A Special Anniversary Announcement
March 2025 is a very special month for us at the Birla Center as it marks special anniversaries for our three longest-serving Birla staff members—Guylaine, our brilliant astro-palmist who, with just 40 years of continuous service is still the new kid on the block; Peter Keogh, whose full-time tenure at the Center began 45 years ago when he was happily recruited by his sister Kathy; and Kathy Keogh herself, who has worked at the Center for 50 years, diligently recording and transcribing every word our founder Ghanshyam had to say about palmistry and astrology.
Please join us in congratulating these three wonderful souls who have dedicated their entire lives sharing and working to realize Ghanshyam’s dream of making the world a better place through Vedic palmistry. Better yet, we thought we’d give Kathy, Peter and Guylaine the opportunity to share their personal reflections about decades of service to Ghanshyam and the Birla Center.
Let’s hear from Guylaine.
Guylaine Celebrates 40 Years at the Center
Forty years ago, after my first session with Ghanshyam, he invited me to attend a class he was giving that evening at the Birla Center on the Head line. The reading he gave me had been so accurate it made my head spin—like he had known me my entire life. So, even though I only spoke French, and he was teaching in English, I promised to be there, with my English-French dictionary in my pocket. I was eager to learn everything about palmistry to help ease the unhappiness I’d been feeling since my early teens.
Before the class, I went to an empty restaurant across from the Center for dinner. Before long the place was packed solid. I caught sight of a couple sitting at the opposite side of the restaurant and could not stop myself from staring at them. They were laughing, talking, smiling; I really couldn’t take my eyes off them. They seemed so happy! Can I be happy too? I wondered, feeling sorry for myself.
The reception area of the Center in Westmount where I’d gone for my reading that morning had been transformed into a classroom. Due to my lack of English and self-confidence, I picked a seat way at the back as a steady stream of people filed into the room, including my happy couple from the restaurant!
Because this was the first class of the Head line course, Ghanshyam presented the staff members who’d help prepare the program. That’s when I discovered that the happy couple was Peter and Kathy Keogh, brother and sister—and that they worked with Ghanshyam at the Center. Oh! That is why they are so happy, I told myself. Ghanshyam was beaming with joy and laughter; it was the best class ever! I didn’t understand much, but I felt such peace and love that evening that I knew the magic of my life was just beginning. After the class, Ghanshyam introduced me to Peter and Kathy; I knew instantly that we were all going to be friends forever.
I registered for the Head line course right away and it was the best decision of my life. I went home that evening feeling light and happy because I knew palmistry was the solution I’d been searching for—that it would be the answer to my unhappiness and the path I would follow on my quest for joy.
The rest is history, and my forty-year quest has brought me more joy than I can describe. And the funny thing is that my biography is called The Happy Palmist, and my second book, which I wrote with Ghanshyam, is called Palmistry for Happiness! As Ghanshyam would say, “How about that!” Ha, ha, ha!
Peter Celebrates 45 Years at the Center
If anyone had told me back in 1980 that I would be celebrating my 45th anniversary at the Center, I would have shaken my head in disbelief. In fact, I am the only one in the history of those who chose this journey (which has been more like a Harrison Ford adventure) with Ghanshyam at the helm. Whereas others were asked if they would stay with him for life; Ghanshyam, during my first consultation, asked if I could commit to stay on for just seven months. I guess he knew we both had our work cut out for us.
But here I am, 45 years later, as a result of my sister Kathy’s encouragement (see Kathy’s testimonial) and thanks to Ghanshyam, who has been a mentor, friend, and spiritual coach, I have been guided through the years—evidenced by the slow but steady evolutionary progress chronicled in each of my successive handprints taken throughout the years. Thanks to Ghanshyam, my life was given direction when I was feeling lost and without purpose.
However, starting at the Center was challenging, especially as I was experiencing my first astrological ‘Saturn return’, a time of serious introspection and life changes. It was a period of necessary renewal. I parted with my home, a decade-long relationship, my dog, my car—an entire previous lifestyle—just to illustrate that ‘Saturn doesn’t mess around’ and that something else was waiting in the wings: a spiritual renaissance.
Nonetheless, being at the Center with Ghanshyam has proven time and again, despite the occasional challenge, to be the greatest blessing. In reflecting on my journey, I cannot thank Ghanshyam enough for saving me from countless future lives of futile searching—thanks to the persistent, loving care he always showered upon me—even when it wasn’t always apparent to me, as I was a hard nut to crack.
When thinking about my decades with Ghanshyam, the board game “Snakes and Ladders” comes to mind. It’s as if Ghanshyam energetically dissolved the descending “karma-creating snakes” while simultaneously replacing them with ascending, life-affirming “you can do it” ladders. He was and is that guiding light and, once again, I cannot thank him enough for the tireless, demanding work he undertook with the sole purpose of ensuring my happiness, spiritual development, and satisfaction with life—qualities I continue to experience because of his past efforts.
And believe me, if I have succeeded in life—though there is still much work to do, and as Ghanshyam would say, “Make lemonade out of lemons,”—we can all do it. Though he is no longer with us in the physical realm, he has left us with his love and wisdom embedded in our palmistry challenges, books and courses we offer at our college. These are gems for personal growth handed down from a master palmist and astrologer. As I grow older, I often remind myself that “time is of the essence.” So, enough about me—it’s time for all of us to get moving! God bless!
Kathy’s Reflections on Her 50 Years
Wow, fifty years! And it went by so fast. For my first reading with Ghanshyam on December 14, 1974, three things struck me very deeply. The first thing Ghanshyam told me is this: “You are very sad, but no one would know it as you keep a smiling face.” That shocked me for it was my closely guarded secret, no one knew. How could Ghanshyam know this? Know that I was feeling so lost.
The second thing Ghanshyam said that struck me was that if I could stay in one place for three years, I would achieve a great deal. Again, how could he have known that, by Grade 4, I had been in four different schools; by High School, it was seven. Then, when searching for what I should do with my life, I enrolled and dropped out of almost every school in Montreal: Loyola, Sir George, Dawson, Selby campus, Viger campus, McGill and, finally, Notre Dame Secretarial school. Little did I know that I was about to begin my education under the tutelage of a master of Vedic sciences. And, after sticking in one place working with Ghanshyam for three years, Anne-Marie, my little sister, was so impressed she made me a diploma.
The third memorable thing Ghanshyam told me while looking into my palm was that I would be very good at handwriting analysis. How could he know I had just signed up for a mail order course on handwriting analysis? Stunned, I remember saying: “Well, I think I will put that course aside for now and would like to learn whatever you are doing!
Before I met Ghanshyam, I felt no reason to exist on this planet. I loved to dance but I felt, no, that’s not it for this time around. For my 19th birthday, I received two books, one on Palmistry and one on Astrology. I kept them close to me on my night table and thought, “Well if there is one thing to live for, it would be to study these subjects. But where will I find a school that teaches these things?
I was so fortunate that my mother encouraged me to learn steno. When I took my first course, the Mount of Jupiter, with Ghanshyam, he asked the class if anyone could type. I proudly put up my hand, and the rest is history. Fifty years later and we are still transcribing, editing, teaching and publishing every word Ghanshyam had to say about Palmistry—ten books so far and many more to come. Ghanshyam used to say Palmistry originated with Samudrik Shastra, the ocean of knowledge, which I am sure Ghanshyam used to tap into as he was so prolific; I would watch, amazed, as he would just tap into some place and pour out the dictation.
What an immense privilege to have worked side by side with Ghanshyam for all these years. And what a joy to carry his memory in my heart.
Guylaine Reflecting on Kathy and 50 Years of Birla Center’s History
1975-1985: The College Begins
Kathy takes the notes of all Ghanshyam’s courses and lectures, types them up and prepares them for the students. When she talks about those early days she often says: “Thank God I learned steno and was able to write fast.” She has a trunk with more than 50 notebooks filled with years of Ghanshyam’s notes, lectures, articles, thoughts and ideas she is still transcribing to give to all of you! During the Center’s first decade Kathy helped Ghanshyam build the foundation of the course program while teaching classes herself and doing consultations.

