpio is a water sign, and Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is caught in a tug of war between the two.

However, this Gandanta does not mean Saturn is stuck in a stalemate of two competing astrological forces—a Saturn Gandanta can be a dynamic and highly progressive transit if we successfully channel the conflicting energies swirling around us. Gand means “knot” and anta means ‘end’, so in the context of Saturn, this Gandanta will likely present us with varied situations and circumstances to self-reflect, accept some difficult personal truths, and take steps to untie any karmic knots we’ve created through our behaviour and attitudes in the past. Saturn will undoubtedly compel us to look deep within ourselves during this period and examine all we have done to bring us to this point in our lives. While at times we may feel we are about to drown in emotion or be consumed by regrets and remorse, we must remain calm, go with the flow and hold fast to the realization that we are experiencing this for a reason—to gain self-knowledge and be transformed into happier, more successful and spiritually healthier beings.

We can help you make the right choices during this period of intense transformation. Make the most of this Saturn Gandanta! Call us at 1-866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S. You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 1-819-428-4298, or click here. We are here to help!


Millions of people are about to have their world plunged into darkness, and they couldn’t be happier! On August 21st, a total solar eclipse will blot out the Sun and engulf much of North America in near or complete darkness—it will be three hours of midnight in the middle of the morning or afternoon depending on your location!

A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth and blocks all or part of the Sun’s light, an astronomical event that is as rare as it is spectacular. Eclipses occur near the lunar nodes – Rahu, the north node, and Ketu, the south node – the points where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. On August 21, the Sun, Moon and north node are in conjunction in the sign Leo.

The last total solar eclipse to span the entire width of North America took place a century ago, so it is little wonder that countless scientists and millions of amateur stargazers have been eagerly anticipating this big celestial blackout for decades. Telescope sales are through the roof, eclipse festivals have been planned in many key-viewing locations and solar-tourism has become a booming business. The best vantage points to take in the full “totality” of the eclipse are found along the 100-kilometer-wide elliptical path stretching across the United States from Oregon to North Carolina, but the eclipse can be witnessed from practically anywhere on the continent.

This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to behold one of the Cosmos’ greatest shows, so if you don’t want to miss it, go online to learn when and where you can best catch this phenomenal occurrence, as well as how to view it safely without damaging your eyesight!


From an Eastern Perspective

While many Western astronomers are over-the-moon with excitement at the chance to witnesses August’s total solar eclipse, Vedic astrologers have a more tempered and cautions approach. In Vedic astrology eclipses, particularly solar eclipses, are regarded as powerful (often tumultuous or even earth-shattering) portents of both personal and world events. The illuminating light of the Sun is obscured by the passage of the Moon, frequently casting deep shadows across our awareness. This can wreak havoc on the powerful flow of creative and karmic energy those nodes exert on our lives. Most Vedic astrologers advise against beginning any major project, signing contracts, entering or ending a romance, or making any other significant life decisions in the days leading up to, during, and following an eclipse, be it lunar or solar—the energy is just too shadowy, unpredictable and potentially unstable!

Vedically speaking, the best course of action to follow during an eclipse period is to look inward, centering and calming your energies though meditation and peaceful self-reflection. This advice applies doubly this month because we have both a solar and lunar eclipse. In India, at this time, it is also considered auspicious to do charitable acts.


Partial Lunar Eclipse

A partial lunar eclipse will occur on August 7th, two weeks before the solar eclipse. This occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are very closely aligned with the Earth in the middle. In this case, the Sun is in Cancer opposed by a full Moon in Capricorn. Emotions can reach a peak of intensity, either heightening our intuition and creativity or causing us to react and lose our composure. Additionally, the proximity of Ketu, the Moon’s node, to the Moon, relating to our past karma, forces us to take stock of any emotional issues that took place during the last six months. So this period can be used as a time of reflection to resolve and reset our emotions and move towards the future with a more spiritual understanding of where we have been and where we would like to go.

During this eclipse month, it is best to remain peaceful and objective, and not let any emotions overshadow our good judgment. We would be well-served by taking some quiet time to tune in and pay heed to the “small still voice within”—to follow the wisdom of our heart. We can satisfy our ambitions at this time, but make sure, due to the obstruction of the light of these two powerful luminaries – the Sun and Moon – that we use our discernment wisely; otherwise we can affect the happiness of those close to us.

