This one-of-a kind live weekly one-hour webinar on Zoom with Ghanshyam includes:
- An astro chart analysis for the week, showing what’s up with the planets and how their energies are currently influencing our world and our lives.
- A “Theme of the Week” that explores inspiring, real-life cases.
- A Q&A session with Ghanshyam dedicated to answering your personal questions and concerns about your lines, your planets and your life. Sending us your questions, exact time/place of birth and a high-resolution photo of your left and right palm in advance of the webinar will ensure we can answer as many of your questions as possible.
- Unlimited access to the recorded, hour-long webinars after their live broadcast.
The Webinar Series includes:
- Weekly PDF lessons based on the book Thinking Your Way to Happiness: The 90-Day Head Line Challenge (200 pages).
- The PDF lessons include: Yogic breathing and meditation techniques, journaling exercises and uplifting affirmations.
- Weekly videos with Guylaine Vallée to educate and inspire your transformational journey.
- Two sets of inked acetates to take your own ‘Before and After’ handprints to see the positive changes occurring in your hands.
Wednesdays, September 9th to November 25th at 1:30pm
Master Your Thoughts Webinar Series is $399
There's still time! Click here to register now!
For details, call us toll-free at 866-428-3799.