Graduation at the Westmount Office
1985-1995: More Students Graduate
The Center expands! More floors are added to the Westmount office to accommodate a growing staff along with more lectures, courses and graduation ceremonies. Kathy is everywhere! She never fails in serving to realize Ghanshyam’s dream of bringing Vedic palmistry into every home.
1995-2005: Palmistry and the Media

Shooting of Discovery Magazine
Kathy brings palmistry to the media, hosting a television series that involved the entire Birla Center staff. To keep up with a growing demand for courses and readings, she recruits and trains more teachers and consultants. The Center continues to expand, opening a new Wellness Center in the country. Kathy begins writing palmistry books, which makes Ghanshyam very happy!
2005-2015: Palmistry on the Road–Promoting Ghanshyam’s Books

Palmistry on the Road
Taking palmistry on the road! Ghanshyam, Kathy and Peter begin a tour to promote three of the Center’s books published by Inner Traditions: Love in the Palm of Your Hand, Destiny in the Palm of Your Hand and Magnet Therapy. With Kathy’s dedication to writing and editing, the Center also publishes Ghanshyam’s first major textbook, Introduction to Hast Jyotish—a labour of love for Ghanshyam. The Birla “book gang“ was on the road for six years promoting the books, living out of their Subaru as they travelled to bookstores across Canada and the United States; all the while continuing to prepare courses, do consultations, teach classes and develop a new online college. Looking back over that busy decade, Kathy says: “Every day was full of surprises. You are never bored with Ghanshyam! I loved every moment of it.”
2015-2025: The Mission Continues–More Books to Publish
Of this recently past decade Kathy says, “These ten years were the fastest. Where did they go?” Her million-dollar smile is full of wonderful memories. Now we all live in the country. Kathy is still taking notes, bringing every precious word of Ghanshyam to life. She continues to publish books, prepare courses and, most importantly, to remain the best friend of Ghanshyam until his very last breath. Kathy loved Ghanshyam deeply and has shared that love with all of us. Fifty years of dedication is an example to follow. She is truly happy in her mission. Ghanshyam used to say: “Kathleen has been chosen by Panchanguli Ma to bring Vedic Palmistry to us all. We have the Luck of the Irish upon us!”
Thank you, Kathy!