Find out how the solar and lunar eclipses are affecting your natal chart and your life. Book an appointment now and we will help you make the most of your planets until the next series of lunar eclipses begins early next year.

For those living in North America, call toll-free 1-866-428-3799. For clients outside Canada and the United States, call 1-819-428-4298. Or send us a consultation request by clicking here. We are here to help!

No planet possesses a greater ability to fundamentally change our life and the way we view the world than Saturn. Why? Because Saturn takes it’s time—it is the slowest of the planets and shapes long, even generational stretches of our individual lifetimes. For this reason Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma as well as the planet of transformation. Spending 2 ½ years in each sign of the zodiac, and taking 28 ½ years to travel through all 12 astrological houses, Saturn’s impact on our existence and our birth chart is profound and long lasting—it touches every aspect of our being.

At the moment and for several weeks, the entire world is experiencing the unsettling effects of Saturn in retrograde—the slow-moving, Karmic powerhouse of a planet is currently traveling back and forth between Sagittarius and Scorpio while transiting the chaotic energy of the Galactic Center. This may have you feeling at loose ends, like the teacher has left the classroom and no one is enforcing the rules. While potentially confusing and stressful, this can also be a period of great opportunity—a real chance to harness that transformative energy and make some truly positive and long-term changes in your life.

We can help you make the right choices during this period of intense transformation. Make the most of Saturn Retrograde! Call us at 866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S. You can reach us from anywhere in the world by calling: 1-819-428-4298, or click here. We are here to help!

This Sunday, July 9th beginning at 12:06 am, is a very special and auspicious day in Vedic culture known as Guru Purnima, which always falls on the day of the full moon (Purnima) in the Hindu month of Ashadha (June–July). This year the full moon is in Sagittarius opposite the Sun in Gemini.

Guru Purnima is celebrated in sacred memory of the great sage Vyasa, the ancient Guru who compiled the four Vedas and wrote the Mahabharata, often referred to as the Hindu Bible. Guru Purnima is also celebrated by Buddhists in the honor of Gautama Buddha to commemorate the day when he gave his first sermon. It is a day dedicated to honoring our teachers and Gurus with pujas—prayers, devotional ceremonies and rituals of homage and reverence.

The Sanskrit word “Guru” is translated as “dispeller of darkness.” Hence, the Guru dispels the darkness of ignorance and sets us on the path to enlightenment. Guru Purnima is not only a day when seekers of enlightenment offer their Guru gratitude, but also a day to receive that Guru’s blessings.

Not all of us in the West have Gurus, but that does not make this day any less significant. Guru Purnima is a day for acknowledging and venerating whatever belief, philosophy or teaching we hold dear to our heart. It is an excellent occasion to set time aside to meditate and offer prayers of gratitude to everyone and everything that helps us grow in body, mind and spirit, and to reaffirm our commitment to seeking truth and wisdom. If you have yet to embrace an intellectual or spiritual discipline, Guru Purnima is a perfect day to search for one.

The full moon of Guru Purnima is a period of high, positive energy that hugely magnifies the benefits and rewards of meditation, prayer and acts of devotion and gratitude. So on Sunday, let’s make a special effort to be thankful to all the teachers and guardian angels in our lives, and be joyful knowing that they will return our appreciation many times over with countless blessings.

Happy Guru Purnima!

Thanks to the observations of 16th Century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, everyone is aware of the fact that the Sun is at the center of our solar system and that, because of the Sun’s immense gravitational force, all the planets in our system revolve around it.  A lesser known fact—one not everyone is aware of because it was only discovered in 1974—is that our solar system itself revolves around a central point of incalculable gravitational power situated at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy . . .  a super-massive black hole millions of times larger than the sun known as the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is like a regular star that moves really slowly through the zodiac at 1° every 72 years. Currently it is at (sidereal) 2° Sagittarius. When planets transit the Galactic Center, look out! The natural inclinations, properties and characteristics of each individual planet are magnified and super-charged whenever nearing or crossing paths with the Galactic Center.

