Happy Birthday Aquarians!
From February 11th to March 13th
This is a very special time for all Aquarians,
which includes anyone born approximately between February 11th to March 13th.
Don’t forget, we are doing Vedic astrology so you might be surprised to find your sign is actually the one before it. Knowing your Vedic Sun sign can really change your perspective and potentially make a world of difference in your life.
Click here to see our Vedic Conversion chart.
During this time, not only does it mean that the Sun has made its once-annual “Solar return” to the astrological position it was in at the moment of your birth, it also means you are celebrating a birthday and are about to embark on a brand-new year in your life! It is an excellent time to let the most positive aspects of your birth sign shine through.
Aquarius is the natural sign of the eleventh house of the astrological chart; it relates to social groups, prosperity and the fulfillment of dreams. Aquarian energy exemplifies the Gospel verse: Ask and you shall receive. It is associated with reaping benefits of all kinds – be they physical, material, emotional, spiritual, or all of the above depending on how we perceive what a gain means to us.
The symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer, who sustains and uplifts humanity through the nourishment of ennobling ideas. And while these ideas may seem revolutionary or groundbreaking, their inspiration can frequently be traced back to the wisdom and knowledge of the metaphysical disciplines of antiquity, such as astrology and palmistry, which are themselves ruled by Aquarius.
The keyword phrase of Aquarius is I help. So, it is not surprising that Aquarian energy is often most positively expressed through groups and associations organized around a humanitarian principle or philosophy.
Aquarians are often viewed by others as being unorthodox or unconventional. However, the truth is that Aquarians tend to be inspired free thinkers who are simply ahead of their time. This is why so many Aquarians become trendsetters in both the arts and the world of fashion, as well as influencers in the realm of social media.
In short, Aquarians do not follow the norm, choosing instead to lead their lives according to their own concepts and ideas, which are usually thought-provoking and oftentimes visionary

Steve Jobs
American businessman, inventor, and co-founder of tech giant Apple.

Ron Howard
American director, producer, screenwriter and actor

Justin Bieber
Canadian award-winning singer-songwriter
Mario Andretti, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Alexander Graham Bell, Justin Bieber, Juliette Binoche, Michael Bloomberg, Emily Blunt, James Blunt, Jon Bon Jovi, Johnny Cash, Nicolaus Copernicus, Kurt Cobain, Cindy Crawford, Charles Darwin, Marie-Michèle Desrosiers, Jean Drapeau, Peter Gabriel, Galileo Galilei, Mikhail Gorbachev, Josh Groban, George Harrison, Ron Howard, Victor Hugo, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Ted Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Catherine O’Hara, Elliot Page, Auguste Renoir, Alan Rickman, Rihanna, The Weeknd, Tony Robbins, Ed Sheeran, Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, John Travolta and Yoko Ono.
Discover how the Sun in Aquarius is influencing your life and relationships. Let us help you make the most of the year ahead by charting your planets and examining your solar return this year. As a little birthday gift to all Aquarians, we are offering a 15% discount on the regular cost of a consultation between February 11th and March 13rd
Special Birthday Gift*:
60 minutes 90 minutes
- Consultation with Denise or Colette: $136 (Reg. $160) $204 (Reg. $240)
- Consultation with Guylaine: $184 (Reg. $216) $275 (Reg.
Book a consultation – available by phone, on Skype or via Zoom.
To reserve or if you have any questions,
call 819-428-4298, toll free 866-428-3799, or click here.
We are here to help.
* Taxes not included