Experience the Joy of Being Alive


Awaken your body, find your bliss, live your passion and embrace your joy with The One-on-One 90-day Life Line Challenge!

Our body is not merely a mass of muscle, bone and flesh; it is a dynamic vehicle designed to transport our eternal soul through our earthly lifetime toward Spirit. It is our physical connection to Divine joy, a connection that allows us to experience Ananda, a Sanskrit word that translates as infinite happiness or bliss.

The Vedic sages of ancient India taught us that living in a state of Ananda—a constant state of physical joy—is our natural birthright. Two thousand years ago, St. Paul wrote that “our body is our temple,” meaning that our body is where Spirit—the force of absolute love—dwells within us. In The One-on-One Life Line Challenge you will learn how to take possession of your temple and lay claim to your birthright. You will discover how to give and receive absolute love, how to re-energize every cell in your body and learn to experience the unwavering daily bliss of Ananda, no matter what hardships or heartaches life throws your way.

Developing the life line through The Life Line Challenge teaches us how to physically express the purest desires of the heart and mind and, in the process, fulfill your karma and manifest your dreams.

Weekly Themes

Our goal in The Life Line Challenge is to learn how to feel fully alive and experience complete joy and well-being. The life line represents how well we are managing our life force. Each week is designed to help you develop a strong and healthy life line that is in harmony with the other lines of the palm, enabling you to physically express the purest and most joyous desires of your heart and mind . . . a process that allows us to fulfill our karma and manifest our dreams. We have encapsulated all of this into twelve Weekly Themes:

Week One:         Breath and Prana—The Twin Gifts of Life
Week Two:         The Geography of The Hand—The Search For Balance
Week Three:      Journey Toward The Soul—Travelling Through The Three Bodies
Week Four:        Dolls Within Dolls, Bodies Within Bodies—The Five Koshas
Week Five:         Discovering Our Spiritual Anatomy—Igniting The Energy of The Spine
Week Six:           Firing Up The Turbines—The Power of The Seven Chakras
Week Seven:      The Life Line Journey Begins—Getting Acquainted With Your Origins
Week Eight:       The Privilege of Being Alive—The Length of The Life Line
Week Nine:        Flow, Flexibility and Resistance—Round vs Diagonal Life Line
Week Ten:          Between Birth and Death—The Formation of The Life Line
Week Eleven:     Journey’s End—The Termination of The Life Line
Week Twelve:    With A Little Help From Our Friends

What The One-on-One Program* includes

In addition to the One-on-One weekly personal coaching, you will have access to:

  • An extensive, 200-plus-page Guidebook in a PDF format that is packed with invaluable how-to information on developing the ideal life line, practical tips for getting the most from your life line, and powerful insights drawn from the annals of Vedic wisdom and philosophy to help you create lasting joy in your daily life.
  • Dozens of inspiring real-life stories and handprints from Birla Center clients who have re-energized their bodies, discovered the dynamic bliss of living in Ananda and have transformed their lives by developing the life line.
  • Weekly exercises and yogic techniques designed to relax the body, calm the mind, become present in the moment, increase personal magnetism, build loving relationships and physically experience the state of constant joy.
  • A dozen “Thoughts for the week” and Positive Affirmations to keep you motivated.
  • A weekly Journal Entry designed to improve your relationship with yourself and your body image. We will guide you in your journal entries to help you love yourself, access your inner wisdom, ignite your intuition and discover ways to physically and lovingly work through your karma while manifesting your most cherished dreams and aspirations.
  • A dozen weekly videos to inspire, instruct and delight you, featuring astro-palmist Guylaine Vallée, inspiring you every step of the way throughout the entire 12-week Life Line Challenge.
  • Two sets of inked acetates to take your own “before and after” handprints, which will allow you to personally witness the amazing 90-day improvement in your life line!


* Quebec and Federal Accreditation
The Birla College is recognized as an accredited educational institution both by the Quebec Provincial Government and the Federal Government of Canada. Residents of Canada are eligible for tax rebates for courses/programs taken.


Take the One-on-One Life Line Challenge and Change Your Life Forever – You Are Worth It!

Space is very limited. Don’t delay, sign up today for the One-on-One Challenge!
Call us today at 819-428-4298 or toll free at 1-866-428-3799, or click here.


* For more information on Personalized One-on-One 90-Day programs, click here.