Prepare Yourself for a Major Cosmic Shift:

Join Our New Saturn Program

A major shift in Cosmic forces is taking place that will have a dramatic impact on our world and in our lives. After residing for nearly three years in Aquarius, a sign that represents the needs of humanity and social revolution, the planet Saturn is now transiting into the water sign of Pisces, where it will remain until February 2028 (with a short break for 6 months when it goes into Aries). Stern Saturn is the planet of responsibility, discipline, authority, karma and long-term plans; gentle Pisces is a sign that radiates with mysticism, intuition, empathy and intense emotional energy.

The combined energy of Saturn and Pisces is a powerful mixture that can lead us in many directions. It may usher in a period of profound transformation, emphasizing emotional healing, karmic closure, and spiritual awakening. But it could also be the beginning of radical social and personal upheaval. Indeed, over the next three years, the energy of this transit could either awaken our heart and heighten our intuition and compassion, or plunge us into confusion, delusion and escapism—it is up to us to decide which direction to follow. Fortunately, by enrolling in the Saturn program and learning to master Saturn’s energy, we can make the most of this intense transit and use it to transform ourselves from the inside out.

Over the course of 10 weeks, Guylaine will prepare you for the changes about to come by deepening your understanding of the role Saturn plays in your life and teaching you how to positively channel your Saturnian energy to create success and happiness. Together with videos and PDFs for each lesson, Guylaine will guide you in “real time” every Thursday during her weekly, live, one-hour ZOOM webinar.

Guylaine’s webinar has three parts. Part I covers the current planetary energies affecting us. Part II uses real cases and handprints to show how Saturn’s energy can turn challenges into empathy, compassion, and joy. Part III is a Q&A segment where Guylaine answers all your questions about Saturn.


More Saturn Transits

We’re sure you don’t need any more reasons to sign up for the Saturn program, but in case you do, consider this: When Saturn enters Pisces it will join five other planets that are already in the sign—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Rahu—creating a superpowered energy the will initiate an intense and extremely volatile time in our lives.

Furthermore, if you are between 28 and 30, 58 and 60, or 88 and 90 years of age, you are in a Saturn return, meaning that Saturn “returns” to the degree it occupied at the time of your birth. And that means this transit is offering you a golden opportunity to completely transform your life! And finally, if your Moon is in Aquarius, Pisces or Aries, you are experiencing Sade Sati, a period of profound emotional challenges and change that you can turn to your advantage with a better understanding of the nature of Saturn.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for the Saturn Program today!