Founder’s Welcome

Welcome to the Birla College of Vedic Palmistry! You are about to embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery that will profoundly enrich your life.

Decades of experience have taught me that palmistry can be used to examine the innermost corners of the human psyche. Consultations with tens of thousands of clients have confirmed that all of our hopes and dreams, phobias and fears, desires and disease, attitudes and addictions are registered in the lines of our hands. More importantly, I have discovered that the root causes for any of these disruptions and distresses—imbalances in our personal energy—can also be found in our palms.

For me, this discovery reinforced palmistry’s potential as a precision tool to bring about change and healing as well as a potent preventive measure to avoid mental, emotional and physical illness. And because the lines of our hands change as our actions and attitudes change, palmistry acts as an extraordinary barometer of personal growth—a tried and true route to creating or restoring balance in our lives. READ MORE …

About The College

The Birla Vedic College is an internationally acclaimed academy for the study of Vedic sciences and home to some of the world’s leading teachers of Vedic palmistry. It is the first and only College of Astro-Palmistry in North America. The College is fully recognized by both the Quebec provincial government and the Federal Government of Canada.

Students from around the world have been traveling to the Birla College for graduate studies since the College began offering its renowned 18-course Vedic Palmistry Certification Program in 1975. The certification program (available in both French and English) provides an excellent foundation for those pursuing a career in Vedic palmistry. Classes are equally suitable for those simply interested in expanding their horizons and incorporating the many benefits of palmistry into their daily lives. A guiding principal of the Birla College is for the student to become a better person through palmistry while studying to help others do the same.

Courses are available to groups and individuals in both the classroom and online. Many graduates have gone on to launch successful careers as professional palmists.

Residents of Canada are eligible for tax rebates for courses taken.

Why should you study Palmistry & Astrology at Birla Vedic College?

Vedic Palmistry Certification Program

This 18-course Palmistry Program is an excellent foundation for those pursuing a career as a Vedic palmist. It is also suitable for anyone simply wanting to expand their horizons and incorporate the many benefits of palmistry into their lives.

The program provides students with the diagnostic tools necessary to gauge the level of harmony expressed through the features of the hands. This information helps identify imbalances and determine the remedial measures needed to restore or create balance.

Each course is approached from the perspective of balance. By learning how to develop our strengths and avoid potential hazards, we can live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

The program includes: