Astro Tip of the Month: What’s in Store for Us?
Vedic and Western astrology interpret the placement of Zodiac signs a bit differently. You might be surprised to find your sign is actually the one before it. Knowing your Vedic Sun sign can really change your perspective and potentially make a world of difference in your life.
If you would like to learn more about Vedic astrology, here is a link to our book, Language of the Stars.
Sun in Taurus: Beauty and the Bull
May 13th to June 13th
The Sun moves into the sign Taurus on May 13th and stays until June 13th. This is a very special time of year for all Taureans, but we must remember, each and every one of us has the 12 astrological signs in our astrological chart, which means we all have Taurus in one of our houses. And whichever house Taurus resides in your birth chart is the area of your life where the effects of the Sun in Taurus will have the most impact.
Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house relating to our immediate environment and what we value in life, including our attitude towards assets and material possessions. At this time, the energy of Taurus may inspire us to purchase beautiful items and focus on ways to boost our finances for greater security, stability and comfort.
Venus, the planet of love, luxury and sensuality, rules this sign. It indicates a love for nature, the arts and all that is aesthetically pleasing. Taurus reflects the love to bask in the sun, enjoying all the new scents of spring. The sign Taurus is associated with gardening, as it loves connecting with the earth to reap her bounty.
The symbol of Taurus is the bull, sturdy, steadfast and unshakable, qualities we all need in these troubled times. Fortunately, Taurus offers us a double blessing. It not only provides a feeling of security but, because it is ruled by Venus, it also brings with it a sense of sweetness and nurturing love. Its fondness for the beauty of nature will give us a much-needed boost now that we can all get outdoors again.
During the transit of the Sun in Taurus, we can learn to not get trapped in the material world of status, wealth and possessions. It relates to the need to be able to determine what to do with all it possesses. Energy must keep flowing so that it does not stagnate. This is accomplished when time, energy, and material resources are used in a constructive, helpful and sharing way. Consequently, this is a great time to do a “Marie Kondo” house cleaning where a clutter-free home can help us bring more joy and prosperity to our life.

Tina Turner
American-born singer, dancer and author
Moon in Taurus

Cate Blanchett
Award-winning Australian actor
Sun in Taurus

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
President of Ukraine
Taurus Ascendant
Taurus is a trustworthy, determined and stable nature, giving expression to the house where it is located. The sign Taurus is highlighted when it is found in one of the following three positions: when Taurus is the ascendant and when the Sun or the Moon is in Taurus.
Here are a few luminaries who have benefited from their connection to Taurus:
TAURUS ASCENDANT: Novelists Margaret Atwood and JK Rowling, singer-songwriters Mick Jagger, Miley Cyrus, Ricky Martin and Amy Winehouse, and award-winning actors Amy Adams, Helen Mirren, Gina Lolobrigida, Matthew McConaughey and Laurence Olivier have a Taurus ascendant, like Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo).
SUN IN TAURUS: Award-winning actors Cate Blanchett (photo), Michael Cera, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Clint Eastwood, Michael J. Fox, Joshua Jackson, Ian McKellen, Marylin Monroe, Mike Myers, Natalie Portman and Mark Wahlberg as well as Canadian singer-songwriters Bruce Cockburn and Alanis Morrissette all have the Sun in Taurus, like Mark Zuckerberg co-founder of social media Facebook.
MOON IN TAURUS: Award-winning actors Jeff Bridges, Jim Carrey, Kirk and Michael Douglas, Brendan Fraser, Tommy Lee Jones, Julianne Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow and Omar Sharif, as well as singers Tina Turner (photo) and Edith Piaf, two of the most celebrated performers of the 20th century, have an exalted Moon in Taurus, like former US President Barack Obama.
We can most benefit from this transit by knowing in which astrological house Taurus (and its ruler Venus) resides in our personal natal chart. Why? Because we all have a little Bull somewhere in our chart and the house in which Taurus resides reflects the area in our life where we can most naturally apply our loving Venusian energy and where the benefits of this transit will be the most strongly felt.
Discover how Sun in Taurus can influence your life and relationships. Book a consultation with us, either on Skype, by phone or via Zoom. We’ll discuss how to make the most of this planetary transit!
Call us toll-free at 866-428-3799 from Canada or the U.S.
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For those celebrating a birthday between May 13th and June 13th
click here for information on our Birthday Special