These days Saturn (presently at 1° Sagittarius) is in the Galactic Center’s crosshairs, forming an astrological aspect that could potentially turn our world upside down. Why?  Well, because Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline and systematic long-term planning. Saturn wants us to steadfastly fulfill our life’s purpose, and therefore craves control, stability and certainty; Saturn abhors chaos, haphazardness and confusion. And that is why Saturn can get us into trouble right now—the energy of the Galactic Center is generated by the whirling, intense chaos of the super-massive black hole which is its very essence. It’s a classic battle between chaos and control. Being engulfed in this confusing energy can undo our saturnine efforts to manage our own lives and shape our future. Everything in our world may suddenly seem tumultuous and beyond our control—a situation that can be both stressful and distressing!

The good news is that we can find creative opportunities in chaos and learn deep spiritual lessons by surrendering our need for control. As we cannot escape the energy of the Galactic Center, we would be wise to navigate through it as calmly as possible, channeling that cosmic power into positive, personal transformation by looking within instead of without. With Saturn in Sagittarius, we can also tap into the archer’s idealistic optimism to keep our spirits up and our sights aimed high in an effort to develop the very best in ourselves no matter how confusing the world around us may become.

If you feel circumstances are overwhelming you during this transit, we can help you find creative solutions to get back on track!

Don’t delay, book a 60-minute consultation today! In person, by phone or via Zoom!

Call us at 1-866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S. From anywhere in the world, call 1-819-428-4298, or click here. We are here to help!

Bill was a born charmer. As a boy he was a mischievous rascal but possessed such natural charisma and magnetism that people were drawn to him. He was always extremely popular and managed to sail through his early life with little effort, struggle or purpose. With the financial support of a doting aunt, he was able to spend his late teens and early twenties flitting from college to college and from girl to girl. His great passion was his freedom and his only real pursuit was partying and having fun. But by the time he was 27, the party was drawing to a close; his wealthy aunt threatened to cut him off if he didn’t find a career, and his long-term girlfriend was pressuring him to settle down.

Feeling cornered and not knowing what else to do, Bill married his girlfriend and took a boring job in retail sales. But just a couple of days into his honeymoon, he was overwhelmed with feelings of being trapped and suffocated by both his marriage and his work. He came to see me in a panic.

“Guylaine, the walls are closing in on me! I am seriously thinking of quitting my job, leaving my wife and just skipping town.”

“But Bill, you’ve only been married for two weeks!” I said. “Take a deep breath, calm down and let’s see what your hands tell us.”

Bill’s first set of handprints were very “raw”, revealing a shallow and immature life. His mounts—the pads of flesh below the fingers that reflect our spiritual and emotional development—were extremely rudimentary. And, with the exception of the heart, head and life lines, his handprints were practically devoid of any other line or sign. These were strong indicators that he led a reckless lifestyle, had failed to develop any of his natural gifts and talents, hadn’t grown as a person and was lacking any sense of spiritual awareness.

When Bill was forced to give up his distracting pastimes and come face to face with who he truly was, he didn’t like what he saw—he was gripped with fear and wanted to run.

As the texture of Bill’s palms was quite coarse, it was an indication that he was ready to explore deeper aspects of himself—he just needed some encouragement.

“Listen Bill,” I said. “You have free will, so you can choose to run away from your wife and your life—but no matter how far you run, you can’t outrun who you are . . . and you could very well end up running forever. If you really want to change your life, you have to change yourself.”

“But I don’t think I can change, Guylaine,” Bill said. “I’ve always been like this—irresponsible. I am who I am.”

Bill and I had a long talk about how palmistry serves as a bridge between the wisdom found in the Vedic philosophy of ancient India and the emerging science of neuroplasticity, both of which deal with changing our lives. The Vedas teach us how to change our thoughts and perceptions by pursuing personal and spiritual enlightenment; neuroplasticity is proving that no matter how old we are, our brains are plastic (changeable), and that by changing our thoughts we can actually physically rewire the way our brain functions. In other words, we are capable of changing our entire outlook on life. Palmistry illustrates the effectiveness of both these techniques by showing us what we need to change and by tracking those changes—as we change our thoughts and attitudes, the lines and signs in our palms change as well, allowing us to monitor and direct our progress.

