By Vedic Palmist-Astrologer Guylaine Vallée

(Excerpted from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge)

Understanding the five states of the heart, described by Sri Yukteswar in his book, The Holy Science, has helped so many of my clients find love, and has helped me so greatly in my own life, that I have dedicated a chapter to exploring them in The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge. I really believe this will give you a deeper insight into the evolution of the heart, will inspire you as much as it has inspired me, and will help us immeasurably in our quest to expand our heart and create a love-filled life!

As we enter the Pure State of the Heart, our connection to the spirit of pure love within us deepens and our defense mechanisms, blockages, and sense of separation from others melt away. The personal needs and desires that have distanced us from our heart will simply evaporate, allowing our heart center to fully open.

Sri Yukteswarji refers to the pure state as the Clean State of the Heart, for we have cleansed our heart of all that has held us back from the complete expression of unconditional love. In this state, we feel a complete union with God, the universe and every other human heart. We understand with absolute certainty that we are all connected—we are not an individual wave in the sea, but an integral part of the vast ocean of humanity, and that humanity is an integral part of the infinite Cosmos.

We realize what Vedic philosophy has always asserted, and what quantum physics has only recently discovered—that all matter is an illusion. The only thing in our lives that is eternal is the energy of which we are comprised, which continually changes from one form to another, and carries our consciousness beyond space and time.   In essence, reality is not what we see, but a great endless oneness of being through which all life is interwoven.

As Joni Mitchell sang in the 1960s, We are stardust . . .  we are billion-year-old carbon. So, within this carbon-based human body, our consciousness—our soul—is boundless, infinite and eternal. We embrace this truth in the Pure State of the Heart, where we experience a perfect, loving communion with all other souls.

Of course, the Pure State of the Heart is one not easily achieved by us mere mortals. Loving perfectly is a process—it is a journey we are on throughout our lifetime, and likely, throughout many lifetimes. But it is the only journey that really matters.

One individual who exemplifies this journey is Sister Margaret, who was a client of Ghanshyam’s several years ago. Ghanshyam wrote about this remarkable woman in an article, and I think the story speaks for itself:


Sister Margaret’s Purity of Heart

I met Sister Margaret two decades ago at a conference she helped organize promoting forgiveness and reconciliation to achieve peace and harmony between people and nations. A vibrant woman in her late seventies, she believed forgiveness bestowed a double blessing, benefiting both the forgiver and forgiven—and she was living proof of the effectiveness of that philosophy.

When World War II broke out, Sister Margaret was a young Catholic nun working in rural Japan. She was arrested by Japanese soldiers and spent four years in a brutal internment camp. She suffered great deprivation and witnessed many atrocities, but never allowed her heart to be hardened by bitterness or hatred. After the war, she stayed on in Japan to care for orphans, treat the wounded and help rebuild the country. Before returning to North America, she spent years travelling throughout Asia bringing aid and comfort to the poorest of the poor.

When our paths crossed, she was in the midst of performing an act of personal reconciliation and forgiveness. She’d invited former Japanese soldiers—her onetime enemies and captors—to attend her peace conference, and she embraced each and every one of them with kindness and warmth. When I asked her why she did it, she replied: “Ghanshyam, we all struggle with darkness, but we are also all children of God, touched by Divine light. It is our job to let that light shine from us and help it shine in others. If we make that our mission in life, we’ll all be better people, and this world will be a much better place.”

Sister Margaret’s altruism and spiritual wisdom moved me deeply; when I studied her hands, I wasn’t surprised to find a three-pronged heart line, which is pretty rare. It indicates we can be known for our loving, compassionate disposition with tremendous spiritual insight used for the welfare of humanity. Especially when all three branches are of equal length, this origin denotes talent, success and possibly even name and fame.

Additionally, Sister Margaret had a beautiful Girdle of Venus hovering above her heart line. The Girdle of Venus has been described as a smile permanently stamped on our hearts. It makes us an inspiration to others.

Ideally, the Girdle forms a gentle arc in the upper region of the palm linking Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mercury, the four sattwa mounts that reflect our noble intentions. The Girdle’s close proximity to the heart line reflects a deep capacity for empathy. It also reveals a powerful creative urge that compels us to express the beauty and love within our soul. Many artists, humanitarians and those devoted to serving others possess a Girdle of Venus.

Sister Margaret lived into her nineties and never stopped working to create international and interpersonal peace, harmony, understanding and forgiveness. Her handprint, with its remarkable Girdle of Venus, is a lasting testament to a beautiful life, well lived.

In Sister Margaret’s words, we are all “touched by Divine light. It is our job to let that light shine from us and help it shine in others.” To develop a Pure State of Heart, we must light up our lives with love.

Click here to find out more about The Self-Paced 90-Day Heart Line Challenge