Introduction to The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge
The human heart is the greatest source of power in the universe. Not merely because this biological pump beating in the center of our chest keeps us alive, but because it is also the spiritual heart radiating at the center or our being—the one that fills our lives with meaning, purpose, beauty, grace, compassion and, above all else, love.
Throughout the ages few have escaped or been immune to the power of the heart; mothers and fathers, saints and poets, priests and priestesses, ardent lovers and starry-eyed teenagers have all, at one time or another, been captured and propelled by the heart’s irrepressible energy and humankind’s infinite capacity to feel and express love.
The Various Expressions of the Heart
No matter what shape or form it takes, our species is hardwired for love—we need to give it, and we crave to receive it. Love is an integral part of our being; it is not only the engine that drives humanity forward and ensures the survival of the human race, it is the force that pushes us to become ascendant, to move beyond our biological imperative, embrace our spiritual self and recognize that spirit in others.
Without love, we would face an existence bereft of joy: there would be no procreation and no great art; the beauty of a dewdrop on a blade of grass or the magnificence of a sunset would never stop us in our tracks. The laughter of a child would fail to delight us, we would never look upon the stars and wonder at the mysteries of creation, never seek to develop the noblest aspects of our nature, never make a sacrifice to benefit someone else, never feel the urge to be kind, never long for a lover’s gentle caress, the bliss of a beloved’s kiss or even find comfort in the affection and companionship of a cherished pet.
We came into this world with the capacity to love perfectly, but few of us become aware of that capacity until we feel the lack of love, or struggle with problems or tragedies in our relationships. When we love well and are well loved in return, our lives, no matter what difficulties we may face, seem full and we live in hope. Without love, or when our love is unhealthy, life can feel empty, agonizing and hopeless. As America’s most idolized sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe once famously sang in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, “When love goes wrong, nothing goes right.”
Learning to Love
In order for everything to “go right” in our lives, our hearts must evolve to such a degree that we move beyond our baser drives and the ego-centered impulses that anchor us to circumstance, such as fear, greed, anger and selfishness. This is not to say we need to be saints in order to love and be loved in the way we would like to be—far from it. But it does mean that, in order to experience pure, unconditional love, we must learn to love as purely and unconditionally as possible. That may sound like an unrealistically tall order, but it isn’t, not at all.
We are all born with the capacity to love perfectly, but life and ego often get in our way and trip us up. Fear, panic and loneliness can drive us to make poor choices, to start or stay in unhealthy relationships, to endure abuse and suffer indignities—and prevent us from opening our hearts to others. To find true love we must first be in touch with our true selves—we must get back to basics, to who we are at the basic core of our being, which is pure soul. How do we do that? Well, in the same way Michelangelo created his divine masterpiece, David, from an unattractive slab of rough marble. When asked how he did it, he replied that David had been in the rock all along, all he did was simply chisel away everything that was preventing the world from seeing David’s eternal, inspiring and divine beauty.
Our David, our own personal masterpiece, is our capacity to love fully and purely, which is hidden within us. That capacity is found in our heart center, which Eastern yogis refer to as our heart chakra, located in the upper region of the spine, between the shoulder blades and opposite the heart. Opening the heart chakra takes a bit of work. It is the primary and most important challenge we will encounter in The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge as it forces us to evolve as people, which can sometimes be painful because it means letting go of mindsets we have held onto for years because they have made us feel safe or comfortable, even if they have been bad for us. But when we take that daring step, when we dare to open our heart center and evolve in our capacity to love, we will tap into a power beyond our reckoning.
We will tap into the very power that created and drives the universe—a power that the ancient sages of India called Sat, that physicists call The Field and that I refer to simply as the Power of Love.
When accessing this universal power, which resides within the heart center of each and every one us, we will reap emotional riches and spiritual rewards that are truly unimaginable—we will gain the wisdom and inner strength to reshape our lives. They say that the truth will set you free, well, getting to know your true self, your true heart, will free you to experience love in all its glorious forms and in complete abundance.
Learn how you can improve your heart line and your relationships in just 90 days.
During these difficult times, take the Challenge!
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