I encouraged Bill to begin a program of mantra, meditation and mindfulness, and to recite positive affirmations every morning. He slowly began to distance himself from the pursuit of emotional pleasure by setting and committing to goals of lasting value and substance—such as being guided by selfless love and devoting himself to loyalty, kindness, family and faith.

In his “after” prints, we can see that Bill grew many positive lines and signs in his hand, including a deep union line, reflecting his love and devotion to his bride. Bill and his wife went on to open their own successful business and have several children. They recently celebrated a very happy 25th wedding anniversary.


Do you need a change in your life? Give us a call at 866.428.3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help!

If you happen to be stargazing this week, don’t be startled if Venus appears to have reversed course and is traveling backwards. It isn’t a sign of the Apocalypse, nor have the laws of physics been suspended—it is just Venus in retrograde.

Planets in retrograde appear to move backward due to an optical illusion related to concentric planetary orbits and our vantage place here on earth. It’s akin to the illusion we experience when we stop for a red light and another car slowly rolls past us, making us feel like we are moving backwards. Planets regularly go into retrograde for periods of time—in Venus’s case, it is for six weeks every 18 months.

Although the reverse motion of a retrograde planet is illusory, it’s astrological effect on us is very real and can be profound. The energy of retrograde planets is more subjective than that of a planet in direct motion; it is an energy we tend to internalize rather than project. This dynamic internalization pushes us to reflect on our lives (and our pasts) through the lens of the retrograde planet’s specific qualities and attributes. In the case of Venus, those qualities and attributes are embodied in our approach (and the value we attach) to love, romance, pleasure, beauty, creativity and finances.

So for the next month-and-a-half we may find that Venus retrograde is stirring up memories of bygone relationships and of how we treated others; the worth we assigned to ourselves, to our time, our jobs, our passions, our loved ones, and to money and the material possessions money gets us. This period of intense self-examination can be isolating, making us appear neglectful, self-absorbed, standoffish or just plain rude. But, if we take advantage of Venus retrograde by making an honest and thorough inventory of our values and actions, we can learn important lessons about why we love the people and things we love, who we truly are, and who we want to become. The self-knowledge we can potentially acquire during Venus retrograde can be a driving force for dramatic, personal growth.

We should be mindful not to alienate our loved ones during this period, but to honor the truths we discover when reflecting on our lives. If we happen to have Venus retrograde in our natal chart, we can expect the next six weeks to be even more intense.

Venus is in retrograde until April 15th.


Would you like to know about how Venus retrograde can affect you, or discover the impact of having Venus retrograde in your birth chart? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.

Dr. O was an opinionated, no-nonsense physician whose motto at work and at home was: “It’s my way or the highway”. His attitude had won him few friends and alienated his colleagues. Despite his brashness, he’d been acknowledged as one of the finest surgeons in the country until a recent skiing accident damaged his wrists and left him incapable of operating. All the specialist told him the damage couldn’t be repaired.

He reluctantly agreed to see me at the insistence of his wife, a regular client of mine who was a doctor of non-traditional medicine. She had long complained about her husband’s stubborn closed-mindedness and unwillingness to try new things. Since the accident, she’d pleaded with him constantly to seek alternative therapy for his injuries and to help his overall outlook. He steadfastly refused and the marriage was quickly deteriorating.

“My wife says I’ve become bitter and mean-spirited,” he complained. “What does she expect? I can’t work, I can’t even hold a scalpel—my career is over.”

Dr. O’s handprints revealed why he was an excellent surgeon. His long, unbending head line stretched into the hand’s great energy center of Mars positive, giving him the drive, strength of mind and cool nerves to perform with grace under pressure. And his passion and dedication were evident in his strong destiny line, but the destiny line ended abruptly at his head line, confirming the sudden break in his career.

A destiny line ending at the head line indicates there is something wrong with our way of thinking, which disrupts our destiny—our purpose in life. When the head line is properly used, we think constructively and our destiny will continue uninterrupted regardless of mishap or setback. A destiny-head line disruption can be a staggering blow to our self-confidence and sense of identity, as well as damaging our personal relationships and financial well-being.

