Is your newspaper horoscope often wrong? You may not be the sign you think you are!

Horoscopes in most North American newspapers are based on Western astrology, which calculates your Sun sign differently than Eastern (Vedic) astrology. That difference could mean that in Western astrology you are, for example, a Sagittarius, but in Vedic astrology you are actually a Scorpio—a difference that could have huge implications for both your horoscope and your life!

Why the difference in Sun signs between Western and Vedic astrology? Well, it’s very long and a very old story but, in a nutshell, it has to do with the fact that the Earth wobbles on its axis. Two thousand years ago there was no difference: In Roman times, astrologers all over the world decided that Aries would be considered the first sign of the Zodiac and everyone agreed as to the position of the 12 constellations (astrological signs 30 degrees each) comprising the 360-degree Zodiac belt.

However, over the past 2,000 years the wobble of the Earth has changed our planet’s position by approximately 22 to 24 degrees* . . . which represents almost an entire sign of the Zodiac! Vedic astrology uses mathematical calculations to adjust for this change, which accounts for the discrepancy between Western and Vedic Sun signs and planetary positions. So, now you know why you may not be the sign you think you are, and how a little wobble can make a world of difference in your life and in determining your Sun sign! We’re not saying that one system is better than the other, but it certainly helps explain why the things your newspaper horoscope says about you doesn’t always add up!

The following chart shows the approximate dates for the Vedic Sun signs as of 2020-2021. To know for sure your Vedic Sun sign, especially if your birthday falls at the border of a sign, it would be preferable to have your natal chart drawn up based on your exact date, time and place of birth.

Pisces:            March 12th – April 12th
Aries:              April 12th – May 12th
Taurus:           May 12th – June 13th
Gemini:          June 13th – July 14th
Cancer:           July 14th – August 15th
Leo:                 August 15th – September 15th
Virgo:              September 15th – October 15th
Libra:              October 15th – November 14th
Scorpio           November 14th – December 14th

Sagittarius:    December 14th, 2020 – January 12th, 2021
Capricorn:     January 12th – February 11th
Aquarius        February 11th – March 13th
Pisces:            March 13th – April 12th

* We go by the calculations referred to as ayanamsha of Sri Yukteswar with an approximate 23-degree difference.


If you would like to know what your Vedic Sun sign is and have your birth chart analyzed according to Vedic principles and calculations, book a 60-minute consultation with us in person, by phone or via Zoom. Call us at 1-866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S. to set up an appointment. From anywhere else in the world, call us 1-819-428-4298, or click here. We are here to help!

Ready or not, it is out with the old and in with the new. On January 13th, 2020, Pluto ended its long sojourn in the sign of Sagittarius that began December 2004, and moved into Capricorn, where it will reside until the year 2038.

We will all be impacted by the energy of this major transition for years to come as we all have Pluto transiting the sign Capricorn somewhere in our birth chart. Pluto is a prime mover when it comes to worldwide and individual transformation, so have no doubt, this is not a transition any of us can afford to take lightly; it has the potential to turn our world upside-down and inside-out, shake us to the very core of our being and permanently alter our lives. It’s been nearly two-and-a-half centuries since Pluto has been in Capricorn, a period marked by the advent of individual rights and freedoms, global social change and widespread political unrest. So, fasten your seat belts, the years ahead are sure to be exciting and more than a little bit bumpy!

Even though modern astronomers stripped Pluto of full planetary status in 2006 and demoted it to the category of mere “dwarf planet”, this distant celestial body in the outer solar system remains an astrological giant. Pluto is a force we all must reckon with in our lives and in our charts—we ignore it at our peril. Indeed, some Vedic astrologers liken Pluto to the mighty Lord Shiva, the ultra-powerful Hindu god who wields the power of both Creation and Destruction over everything that exists in the Cosmos. In astrology, Pluto and Mars are co-rulers of Scorpio, the sign of transformation. Mars, the God of War, expresses its energy in a warrior-like fashion. Pluto expresses the same energy on an atomic level. When Pluto impacts your astrological chart, you are going to radically revise the way you look at yourself and your lifestyle.

Pluto compels us to take a look at our life. If there are skeletons in our closet or hidden desires locked in our heart, Pluto won’t hesitate to kick down the door, forcing us to acknowledge and deal with them. This includes matters we’ve been hiding both from ourselves and from others, regardless of when they occurred—deeply buried childhood traumas, current issues arising from our recent past or even unresolved issues that have followed us from past lifetimes . . . all will be revealed. If we resist Pluto and choose to avoid the truth it shows us, it will be very difficult for us to move forward in any direction either intellectually, emotionally, professionally or spiritually. However, if we choose to adapt to what Pluto teaches us and ride the waves of change, we will make enormous evolutionary strides in our outlook, lifestyle, relationships and careers that bring us great joy and contentment. Indeed, we can use the energy of Pluto to demolish old structured ways of being that no longer work for us, dump excess emotional baggage and rid ourselves of persistent bad habits and negative thinking. Doing so will free us to grow as individuals, explore new possibilities and expand our horizons . . . in other words, to completely recreate ourselves and our lives.

Perhaps more than any other planet in the zodiac, Pluto ushers us toward self-awareness, a prerequisite for our evolutionary development. This Plutonian process of self-discovery can be painful and even volatile, but it is necessary if we are to embrace a new and better life—the way a cataclysmic forest fire destroys towering, deep-rooted trees that block out sunlight, making it possible for beautiful wildflowers to spring from the ashes and carpet the woodland floor. So, while Pluto may dismantle our lives, it gives us the wisdom, self-knowledge and opportunity to build a happier and more enlightened existence from the ruins.

But don’t think that Pluto is restricted to the affairs of individual human beings—its reach extends to humankind on a multi-generational scale. It takes Pluto 248 years to complete a single orbit around the sun, which is the reason it spends many years residing in each astrological sign and each house in our natal chart. Global upheaval and transformation often accompany a major Pluto transition, such as the fall of the Roman Empire, the dawning of the Renaissance and the onset of the American Revolution. This is why Pluto transiting into Capricorn is such a big deal.

Capricorn is a solid earth sign; it relates to self-discipline, direction and focus. Furthermore, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and wisdom whose role is to teach us how to build a sturdy foundation upon which to live a successful and meaningful life. The sign of Capricorn also pertains to karma, which implies a desire for freedom to rule one’s own destiny over many lifetimes. So, with Pluto now in Capricorn, the curtain is being pulled back to reveal the cracks and flaws in our foundation. No doubt, those flaws will become so obvious to us (be it in our social structures, political systems or personal lives) that we will be driven to make some huge and immediate changes. And as Capricorn is related to the passage of time, during this transit we will all become more acutely aware of how short (and precious) life is and feel a growing urge to make the most of it.

To determine which areas of our lives will be most affected by this transition, we must ascertain how Pluto is interacting with the other planets in our natal chart, and which of our 12 astrological houses it will occupy. For example, if Pluto transits our First House, over the coming years we will likely undergo significant transformation in First House issues, such as our self-image—both in the way we view ourselves and how we project ourselves to the world around us. It is likely we will have to make some big adjustments in our lifestyle and attitudes to facilitate these changes. If Pluto transits our Fifth House, which pertains to love, children, creativity and matters of the heart, we should be prepared for a transformation in our relationship status.

No matter how you cut it—this transit will change our lives. So why not find out where Pluto will be in your chart by booking a consultation with us right now? We are here to help! Don’t let the positive energy of Pluto in Capricorn pass you by—we will show you how to make the most of this incredibly powerful and transformative cosmic event.


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