I suspected the rigidity of Dr. O’s head line had interfered with his destiny—his inflexible thinking fully manifested following the stress of his accident, sending him into a downward spiral. Fortunately, there were two potentially helpful features in Dr. O’s handprints. Foremost was a second, overlapping destiny line above the head line suggesting that, after a period of self-reflection and the adoption of a more positive attitude, Dr. O was capable of continuing his career. Secondly, a square on the original destiny line where it broke at the headline meant he had to ability to be receptive to new ideas and to accept the support and advice of friends and family. I was certain that successfully guiding him in this direction would improve his situation.

“Dr. O, your wife has urged you to see an alternative practitioner. . . why not swallow your pride and take her advice? Look at it this way: You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

Thankfully, Dr. O took my recommendation. He began an alternative therapy program and adhered to it religiously. One year later he returned to my office.

“Great news, Ghanshyam! I’ve resumed my hospital duties. My wrists are healed; I’m operating even better than before!” he told me. Even better, he said, he was making friends for the first time—his colleagues loved his new-found openness to their ideas.

“The only person happier than I am is my wife,” Dr. O smiled. “She keeps asking me what I did with her husband!”


Do you need guidance to re-establish your priorities or sense of purpose? Give us a call at 866-428-3799, or click here to book a consultation. We’re here to help.

The warrior planet Mars marches out of the sign of Pisces this week and enters its home sign of Aries, which it rules and where its dynamic energy is most magnified.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is known as the great initiator of projects, schemes and dreams. In Aries, our energy is young and boundless, our spirits are high, and our optimism is at full-throttle—a driving combination that emboldens us to tackle any new task, no matter how demanding, and to get things going. It is Aries that gives us the impulse and motivation to take that first step in a journey of 1,000 miles, to type the first word of a novel, or to lay the foundational brick of a skyscraper.

With Mars at optimum power in Aries—infusing us with courage, stamina and vigor—this is truly an extraordinary transit for any new undertaking. No need to pause and sweat over the details of how things will turn out in the long run, just grab the ball and start running toward the end zone. This is a transit of action and beginnings; if you don’t get started, you won’t have any details to worry about anyway.

The main cautionary note concerning Mars in Aries is that they both possess a highly aggressive nature; the combination of their forceful energies can make us ultra-competitive or even downright combative. This may manifest in our behavior as arrogance, petulance, an impatient or dismissive attitude toward companions, coworkers and competitors or as angry intolerance with anyone we perceive to be standing between us and our goal. The key to productively channeling this aggressive energy is though self-control and self-awareness . . . and the greatest tool available to humankind for developing self-control and self-awareness is daily meditation. Fortunately, this transit is a doubly auspicious time to develop a regular meditation practice—not only will Mars in Aries give us the initiative to begin meditating, but by meditating we will be able to make the most of everything a Mars-Aries transit has to offer. It’s a win-win scenario!

This transit will last only six weeks, but in those six weeks we can make a start at transforming ourselves and start a new chapter in our lives. So let’s make the most of it by taking on a project or cause that has been sitting on the back burner, be it a proper diet or exercise routine, a spiritual discipline, a job search, volunteering in the community or mentoring someone in need of help and guidance. Even if it is just making a phone call you have been putting off—now is the time to do it! Stop waiting and start acting, the force of Mars in Aries is with you!


Would you like to learn more about making the energy of this powerful transit work for you? Give us a call at 866.428.3799 or click here to book a consultation. We are here to help.

Shivaratri is one of the most important festivals in India, a night to pay homage to Lord Shiva, the force behind all transformation and growth. It is one of the most auspicious times to meditate and recite the mantra that honors Lord Shiva—the powerful and majestic Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Reciting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (Shiva Mantra) releases our consciousness from limiting patterns of negative thought and behavior; it opens us to deeper insight, gives us a greater freedom of self-expression and instills within us the strength needed to meet a specific challenge, attain a desired goal or overcome blockages interfering with our well-being.

Our informal gathering is free of charge and we will happily provide you with an instructional leaflet explaining the significance of the mantra and how to recite it.

We will celebrate Shivaratri at our Wellness Center in Cheneville on Friday, February 24th between 6 and 8 p.m. Please join us! Reserve your spot by calling us in advance at our toll-free number: 866 428 3799. We will be delighted to see you! If you can’t make it in person, join us in meditation from wherever you are, blasting the universe with the healing sound of the Shiva Mantra.